Monday, December 7, 2009

911 audio and full transcript of San Antonio Bigfoot call.

I recommend that you play the video and just scroll down to read the transcript. There is nothing visually significant in the clip. At the bottom of this post is a photo of the traffic light and water tower mentioned in the call.

911 Dispatch: 911 San Antonio Do you need Police Fire or EMF.

Caller: I'm not real sure mam, Um I just watched the biggest creat-critter, but it smelled real bad. I'm a homeless female I live right in the middle of the woods around 151 and Calebra. Just north where the light is? This thing was 75 ft away from me, smelled awful, devoured a deer carcass and then took off and like screamed, screached; and took off across the street. And I know you guys are going to think I'm crazy, but I'm dead serious,there was something very big. Bigger--a lot bigger than me (heh) -- out here. So we thought it was something you should know, really dont know what you can do about it.

911 Dispatch: Uhh, how long ago did this happen?

Caller: This im um. How long? Like immediately. Like I just, yeah. (Second voice in distance) I dont know if animal control? I mean its...

911 Dispatch: Ok, again, now tell now tell me where was it? This was is at 151 and Calebra?

Caller: Ok yeah like, you know the light right at 151 just up from calebra on 1604 like where 1604 splits and you can get off on the access road to calebra or tyou can take 151?

911 Dispatcher: Right.

Caller: That light right in there? Its, yes, right in there It is a very large scary animal of some kind!

911 Dispatcher: Now was it standing on two or four?

Caller: Well if I told you it was standing on two legs, your gonna think I'm crazy, but I'm serious it ran off breaking limbs in trees. And it kinda screached/howled. And a very creepy scary thing and like I said I live in a tent, um, here in the woods. So..Never...

911 Dispatcher: You live in a tent?

Caller: Yes mam I'm a homeless female, I live in a tent, in the woods and I just saw this creepy scary very large creature devour a deer and run off clera across the road so um...

911 Dispatcher: Okay is there any way we can have an officer contact you?

Caller: Uh yeah, I guess at this number. Um but I really perefer like animal control or somebody bigger than me. i appreciate it, I just thought somebody should know that there is a very large animal in the vicinity

911 Dispatcher: Now the deer was walking around and...?

Caller: No. The deer was dead and it got devoured, it was a carcass.

911 Dispatcher: Okay and did you see signs of um a dead deer? Blood or whatever?

Caller: Um actually Mam uh I'm not-I'm not going to check it out right at this moment. Is that ok?

911 Dispatcher: That's fine.

Caller: I'm waitin' for daylight, I got...I don't own anything but a machete and a hatchet. So, I'm kinda creeped out. I just thought, like I said, I just thought somebody should know theres a very large something big enough to eat a deer

911 Dispatcher: Are you with someone there?

Caller: Uh, yes mam.

911 Dispatcher: Did they see it too?

Caller: Yes mam.

911 Dispatcher: How about I have an officer contact you guys out there?

Caller: Um, I'm not going to leave my camp right at the moment, I mean if you want to come look at the light. (to her partner) She wants to send an officer

Caller's male partner: Like Hell!

Caller: heh huh, we're not leaving where we're at, is like what we're trying to say. I'm a little bit scared and its raining. And um, I just want somebody to maybe check it out in the morning when its not dark.

911 Dispatcher: What i can do right now is have the officer patrol the area. Which direction did it run?

Caller: It ran across um the light at 151, like towards the water tower on two feet. Like my husband said. Something very weird. I just wanted make a documentation to animal control.

911 Dispatcher: Have you ever seen or heard anything like this before?

Caller: No mam,I lived in the woods a while

Caller's Husband: I lived in the woods for 6 yrs. I'm gonna tell you right now, I lived in the woods for 6 yrs, i swear to god I aint never seen anything like this! the sonuvabitch was bigger than me!

Caller: And it had a very odd smell.

Caller's Husband: I'm 6'3", I'm 6'3". it was bigger than ME!

Caller: yeah so.

911 Dispatcher: Its bigger than 6'3"?

Caller: Yeah its bigger than 6 foot 3, its very large!

Caller's Husband: (muffled) He carried the carcass off!

Caller: Yeah.

911 Dispatcher: What did he say?

Caller: "He carried the carcass off!"

911 Dispatcher: Oh he carried it!

Caller: I mean it was like nothing. Like Just. Like, I want to believe it was like a large cat or a bear but I'm...

Caller's Husband: Bulls#!t, bulls#!t.

Caller: I'm thinkin', I'm not going to tell him what I think it is.

911 Dispatcher: What does he think it is?

Caller: (to her husband) What do you think it is?

Caller's Husband: What I think it was? I don't know. I would be a liar if I said I thought I knew what it was. But I know it picked up that deer and run--on two feet!

Caller: Yeah, its very large something. It smells bad and it's bigger than we are.

911 Dispatcher: So you saw it walk or runninin' or walk in which direction?

Caller: Uh, towards the light at 151 and 1604.

Caller's Husband: It went towards the water tower area.

Caller: Yeah, it went towards the water tower area and it screached/howled. (to husband) Yelled?

Caller's Husband: Yeah.

Caller: Yeah my husband's very large. Nothing has ever scared him. Ever. And um.

Caller's Husband: I saw it too!

Caller: I mean we both saw it, so.

911 Dispatcher: Did it have any type of clothing?

Caller: No No, It was fur.

911 Dispatcher: OK

Caller: As far as I can tell, I mean its a pretty light night out due to the overcast, we doused our fire. I have this like blanket thing hung up and we saw it over the top of that. And when it ran it cracked branches. yeah it was large, like the size of the grizzly bear! Imagine that! So...

Caller's Husband: (to caller) It had two feet momma!

Caller: I know.

911 Dispatcher: Okay and did you? What is your name?

Caller: Jennifer, Jennifer. yeah its raining now and we can't hear nuthin' outside. Its kinda scary.

911 Dispatcher: Okay alright we'll have an officer patrol that area and see what we can find.

Caller: I know, I mean you guys might find--or animal control might be able to find some tracks or something in the morning. Its hard to find tracks (innaudible, then to husband) She says she's going to send a patrol to the area. So.

Caller's Husband: Go to the light and sound your sirens.

Caller: Go to the light and sound your sirens, and we'll come oput of the woods and talk to you.

911 Dispatcher: you guys, you guys have you camp set up at 151 and Calebra?

Caller: Um not exactly, um yeah in the area. Just go to the light and sound the sirens and we would hear you (from) where we're at.

911 Dispatcher: At 151 and 1604. Right?

Caller: Yes. mam.

911 Dispatcher: Ok

Caller: Allright?

911 Dispatcher: Allright.

Caller: Thank you

911 Dispatcher: Your Welcome.

Street View

Arial View

Click on picture to see full-screen view. In this picture is the intersection traffic light and the water tower mentioned in the call.

San Antonio Bigfoot update: a week later

View SA SASQUATCH SIGHTING in a larger map

The above interactive map contains three of the major players regarding the SA Bigfoot Sightings (1) The Phone Call (2) The primate research center (3) the Body Shop. Click on any icon to get the latest news of each player. There is also an additional green pin. The pin is for a 2005 sighting near the area according to the BFRO database. it is the only class "A" sighting in the area.

This will be short and sweet. A week later and the San Antonio Bigfoot is dead--or at least the story is. Rick Tullos, the primary investigator at the scene in San Antonio from Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization (GCBRO) has not updated any news on the GCBRO site. In fact, the sites recent reports page does not even list the SA sightings at all.

What we can report is the local police have already decided it was most likely hunters.
“... what appeared to be a 6-foot-3 or larger creature covered with fur or hair, and had a very foul odor. It ran toward the water tower, past 1604, carrying a deer. I know there are a lot of hunting areas out that way... maybe it was a hunter.”

said San Antonio Police Department spokeswoman Romana Gutierrez

According to the Texas Fishing and Hunting Regulations it is legal for hunters to be out one-half hour before dawn and one-half hour after dusk.

You heard it here first.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Things I Learned From “Becoming Human,” part 3

This is my take on the last episode of Becoming Human, the PBS Nova series about human evolution and it says about Bigfoot. All three episodes are well worth watching. You can watch them and more here. This episode is called, “Last Human Standing.”

3) Being flexible omnivores made us human. Our closest cousins on the evolutionary tree are the Neanderthals. Besides slightly bigger brains and the occasional brow ridge, Neanderthals had another significant difference from us. They were nearly exclusively carnivores. The hunted and killed large herbivores like the wooly mammoth and other Ice Age mega-fauna, but unfortunately did not eat Brontosaurus Burgers. Curse you, Fred Flintstone! But as for wily Home Sapiens, we pretty much ate anything we could get our hands on. During one of the major African droughts, when most of Africa was uninhabitable, Homo Sapiens picked up and moved to the coasts of Africa and started eating shellfish for the first time. That was their survival method for dealing with the long-term drought. This is also the time when we started making specialized tools.

Over the millennia, we added fruits, vegetables, and grains to the diet in addition to animals, birds, and fish. However, when the climate changed enough and enough species went extinct, Neanderthals weren’t able to adapt and find something else to eat. They started out eating meat and finished up eating meat, and then they went extinct when there was nothing left to hunt. In a related note, Scientists can track the migration paths of early Homo Sapiens by the patterns of the animal extinctions we left in our trails. The evidence indicates that Homo Sapiens have always been hard on the environment and was a contributing cause to the Neanderthal’s extinction in Europe and Homo Erectus’s extinction in Asia. What is clear is that when we use up the resources in one place, we either switch our food sources or we move to a different place. And it is this adaptability that has made us so successful.

So what does all this have to do with Bigfoot? Well, Becoming Human has shown us the essential aspects for being human, for what separates us from the other apes. 1) Highly adaptive to terrain, climate, and food. 2) Carnivorous, while leaning toward Omnivorous. 3) Big brains. 4) Little or no body hair with full body sweating. Notice that bipedalism didn’t make the cut. It’s an important characteristic, but not essential to being human. There were lots of other bipedal apes around before us. It’s our brains that really separate us from other apes.

Today, while different kinds of unknown bipedal primates are reported around the world in different climates and geographies, the reports indicate these are different species that have adapted to specific environments, not one species that roams around the world and is able to live anywhere. This indicates a low level of adaptability for Bigfoot and his assorted cousins. Given the question of body hair and sweating, it could be assumed that Bigfoot isn’t as efficient in body cooling as we are, which leads to the matter of brain size. The body to brain size ratio for Bigfoot would not nearly be as great as it is for Homo Sapiens—a furry, hairy body wouldn’t support a bigger brain like ours. Most reports of Bigfoot’s diet indicates a mostly vegetarian diet with rare instances of opportunistic meat scavenging, similar to chimpanzees. This would also be an indicator for a smaller brain.

What this all adds up to is that, in all likelihood, Bigfoot is an ape, not a human variant. If we accept the theories given in Becoming Human, then one of the three major questions concerning Bigfoot from Loren Coleman—Is Bigfoot human or ape?—has been answered. At least according to our latest understandings of what it means to be human.

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