Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day includes Bigfoot

Arrrr Matey's! It aint beneath ourselves to take advantage of International Talk Like A Pirate Day! It be a real holiday! See fer y'self here. What do pirates and Bigfoot be havin' in common?

You'll be findin' the answer at Slow Wave. Slow Wave is a collective dream diary authored by different people from around the world, edited and drawn as a comic strip by Jesse Reklaw. A new strip is uploaded every week. Below is an dream from 2007.

Slow Wave
Wikipedia talk Like a Pirate Day Entry
official talk Like a Pirate Day Site


  1. Joaquin Today, Now

    I wonder if any pirates every ran across any Bigfoot in the old days. Stories of vikings and conquistadors seeing hair man tribes have been told. Now thats a movie plot, Black Beard Vs. Sasquatch. You heard it here first.

  2. Joaquin Today, Now

    Oh ya, Rrrr you Salty Seabiscut. Pirates vs. Bigfoot be a grand idea. Some scalleywag should make that movie or walk the plank.


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