Tuesday, November 24, 2015

FOX News Affiliate Searches for Sasquatch in Colorado

KSNT FOX21’s Abbie Burke Looks for Bigfoot
"Probably two or three in the morning we heard loud tree knocks and whooping or calling, from some sort of creature or more than one." --Kevin Lynn; Colorado Sasquatch Searcher

The Sasquatch Outpost has become more than a store with bigfoot mechandise, it has become a bgfoot museum, complete with a map for local Coloradians to pin their own bigfoot encounters. 

Two local TV news rporters decided to go "squatchin'" with Jim and Daphne Myers who co-own the store.

Below is the video with a snip-it from the companion article from KSNT FOX21 News.

FOX21’s Abbie Burke and Ray Harless went out with the Myers in search of Bigfoot, but were unsuccessful.
However, just months before, Kevin Lynn said he had an encounter nearby.

Lynn and a friend went searching for Sasquatch in late July along the Colorado Trail in the Lost Creek Wilderness Area.

“It started to get dark and we decided we needed to find a flat place to set up camp and also get a fire going,” said Lynn.

“We did some calls and some tree knocks at night and after about 11 p.m. we kind of settled in and called it a night. Probably two or three in the morning we heard loud tree knocks and whooping or calling, from some sort of creature or more than one. We heard it from behind our tent as well as out in front of our tent. The only thing we figured is that they were calling between each other and they knew we were there. We actually got to the point where we couldn’t go back to sleep because it happened for several hours.”

No one has officially been able to prove Bigfoot’s existence, but those who believe say a mind can be changed in an instant.

“It only takes one sighting and you’re an instant believer,” said Daphne.

Visit the official site for the Sasquatch Outpost!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 15th: The Most Controversial HopsSquatch Yet

Artist Interpretation of Bigfoot Portal with Bigfoot and Dr.J in Front

John [Carlson] and Adam [Davies] accidentally triggered and opened up a portal. Out of the portal came about 3 foot tall, two of them, guardians of the portal." --Dr. Matthew Johnson; TeamSquatchinUSA.com

Don't miss the most controversial HopsSquatch yet! Dr. Matthew Johnson has two successful habituation areas, and he claims one of them has opening and closing portals. He is also on record suggesting that Sasquatch have cloaking abilities. 

DATE: Sunday, November 15th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Dr. Matthew Johnson


His history goas back to the year 2000 and Guy Edwards from Bigfoot Lunch Club categorizes his history ion three phases. 

PHASE 1: The Encounter | July 2000Dr. Matthew Johnson's Bigfoot history begins at Oregon Caves National Park in Southern Oregon on July 1st 2000. You can read his a detailed BFRO report of his encounter. Here's the very short version. After exiting a cave, Dr. Johnson was with his family when he was alerted by a foul smell and loud vocalizations. After walking away from his family to take care of "business" he scanned downhill towards them and saw a Bigfoot. If you have ever heard Dr. Johnson recall this story in person, he gets very emotional at this point. This is the point where he expresses his concern for his family's safety.
The encounter was huge bigfoot news for the mainstream media and went viral, probably because of the embedded irony that Dr. Matthew Johnson was a psychologist telling a story that sounds nuts to the general public. He went on to do several national media interviews and kept to this non-paranormal version.

PHASE 2: 2011 Cloaking Revealed | June 2011Fast-forward to 11 years later when Dr. Johnson had a conversation with only four people present. The conversation would be a milestone in the retelling of the Oregon Cave encounter.
Dr. Johnson was a guest speaker at Toby Johnson's (no relation) Sasquatch Symposium. Paranormal researcher Thom Powell was also in attendance as another guest speaker. A conversation between the two of them would reveal a huge detail missing from Dr. Johnson's retelling of his Oregon Cave encounter. The missing detail? The Bigfoot in Matthew Johnson's encounter had the ability to cloak.

PHASE 3: The Portal | June 2014After years of keeping his Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) to himself, Dr. Matthew Johnson began to invite hand-picked researchers to his bigfoot habituation site. In June of 2014, Adam Davies and John Carlson were among the exclusive researchers allowed to camp at SOHA and what they encountered still defies explanation, although Dr. Matthew Johnson tried at his conference. At the conference Dr. Johnson talked about visible portals to other dimensions and half-sized bigfoots with glowing eyes.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thom Powell and the "Edges of Science" at HopsSquatch

the Last time you saw Thom Powell was on TV


“I understand that I’m working on the fringe, if not outside the boundaries, of science.” --Thom Powell; Author

The above quote is from a recent Portland Tribune article titled "Exploring the Edges of Science". 

Thom Powell has been on several TV shows regarding Bigfoot and the unexplained. Most recently you saw him yakking it up with Joe Rogan as Joe Rogan questions everything.

For over a decade Thom Powell has been ahead of the curve. You can read our entire coverage of Thom Powell at Bigfoot Lunch Club dating back to 2011. he has made many predictions that were once though to be scoff-worthy, but the eventually the community caught up to him. His next book is no exception. Edges of Science debuted as a #1 New release, and covers fringe bigfoot topics we will be sure to be talking about in years to come. Get a previe of our Future at the next hopSquatch.

Don't miss a chance to hear the latest from our most dynamic speaker of the year!


Thom continues to be in high demand as a speaker for Bigfoot conferences, lately he has added the UFO-types to his audience. Thom is the perfect ambassador for these two world and world we may not be familiar with. Come to the NW Lucky Lab on October 18th and brings a new paradigm to Bigfoot.
DATE: Sunday, October 18th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Author Thom Powell
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