Showing posts with label Charles Hoy Fort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Hoy Fort. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who Forted? Produces Bigfoot Documentary

This is a documentary 6 years in the making. Produced by Who Forted? Previously known as Ghost Hunters Incorporated.

Who Forted?, created in the fall of 2008, began as a weekly blog about the misadventures of a few jaded paranormal enthusiasts, and before long, it had morphed turned into an online destination for anyone with even a passing interest in all things weird.

The word "Forted' is a humorous reference to Charles Hoy Fort (August 6, 1874 – May 3, 1932). Fort was an American writer and researcher into anomalous phenomena. Today, the terms Fortean and Forteana are used to characterize various such phenomena.

Following the embedded video below is an excerpt from the Who Forted? post announcing the documentary.

Five years since a small portion of the footage appeared online, we’re more than excited to announce that the feature length documentary film, The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching, is nearing completion.

The film, shot in the summer of 2006 during two Sasquatch hunting expeditions in the rural hills of down-state New York, follows the often hilarious, sometimes nerve racking, and always fascinating search of two prominent Bigfoot hunters from the New England region.

Tim Holmes, ex-merchant marine and founder of the Southern Tier Bigfoot Watch, together with Becky Sawyer, a no-nonsense employee of Searching for Bigfoot Incorporated, take to the forests of the tri-state area in a search for the elusive monster, followed by the cameras of a group of young adventurers, many of whom are now the amateur journalists of Who Forted? Magazine.

During the expeditions, the evidence captured on film surprised not only the crew, but two seasoned Sasquatch investigators. Though the film undoubtedly focuses on the North American Man-Ape, the big hairy guy takes a back seat to the bigger personalities of Tim and Becky, who are obsessed with the search for Bigfoot, albeit in very different ways. It’s a film that begs the question, “what matters more, the journey or the destination?”

The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching, the first feature length documentary from the people behind Who Forted? Magazine, was directed by Greg Newkirk and is being produced by Toronto’s Fight or Flight Productions in association with Ghost Hunters, Incorporated.

What peaked our interest is the fact that they seem to be literally hunting for Bigfoot, with guns and bullets. The other point of interest is the addition of Becky Sawyer, a no-nonsense employee of Searching for Bigfoot Incorporated. Searching for Bigfoot, of course, belongs to Tom Biscardi. Tom Biscardi's involvement, no matter how remote does not bode well for any Bigfoot endeavor.

Biscardi is a considered a hoaxer. That's the worst kind of label you can put on a bigfoot researcher. Don't worry, we are not calling Biscardi a hoaxer, we can say with certitude that at the VERY LEAST he has been hoaxed more times than any other researcher, which says he doesn't do his homework.

Biscardi's Wikipedia page says as much. here is the first paragraph:

Tom Biscardi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carmine Thomas Biscardi (born 1948) is a cryptozoology enthusiast, Las Vegas promoter, internet radio host, and film producer. He describes himself as the "Real Bigfoot Hunter". Biscardi has been centrally involved in several hoaxes regarding Bigfoot that have garnered widespread international media attention.

The Wikipedia page goes on to identify two hoaxes The Coast to Coast Am (Jul 1985) and The Georgian frozen Bigfoot hoax (Aug 2008).

Despite the guns and the proximity to Biscardi's name, we are looking forward to seeing this documentary. Especially since it seems to revolve around the philosophies of the two Bigfoot hunters.

Who Forted? is an excellent online zine with great writing and interesting articles. Their college-level humor is refreshing take on all things abnormal. We wish them luck on the distribution and selling of their documentary.

As you can see, we have a soft spot
and appreciation for Charles Fort.
Click on picture to enlarge

Official announcement of The Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching from Who Forted?
You can read one of the first reviews of the film at
Read our previous coverage of Tom Biscardi

Sunday, May 11, 2008

BfRLC Trading Cards Return

We have been getting tons of email asking about the BfRLC Trading Cards. Well, after deeper research, the artist Guy Edwards and I realized we really need to make sure we get card number one right. The trading cards needed to reflect Bigfoot research in a more respectful and honorable way. Although Roger Patterson is probably most well known, we felt that he alone was not reflective of the community or spirit of Bigfoot research. In fact no one alone would be the perfect candidate, but Guy and I felt we picked the best.

Ladies and gentlemen! I present the newest BfRLC Trading Card... Charles Hoy Fort. This man inspired the people who inspired the people of Bigfoot research. Now strictly speaking Charles Hoyt was no Bigfoot Researcher, in fact his contribution is less scientific and more philosophic. He was a collector of unexplained documented phenomena , keeping notes and clippings by the thousands in hundreds and hundreds of Shoe boxes. In his collection he probably had enough fodder to expand X-files like they did with Law and Order and CSI. (X-files:Northwest Starring Epic Gilgamesh does have a ring to it. Chris Carter you out there?!)

Anyway before I get to far off the point. Our first card honors Charles Fort, you may recognize his last name as a prefix for unexplained phenomena: Fortean, as in The Fortean Times. Mr Fort, BfRLC Salute you for your trailblazing ideas, fueled by your curiosity and courage to validate the exploration of those things Science can not yet explain.
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