Monday, December 7, 2015

Dr. Jeff Meldrum Explains How Sasquatch Necks Seem to Dissapear

 pronounced trapezius with relatively high attachment on the skull (photo: Dr. Jeff Meldrum)
"Naturally, the sasquatch has a neck consisting of seven cervical vertebrae just like any other primate." --Dr. Jeff Meldrum; ISU Professor of Anatomy & Anthropology

There are so many questions that may never be answered. What does a fox say? Where do laps go when we stand up? Why are bigfoots described without necks? We got a great suggestion for the third question.

In a previous post (See: A Life Size 3D Sasquatch Skeleton Shines Light on Sasquatch Posture) we talked about how the no-neck description of a sasquatch is almost an optical illusion. We were able to reach out to Dr. Jeff Meldrum to get further details on how the neck gets obscured.

Dr. Meldrum sent us this response.
Many eyewitnesses describe the sasquatch as having no neck, with the head apparently sitting squarely on the shoulders. Naturally, the sasquatch has a neck consisting of seven cervical vertebrae just like any other primate. What became obvious, as seen in the attached perspective, the combination of the attachment of the vertebral column beneath a small braincase with a flat face and massive deep jaws, appears to obscure the neck, especially when combined with the pronounced trapezius with relatively high attachment on the skull, while flaring to span very broad shoulders. This in comparison to the large brain case combined with small jaws and trapezius development associated with the human skeleton. 
Posture comparison of human and hypothetical facsimile of sasquatch skeleton (photo: Dr. Jeff Meldrum)
Read the previous article about how they made the 3D sasquatch skeleton -- or to be proper, how they made (deep breath) a hypothetical facsimile of what a sasquatch skeleton might look like


  1. This is a great idea, Guy, to create a skeleton to help us make sense how a creature of this stature might become ambulatory. I especially like your (deep breath) hypothetical facsimile inclusion, as annoying as it may be, Dr. Meldrum skips over that part nowadays just to speed the discourse.

    One day, I maintain, we will find real bones in caves somewhere edge of the Pacific Northwest coast.

  2. I see why the Professor thinks that the reports contain so many no neck witness observations. His explanation for the optical illusion may be correct and we'll know when we have a specimen.

  3. There are two problems here and they are mutually inclusive. Understanding the bigfoot phenomena and the UFO phenomena are either side of the same coin. Solve one and you've solved the other. There can be no doubt of the existence of both: seen separately and together yet elusive, chimeras that defy rationality, but there they are, destined to remain, if I may borrow a phrase, 'one step beyond.'


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