Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bigfoot Considered a Distraction and an Advantage to Defendants in Iowa Courts

Iowa Prosecutor Says, "No!" to Bigfoot

“Jurors could be incredulous. They could find it unusual enough that it outweighs other evidence in their mind.” --Rob Sand, Iowa Prosecutor

In 1979 a man was accused of murder and his legal defense team used a change of diet, from healthy foods to unhealthy foods (like Twinkies), in order to shore up the argument that the defendant was severely depressed while committing murders. Although Twinkies were never mentioned in the case a reporter coined the term "Twinkie Defense" and it has been a mocking label for improbable legal defenses ever since.

Now in the case of Eddie Tipton we may have a new term for improbable defenses. The bigfoot defense.

Mr. Tipton has been convicted of fraud in a lottery scandal in Iowa. Although his lawyer has not announced bigfoot as his defense strategy, it seems Iowa prosecutor Rob Sand wants to take a preemptive strike.

The New York Post reported on the prosecutors legal request:
Sand wrote in his motion that Iowa’s lengthy investigation has found that Bigfoot hunting is a hobby that Tommy Tipton – who recently resigned as a justice of the peace in Flatonia, Texas – shares with two unidentified friends who “were involved in purchasing or claiming jackpot-winning tickets.” He said their relationships can be established without mentioning that quirky pastime, and that hauling Bigfoot into the proceeding would have “no probative value on the ultimate question.”
In the same article the prosecutor explains how mentioning bigfoot in the case could be an advantage to the case:
“The prejudicial effect could potentially be as strong as Sasquatch itself,” Sand wrote. “Jurors could be incredulous. They could find it unusual enough that it outweighs other evidence in their mind.”
Finally Eddie Tipton's defense lawyer believes that the barring of Bigfoot is more publicity stunt, than legal concern, calling the motion, "'kind of comical' and a publicity stunt."

The details of Mr. Tipton has already been convicted of fraud, rigging a $16.5M lottery win, and at one time was associated with the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization. The organization founder Bobby Hamilton has stated that he has not seen Mr. Tipton in over 15 years,

Read more details at The New York Post article "Disgraced lotto official outed as a Bigfoot hunter by prosecutors"

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

If ETs Didn't Mess with Human DNA You Would be a Sasquatch

Sculpture by Patricia Piccinini
"If the extra terrestrial civilization had not genetically altered that branch of [hominids] you would all be sasquatch today." --Bashar, a multi-dimensional being channeled through Darryl Anka

There are a few key polarizing debates in the bigfoot community; kill vs. no kill, dumb animal vs. intelligent people, bigfoots vs. bigfeet. In the spirit of keeping things complicated let's add another debate: Did aliens mess with sasquatch DNA or our DNA?

For the record, I'm just reporting. I am fascinated that this debate exists. I have a clear bias that I prefer bigfoot to be a naturally evolved species. I'm open to being wrong, that's why I read and post this stuff.

According to Dr. Melba Ketchum, who worked for 5 years doing bigfoot DNA research, claimed that sasquatch is a human hybrid with "angel DNA". For some ancient alien theorist "angels" and "aliens" are interchangeable. Some concluded that this was what Dr. Keltchum was suggesting.

Well according to Bashar a multi-dimensional extraterrestrial being from the future. It's the other way around. Humans are the genetically altered species and sasquatch are the un-tampered pure-evolved extension of humanity.

Read the exchange below and watch the video that accompanies it.

Questioner: What does Bashar have to say about the truth behind the evolution of mankind?
Bashar: What do you mean the truth behind it? Do you mean the idae of genetic manipulation? is that what you are refering too?

Questioner: Um...(audience laughter)
Bashar: Alright, the idea of what you call human kind. Long ago, in your terms of counting, there was a naturally evolved hominid species, on your earth, that an extra terrestrial group actually genetically altered, to some degree, and thus then created the modernly formed now knowned to be Homo sapien--but they didn't do it with every branch of that naturally evolved hominid species.

The hominid species, the branch of which they did not genetically alter continued to evolve sid-by-side with Homo sapien and today you know them as sasquatch.

If the extra terrestrial civilization had NOT genetically alltered that branch of that naturally evolved group you would all be sasquatch today.

Does that answer your question?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Missing for 75 Years, First Nation Sasquatch Mask Returns Home

A Sasq'ets mask, commonly know as sasquatch (photo: Cliff Barackman)

"Much of the [premier] episode was filmed on the historic Sts' Ailes First Nations Reserve in British Columbia. While there, I was allowed access to the traditional sasquatch mask that had been "lost" for 75 years..." --Cliff Barackman

Around May of 2014 the Canadian Press syndicated a story about a mask that was lost for 75 years. In the article it described a James Leon's 16-year journey to recover the Sasq'ets mask. The way he finally re-discovered the lost artifact was serendipitous.
Leon was at a repatriation event for another First Nations artifact held by the Vancouver Museum when he asked the lady sitting beside him if she knew of the ape-like mask partially covered in bear fur.

"Her eyes lit up and she said 'We were just looking at that mask the other day.' And they were gracious enough to go get it for me," he said with a chuckle.

The mask disappeared in 1939 from Sts'ailes First Nation, near Harrison Hot Springs in B.C.'s Fraser Valley.

Community elders told Leon that the mask had been taken by J.W. Burns, a teacher at the Chehalis Indian Day School, and a man obsessed with the sasquatch legend.

Burns, who is often credited for bringing the word "sasquatch" into common use, donated the mask to the Vancouver Museum.
Cliff Barackman posted on his Facebook page that the Season 9 premier episode of Finding Bigfoot will take him to the Sts' Ailes First Nations Reserve in British Columbia.

Photo from 1938 Sasquatch Days Festival

Although the First Nation people refer to the mask as sasquatch, some skeptics think we should be more cautious how we reference these artifacts. Sharon Hill of Doubtful News writes, "The article makes a connection to Sasquatch as described by indigenous people but I’m not clear how solid that connection is. How do we know that the mask represents the same entity that we now refer to as “sasquatch” or Bigfoot? Or are we jumping to conclusions?"

She ends the article with a warning, "It’s a potential hazard to jump to conclusions and call this a representation of Sasquatch."

It is not clear if the warning is for the readers or the aboriginals who actually refer to the mask as a representation of sasquatch. In fact, in the article itself, a representative of the Sts' Ailes people makes a direct reference to sasquatch.
"We do burning for the sasquatch. It's our belief that his primary role is to ensure that the land is being taken care of. Because everyone of us, as Sts'ailes people, we carry an ancestral name, a rich name from the land."
The video below is a video uploaded by Tom Yamerone. Known for his Bigfoot Songs.

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