Showing posts with label The Lost Coast Tapes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lost Coast Tapes. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bigfoot: Lost Coast Tapes Director Talks Bionic Man, Wildboy and In Search of

Three Bigfoot; The Lost Coast Tapes, The Bionic Man's Nemesis, and Wildboy's companion
The Lost Coast Tapes is one of four Bigfoot "found footage" films released this year. The other three titles are ExistBigfoot County, and the internationally award-winning film The Woodsman.

In an interview published October 13th , 2012, MovieWeb talks to Bigfoot: Lost Coast Tapes director, Corey Grant. Our favorite part of the interview is where Grant talks about Bigfoot in popular culture referencing Leonard Nimoy's In Search of, The Bionic Man's Bigfoot, and Sid & Marty Krofft's Bigfoot and Wildboy. Below is an excerpt of grant reminiscing about these various Bigfoot, including his own approach to his movie's Bigfoot.
So you probably grew up with In Search Of, in an era when Bigfoot was fairly new, and pretty scary to kids of our generation.

Corey Grant: I am such a fan of In Search of..., and I loved Bigfoot on The Six Million Dollar Man! (Laughs)

He was kind of a weird dude, that ol' Bigfoot on the Six Million Dollar Man...

Corey Grant: (Laughs) My friends and I have probably watched that clip on Youtube a million times. We are reminiscing and laughing, because we didn't know how funny this thing was at the time.

Did you have the Bigfoot doll? He was like a weird looking stoner from Jersey with a 70s 'stache and a very hairy chest. He had the creepiest eyes...

Corey Grant: (Laughs) Actually, I did have that doll. I also had Steve Austin and the truck...}

And they would drive around and have adventures together behind the couch. I know what you're about. I see where this movie is coming from!

Corey Grant: (Laughs) Yeah!

What about Bigfoot and Wild Boy? That had to be around the same time as The Six Million Dollar Man, but not as many people remember Bigfoot and his pet human Wild Boy...

Corey Grant: No, I haven't really seen too many Bigfoot movies, to be honest with you. I remember seeing something when I was about six or seven. I don't know what it was. But it freaked me out about Bigfoot. I haven't really seen anything since then. I did see Harry and the Hendersons, but that was completely different.

You should look up Bigfoot and Wild Boy. It's from the Kroffts, the guys that did HR Pufnstuf and Sigmund the Seamonster. It was about this kid that was left in the woods as a baby. Bigfoot raised him, and they became this superhero team.

Corey Grant: Are you serious?

Yeah, it was craziness!

Corey Grant: I want to see that!

There have been so many different bigfoots over the years. What went into crafting the look of your particular Bigfoot?

Corey Grant: We had a guy who created a design for us early on. But we had to go with the Jaws approach, where its more affective the less you see of the body. You see glimpses. But you don't really see the details. Where I think a lot of people go wrong, unless you are really intent on spending a lot of time and effort in getting this right...Every movie has a different look for Bigfoot, and when they just put it out there, I think it loses the audience.

Read the entire interview at 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sequel Confirmed for Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes

Sequel Already confirmed

Website ShockTillYouDrop.Com recently sat down with Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes Director Corey Grant. We pulled out the best quotes. Click the following link for our previous coverage of Bigfoot : The Lost Coast Tapes

Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes picks up after a "Bigfoot Hunter" claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch.  A disgraced investigative journalist stakes his comeback - and the lives of his documentary film crew - on proving the find to be a hoax.

Shock Till You Drop:  Let's talk Bigfoot.  Growing up, where did you fascination with this creature begin?

Corey Grant:  Six Million Dollar Man.  [laughs]  Very serious.  That was the first time I ever knew about Bigfoot.

Shock:  Nice!  Okay, so where did The Lost Coast Tapes come from for you...beyond your passion for the Six Million Dollar Man?

Grant:  Well, I'm a big fan of Bigfoot.  Anything supernatural, I would watch and research.  Then, two friends Bryan O'Cain and Brian Kelsey, who wrote the script, Kelsey grew up where a lot of Bigfoot sightings occurred.  His family owns this cabin deep in the woods and he said, as a little kid, he would remember Bigfoot footprints he would take pictures of.  So, he came up with a treatment for the script.  And we thought about doing a good story that stayed true to the actual story and that it would be a no-brainer.  It just snowballed into getting the movie made.

Shock:  Did you determine early on that it would be a found footage film?

Grant:  I'm more of a traditional filmmaker and the only found footage films I had seen were The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield.  I wasn't so much a fan of found footage until last year.  We went back and forth with the script on this - going between traditional narrative and found footage, but we wound up making it a part of the script.  We then did traditional and found footage, but wound up cutting out all of the traditional stuff because it just didn't work.  With the found footage, it had to be very well choreographed.  It looks random, but the shots we had were very well crafted to get the compositions that I wanted.

And finally the answer we were hoping for.

Shock:  Are you considering a sequel?
Grant:  It was set up that way, but it's definitely going to happen.  The thing is whether we do something traditional or more found footage.  The thing is, I didn't know there were that many found footage films coming out now and that there was a stigma coming with it.  Now I have to fight around it and that's a bummer.  It's going to happen, we're just not sure what style it will be yet.
You can read the entire interview at Shock Interview: Director Corey Grant of Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Click the following link for our previous coverage of Bigfoot : The Lost Coast Tapes
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes premiered to limited venues this weekend find you local showing at Fandango.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes Exclusive Clip

Filming the "Bigfoot" from Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes has a few behind-the-scenes photos and an exclusive clip from the found footage movie Bigfoot : The Lost Coast Tapes. Below we have the exclusive scene provided by Bloody Disgusting.  The scene is quite the teaser. Click the following link to read our previous coverage of Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes.

Track ‘Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes’ With This Exclusive Clip

Posted by MrDisgusting on October 03, 2012 @ 11:59am | 0 Comments

XLrator Media will release Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes in theaters on October 19, 2012 in Los Angeles, October 26, 2012 in San Diego and November 2, 2012 in San Francisco and Seattle. The film is directed by Corey Grant and stars Drew Rausch, Rich McDonald (HBO’s “Generation Kill”), Ashley Wood, Noah Weisberg and Frank Ashmore.

“After a “Bigfoot Hunter” claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch, a disgraced investigative journalist stakes his comeback — and the lives of his documentary film crew — on proving the find to be a hoax.”

We’ve landed the film’s official trailer, alongside an exclusive clip that goes on the hunt for the legendary creature.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Win a Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes Movie Poster

Win This Poster!
The Lost Coast Tapes is one of four Bigfoot "found footage" films released this year. The other three titles are ExistBigfoot County, and the internationally award-winning film The Woodsman.

As we get closer to the screenings in four different cities this October, Dread Central is giving a way a one-sheet a/k/a movie poster.
In honor of the limited theatrical release of Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes, we're giving away one badass one-sheet! In fact it's one of our absolute favorite bits of artwork of the year! Read on for details.

XLrator Media will release BIGFOOT: THE LOST COAST TAPES in theaters on October 19, 2012, in Los Angeles; October 26, 2012, in San Diego; and November 2, 2012, in San Francisco and Seattle. The film is directed by Corey Grant and stars Drew Rausch, Rich McDonald (HBO’s Generation Kill), Ashley Wood, Noah Weisberg, and Frank Ashmore.
Send you email to with the subject line "Lost Coast Tapes Poster" and include your FULL NAME name and MAILING address.

In case you need a refresher on the movie watch the trailers below.

(via Dread Central)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WATCH: Trailers for New Bigfoot Movie; The Lost Coast Tapes

Are you ready for the next Bigfoot movie? the Lost Coast Tapes is a Bigfoot Horror film. 

Synopsis: After a "Bigfoot Hunter" claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch, a disgraced investigative journalist stakes his comeback -- and the lives of his documentary film crew -- on proving the find to be a hoax.

Below are two trailers from this upcoming movie. 

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