Showing posts with label michael merchant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label michael merchant. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty Viewership Increases

More people watched the 2nd episode of 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty 
Ratings are looking good for the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. Overall they increased it's viewership by 13% or 86,000 viewers (from 643k to 729k). They also jumped from 37th place in prime-time to 35th. Normally viewership drops off after the premiere episode. We wont know if this is a trend until we get a third data point (one more week of results), but an increase is an increase.

More importantly, as we have mentioned before, it is the 18-49 year old demographic that advertisers and networks care about. Which brings more good news for the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. In the 18-49 demographic they increased viewership by 5% or 15,000 viewers.

We arrived our numbers looking at last week's prime time ratings and the previous week's prime time ratings listed on

You'll notice the last time we talked about the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty ratings, we also used the numbers from the top 100 shows all day. This hasn't changed, Full House still beat them in the same time slot. Who the heck is watching Full House at 10pm?  The fact that 1.4 million Nielsen families are watching Full House says more about America than the quality of Bigfoot Bounty.

We will continue to live-tweet during the TV show and champion our 5 Favorites on Bigfoot Bounty. By the way, they tweet too! Here are our five favorites (in alphabetical order) and their respective twitter handles. Click on any of the twitter handles to go to each persons twitter page. 

Stacy Brown Jr. (@BigfootStacy)
Michael Merchant (@MerchantBigfoot )
Rictor Riolo (@Rictor_Riolo )
Dax Rushlow (@daxmaul )
Ro Sahebi (@rocknrolljihad )

And if you want to connect with the judges. Who also tweet during the show.
Dean Cain (@RealDeanCain) he also has a Twitter account for his FB fan page (@AllDeanCain)
Natalia Reagan (@natalia13reagan)
Dr. Todd Disotell (@ToddDisotell)

Of course you can catch Bigfoot Lunch Club's Twitter feed @BigfootLC . See you on Twitter this Friday while you're watching the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty 10/9pm central. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Extinct Podcast 024 with Guy Edwards

Two reasons why we shouldn't bother debating if Bigfoot is more human than ape
Your's truly, Guy Edwards, was fortunate enough to be invited to the 24th episode of the Extinct Podcast. Among the group were Ro Sahebi, Michael Merchant, Shawn Evidence and Damian Bravo almost made it. I opened up with the above visual, because I was concerned the ape vs human debate was more of a distraction than a healthy conversation with a conclusion.

When you get bigfooters talking about other bigfooters in private, you often hear the qualifier (or disqualifier) , "he's in the dumb ape camp" or the opposing, "he thinks Bigfoot are almost human." 

In our opinion the reason that people pick sides is a basic misunderstanding how smart apes are. You can go to our previous post, "hard-wired traits in all primates," to see just how intelligent primates are. They are quite capable of sophistacated communication, counting, self-awareness and empathy. 

The other is the misunderstanding is how closely related apes and humans are. Many articles have made it clear. So if we agree 1) Humans are Apes and 2) Apes are not dumb. We can stop talking past each other and disqualify the rest of each other's research.

I was able to talk about a few other things at 24th episode of the Extinct Podcast embedded below or click to watch it on the website

Friday, April 27, 2012

Melba Ketchum Has a History of Failing to Deliver DNA Results

Dr. Melba Ketchum's DNA Diagnostics Better Business rating is an "F"
Disappointed by the delay in the Bigfoot DNA results? Get in line. A Post by Michael Merchant, of the Team Tazer Bigfoot Fanpage, linked to the Better Business Bureau® rating for Dr. Melba Ketchum's business DNA Diagnostics, Inc. Unfortunately on a scale from A-F, Melba's company gets an F. Why? Failure to deliver DNA Results. In these cases it is horse, cat and dog DNA results.

Under the additional complaint information header on the BBB page was this paragraph.
DNA Diagnostics has developed a pattern of complaints and has failed to correct the underlying reasons for complaints. Consumers claim have paid for services that have not been delivered or have not been delivered within a reasonable time. Further, they have not received a refund when services were not provided.
To be fair, we do not know the percentage of unhappy DNA Diagnostics consumers, we do know there have been 19 complaints submitted to the BBB and 18 are due to "delivery issues". 7 of the complaints were resolved with the aid of BBB, 8 did not get resolved, 3 have not even been responded to by DNA Diagnostics and 1 was determined as a good faith effort to resolve. Click the following link to read the entire details of every BBB DNA Diagnostic Complaint.

Here is a brief of each of the 19 complaints

  1. 04/19/2011 - Extremely poor custstomer service and communication. [Resolved]
  2. 09/01/2010 - Missing Feline DNA results. Pre-Paid. No results   [Resolved]
  3. 08/23/2010 -  I ordered 5 tests from Catgenes (Dna Diagnostics) and none of them were ever completed.   [Resolved]
  4. 08/04/2010 - Service not done. I purchased testing and sent in samples, which were received, and never got results.  [Resolved]
  5. 07/23/2010 -  I ordered DNA tests to be completed in the beginning of March, and have not recieved my results or had any phone calls/emails returned.  [Resolved]
  6. 04/14/2010 - I paid for a service (feline DNA testing) and never received the results.  [Resolved]
  7. 03/12/2010 - Provided a sample to be worked, they have not worked it and will not provide a refund or assistance.  [Resolved]
  8. 12/16/2010 - I submitted hair for a DNA test with Shelterwood Lab. almost a month ago and they have cashed my check but they have not returned calls or emails.  [UNResolved]
  9. 09/03/2010 - I ordered $320 worth of DNA tests in Dec., 2009. Results were promised in 3 weeks. In March, 2010: received incorrect results.  [UNResolved]
  10. 08/20/2010 - I sent samples to be analyzed & included full payment. Have received no results and almost no response to my inquiries over the past 12 months.  [UNResolved]
  11. 08/02/2010 - I submitted a request for an equine paternal test at the end of March 2010. It is now July 1, 2010. I still have not recieved test restults. [UNResolved]
  12. 08/02/2010 - Paid for a service in Feb 2010, and have not received test results.  [UNResolved]
  13. 07/30/2010 - Sent DNA in on two horses last week of March. Still no report on these. Have called numorus times . No responce.  [UNResolved]
  14. 05/17/2010 - I paid for services they did not give me.  [UNResolved]
  15. 05/13/2010 - For 2 1/2 months have been told at least 10 times I would recieve results of DNA test in 1 -3 days.I ask for a refund today and they say no refunds.  [UNResolved]
  16. 11/01/2010 - Sent samples with full payment in April 2010. I have recieved no results to date and have tried repeatedly to contact them for a refund. [Biz did not Respond]
  17. 06/25/2010 - Sent dog DNA in for testing 1/23/10 no results...  [Biz did not Respond]
  18. 07/20/2010 - Delivery Issues  [Biz did not Respond]
  19. 03/31/2010 - They have not provided me the diagnostic service as promised from June of 2009. [BBB Determined Biz made good faith effort]

We are not blind to the irony of the complaints. Most of them categorized as failing to deliver DNA results on time. Bigfooters have been waiting for Melba's DNA test results for a while too.

Again to be fair, some of the complications arose when Cat Fanciers Association.(CFA) stopped using DNA Diagnostics and continued to test with another DNA testing contractor. Why CFA decided to go with a different lab is unknown to us.

To put this in some further context. According to the BBB there are 19 other businesses in the BBB category of  "Laboratories - Medical" serving the Tyler & Longview TX area. None of them has had complaints within the last 36 months.

Another independent source also expressed frustration with Dr. Melba Ketchum. A company called International Genetics has this on their page.
April thru July 2008     Melba Ketchum became very tardy in extracting PinPoint’s DNA samples. This was the first period of delays that caused severe customer service problems. We then came to an agreement with Texas A&M to handle this process as well as the PID testing.
April 2009     The 2nd lawsuit was filed and this was the final straw between Dr. Ketchum and InGen. Due to Dr. Ketchum’s failure to properly research certain tests that are allegedly protected by patent, InGen was drawn into another lawsuit which eventually led to the early termination of the contract between InGen and Texas A&M. InGen severed its relationship with Dr. Ketchum which was the best thing that has come from that suit.
We attempted to reach out to Dr. Melba Ketchum for a response regarding the BBB rating and have not yet heard back from Dr. Ketchum. If she responds we will update this post.

We truly hope for the best, there is a good portion of people who sent samples to Ketchum that have good standing in the community. We would love to have all of our concerns proven to be baseless.

A final thought: when the press release comes out before the evidence, that press release might as well be a red flag.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

#1 in iTunes! Extinct? Podcast by

Congrats to for their #1 ranking
on iTunes category New and Noteworthy 
Congratulations to Ro Sahebi for putting together a terrific podcast! He and the rest of the Team Tazer Bigfoot crew (Damian Bravo, Michael Merchant, and Sean Evidence) have done a spectacular job every Saturday 6pm PST/9pm EST.

In order to show our Support we decided to help you catch up on past episodes on a single page.

Episode 01

Episode 02

Episode 04

Episode 05

Episode 6 airs tonight at 6pm PST Check it out at

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Frozen Bigfoot Hoaxer to be Interviewed on "Extinct?" Podcast

What a way to celebrate April Fools Day, then to interview the biggest hoaxer of the millenia. True we are only 12 years into this millenia, but so far Rick Dyer wins.

Rick Dyer with Tom Biscardi during a 2008 Press conference.

You may Remember rick Dyer from the 2008 Frozen bigfoot hoax that was all the craze. You can go back in time and follow our complete coverage, including CNN video at our Georgia Gorilla link.

Today our friends at The Bigfoot Report, the folks responsible for the EXTINCT? series, are interviewing him live at Tune in at 2:00pm PST/2:00 EST! Michael Merchant (a/k/a SnowWalker Prime) has already expressed his excitement on his YouTube Channel.

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