Saturday, November 24, 2012

Who is Melba Ketchum's Spokesperson? And who said what about Angel DNA?

Melba Ketchum's Spokeperson has been feeding Bigfoot Blueberry  Bagels for years
Robert Lindsay, no stranger to provocation, but also well-sourced, expands on Melba Ketchum's spokesperson. In case you haven't heard Melba Ketchum has written a press release about Bigfoot DNA, due to some info that spilled a day before. He also claims the first draft of the Bigfoot DNA study manuscript by Dr. Melba Ketchum contained a references to "angel DNA"

Melba Ketchum's Spokesperson Feeds About Ten Bigfoots on Her Property
Robert Lindsay points out that, "Ketchum’s apparent spokesman seems to be Robin Lynne, a longtime Bigfoot habituator who lives in rural Michigan. She claims that there are up to 10 Bigfoots living around her property and every day, she feeds them a variety of foods including Blueberry muffins, which they are particularly fond of. A lot of people have ridiculed her story, but according to information I have, there may indeed be Bigfoots on the property assuming some of the things she is relating are actually occurring."

This has definitely been documented. On October 13th of 2011, Robin Lynne is quoted in Discovery News
"They get fish every day, a bucket of fruit, a bucket of dry dog food," said Robin Lynn Pfeifer, a 47-year-old resident of Newaygo County, north of Grand Rapids. "Their favorite thing is blueberry bagels.
Later that same year in October 25th, 2011, Robin Lynne is quoted in the Wall Street Journal. rural Michigan, where Robin Lynne, 48, says she has been feeding a family of Bigfoots outside her home for two years.

Hosted by the regional government, Ms. Lynne flew to Siberia for the conference this month, where a tour bus with police escort drove participants to a hunting lodge in the piney outback. There, Ms. Lynne described how the Bigfoots bang on her door, bring her sticks as presents and drink water from a bucket in the yard when the weather is warm. "They love the bucket," she told the group.
Original Ketchum Paper Mentioned “angel DNA.” 
Robert Lindsay continues to mention how one of his sources told him that the original research manuscript referenced "angel DNA'

Original Ketchum paper mentioned “angel DNA.” A source tells me that Wally Hersom has discussed the initial version of Ketchum’s paper. According to Hersom, the paper is very well written, but its conclusions are hard to take.

Ketchum writes that there are aspects of the Bigfoot nuclear subhuman DNA that she cannot find in any DNA database, and according to her, this means that the DNA is not of this Earth. In the paper, she reportedly refers to this as “angel DNA.” Whether she is trying to say that it is from angels literally or whether this is her way of saying that it’s from outer space, I do not know.

Hersom was reportedly disappointed in the paper and averred that while this may be true, no scientific journal on Earth is going to publish anything about “angel DNA.” I would certainly agree with that statement. Sure, maybe there is “angel DNA” in the Bigfoots. For all I know, this may be true. But on the other hand, of course no journal will touch this with a 10-foot pole.

I do not know whether or not she has rewritten her paper to take out the reference to “angel DNA” but I would certainly hope so.
You can read Robert Lindsay's entire post  titled, "Bigfoot News Thanksgiving Edition, 2012"


  1. This is exactly what the Bible says happened and will happen. The nephilim were on the earth before AND after the flood, they are descended from fallen Angels and human women from the middle east and produced offspring that were giants. So somehow this DNA survives in these Sasquatch. There are an unusually large number of Bigfoot in Michigan because logging created thick swamps full of deer and nutritious growth, bordered by bountiful farms.

    1. IMO Their are much mote BF's out there than people realize. I live in the North east and have a family of BF that co exist along with my family on our 122 acres farm. I do not speak publicly of this (As many others like myself). They are a people Period! I find it very sad that people are hell bent on name calling of others who in "FACT" have knowledge of these people, and I assure you their are many. I am a well educated person with No hidden Agenda. I rarely give my opinion however I have seen the negative posts of many who say "Show me the evidence" or call others delusionsl, psycho's, insane ect. They are here and have been here for a very longtime! This is reality! It shows me that their are many who refuse to believe that we have giant people that live in the wild. Are you afraid? We tend to fear the unknown, soon it will be known worldwide that what was thaught to be myth is in fact real! I sm afraid that history will repeat itself and their will be those who for whatever reasons will try to hunt these people down and try to kill them. You would be sadly mistaken to believe that they would not retaliate. Believe it or not but they do know your intentions and will kill you to defend themselves just as you would kill to defend your family! Have an open mind, this world is full of wonder and things yet to be known. Think before you type your negative comments of others. And if you have nothing good to say than I suggest you sit on your hands until the temptation passes. Oh,and have a Good Day.

    2. Well, seeing that you are a "well educated person" show the proof. If you co exist on your property then you should have no problem getting multiple clear photos. This would make everyone believers and we could get them the protection they deserve. Otherwise you just come off as a nut job. "show me the evidence" is not a negative comment, it just means it will prove once and for all that they are here. I believe they do after seeing the P&G film but feel we need more evidence. Enjoy life, respect nature and you will be one with the earth.

    3. Make that a 20-foot pole. Also, well-educated people use spell check.

    4. Anonymous 6:02 AM

      Although you do not come off as a complete nutjob, you do come off as a person who has no personal experience with the phenomenon, and thus, naive. Why? Because you appear to still be clinging onto the false belief that the Bigfoot are 24/7 flesh & blood, just like Finding Bigfoot/AP wants you to believe. They are not. People don't often state that critical little detail because they fear the name calling like you so easily dished out. Currently, you are misinformed and inexperienced. Seek the answers to questions that you have not even thought to ask, by spending a lot of time at night in the forest, with a good Gen 3 or Gen 4 night vision monocle so that you can verify invisibility. Invisible means, now this is a real shocker, you can't get a picture. No picture means no proof to shut people like you up.

    5. To November 24, 2012 9:20 pm-could you please post specifically the Bible Scripture (name of book & verses) you are referring to. I am interested in reading the Scripture for myself. Thank you!

    6. Dear Anonymous, I do not see that anyone has replied to your request for a Biblical reference to the Nephilim, so let me take a stab at it. The first main reference is in Genesis 6: 1-4. Nephilim, “heroes of old, men of renown” (NIV) were the offspring of “the sons of God” (and the) “daughters of men.” Some commentators interpret “sons of God” to mean angels, while others say it is simply a reference to “godly men” (human beings). The widely and historically understood nature of angels (non-flesh, heavenly beings -- not earthly) would not be compatible with natural conception (the impregnation of Mary by the Holy Spirit notwithstanding). The Greek and Roman gods might disagree! Cross-references to Ps. 29:1 & Job 1:6 do not necessarily clarify the matter. It is certainly curious, indeed, that the “sons of God (and) “daughters of men”, as well as their offspring, the Nephilim, “were on the earth in those days (pre-flood) and also afterward…” Whoever the parents of the Nephilim were, the latter were of great size & strength. (Note: the English translation of the Hebrew word, “Nephilim”, is “fallen ones”, which does tempt one to think of the fallen angels – except that the angel connection is to the sire, not the offspring). Numbers 13: 31-33 certainly gives evidence of the great size and strength of the Nephilim in the report of the reconnaissance of Canaan by Joshua, et. al. (see also v. 28). Having closely followed/studied Sasquatch/Bigfoot information and analysis for over 45 years, and having been a clergyman for over 40 years, I have always been curious about the Nephilim angle (my slight dyslexia first made me spell it “angel”). However, as most Biblical theologians will not or cannot definitively say what the parentage really means for the Nephilim, or say who the latter really were other than being big and strong, I have always considered it a real stretch (although a fascinating one) to think of the sasquatch as the Biblical race cited in the books of Genesis & Numbers. As an aside, I’m also curious about the “champion named Goliath” (from Gath),”over nine feet tall”, a warrior serving the Philistines, who ended up with a dimple in his forehead, courtesy of David. I hope this helps, or is at least of interest.

    7. Very much so! Thank you very much for responding. Your knowledge of Scripture is very admirable to say the least! I have never heard the reference before & was interested in reading.

    8. I think Gene is right on with his stab at the subject.

      Also, don't jump on the blueberry bagel bandwagon too quickly. I live a short distance from this property and there are several natural reason why 10 of these creatures probably don't habituate there.

    9. To the replier of Nov25/12 5:17. Congrads for your post; you have a believer here. I have no disbelief regarding the rath of the little pink monkeys(humans)on this subject. I fully understand the reality of these grand creatures and the lack of respect to those that have or had real experiances with these grand creatures. It does not mean there is anything wrong with keeping silent of your knowledge as I truly believe they show themselves to those that are worthy. One thing I find is people are unable to take the word of the many that have witnessed and rely on science reviews. It appears past info means nothing ; except, it is used to defuse the reality that these grand creatures are here even if the corrupt scientist controllers are too close minded and by the way it is not a religious mythology. They are a created being just like the big ego little pink monkeys. Believe it or not.

  2. A legitimate scientist cannot make a conclusion based on their belief in a religious mythology. Did an "angel" fly down and give a DNA sample to use as the reference standard? What legitimate basis would someone who wants to be taken seriously in academia have to support such an interpretation of their findings. Trying to prove the existence of what most believe to be the creation of folklore by inserting the insupportable claim that they are the product of yet another mythocal being will do nothing to further the efforts of the legitimate researchers in this field.

    1. Nadia, You don't spend much time in the woods after dark, do you? Try it and you will find noises and experience by the wheel barrow load, that you have not been previously informed about by your educators, by your government, by your scientists, by your local policeman or by your mother.

    2. Nadia, im sorry to say this sweetheart BUT you are annoying as hell!! such a negative person to be that beautiful.. not just BLC but on shawn's website as well!

  3. Do you not feel the need to hose off your blog after linking to Robert Lindsay?

  4. I think (hope) the Angel DNA remark shouldn't be taken literally. In the much the same way we shouldn't take the phrase "God Particle" literally. At this point, we should probably hold off tearing the paper apart until we actually see the paper. Right now this is nothing more than a statement about the paper.

    1. Prepare for disappointment.

    2. Exactly, great point. Everyone is hung up because of the word "angel" because for them it implies a religious of spiritual connection instead of the "unknown" or mystery designation which it really is standing in for. It is just a term that The team was using for naming their samples. It is a name, nothing more, that people are fixating on.

  5. Angel DNA = Paranormal DNA = DNA previously not documented since it is 4th dimensional, which apparently resists leaving behind DNA evidence in man's dimension, and not necessarily from another world.

    Well Duhh! Tell me something that I don't know.

    Also, since the mother of the child normally raises the child, the human mother would normally have to raise the supposed Bigfoot hybrid child in human society, and be separated from the supposed Bigfoot society. And this would need to happen with a wide variety of participants, otherwise birth defects become likely when the next generation replicates. Which is not exactly a likely scenario for the origination of a new and separate species, since the don't start out as separate.

    1. Sounds like Clan of the Cave Bear, many of whose fictions have become nonfictions as archaeology catches up (for example, when published, the idea that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens coexisted and interbred was considered preposterous; now it is widely accepted).

  6. This whole thing is a circus that will just leave all you Bigfooters looking even more ignorant and gullible.

    1. The circus is run by people like you who want the bigfooters to shut up. So the unwise will stay ignorant, gullible and kept in slavery body, mind and soul. Your the circus not the bigfooters.


  7. It does not do Ketchum's scientific credibility any favors having a self confessed habituator with no proof as her spokesperson but then again she seems not to realise talking about angel dna will have the same effect.
    It is starting to look as if whoever chose her to undertake this study may be regretting that decision at this stage.
    Having read some of the modus operendi used it reads as if most if not all the gene sequencing was subcontracted out and those labs do not seem to be in the loop regarding the big picture so why could not the Erickson project just do this thing without her.

  8. "there may indeed be Bigfoots on the property assuming some of the things she is relating are actually occurring."

    err..thats some form of tautology..its real if what she is saying is real..
    If you think robert lindsay has good sources then you probably think that Ketchum has a hope in hell of producing a published paper.
    She doesnt..and Lindsay isnt..a train wreck of madness that the sceptics could not even make up..and "promoted" by the "community" usual.

  9. How did I stumble into the crazy part of the internets again?? You people have forgotten to take your medication, I think.

  10. Consider this:

    If you,I or anybody, finally "lucks out" and captures a clear video of a bigfoot as soon as it is published, it will automatically be deemed a hoax! Period! Only a dead smelly body that "everyone" can see and touch and smell, then, only then, will Bigfoots be proven to exist. But I also believe, that even with a dead smelly bigfoot body on display, Matt Moneymake and Tom Biscardi will say it is not real! Because, "they" didn't discover it!

  11. I still say you gotta see one to believe; to which, I have. Regarding the angel dna it should be fallen angel dna, ya know the snake in the grass that 4th dimensional being. Could be way off base here; but, the skull is similiar to that so called reptilian man. That could explain the dna differance and also why many so called experts stay away from this subject. Most experts are great at covering up the truth. Peace to those grand creatures and may they not be judged by the acts of their father.


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