Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Voice of Russia: Tea party with the Yeti?

At the Russian news source, The Voice of Russia, Alexei Chernichenko reports a new enthusiasm for the Yeti. Capitalizing on Yeti Day November 11, locals continue to capitalize the enthusiasm for the the cryptid by offering to host a tea party and a custom-made furnished chill-out room. Read the rest below, including an endorsement from Igor Burtsev.

Tea party with the Yeti?
Alexei Chernichenk

KUZBASS, Feb 6, 2011 (The Voice of Russia) -- Enthusiasts in the Russian Siberian region of Kuzbass continue to search the region’s remote areas for the Yeti in a drive that was earlier endorsed by Kuzbass Governor Aman Tuleyev. He jokingly announced the payment of one million rubles to a person who he said will be able to bring the ape-like cryptid to the governor’s residence so that the three could have a tea together. The announcement came in the wake of the establishment of the Yeti Day in Kuzbass.

For their part, local business people were quick to capitalize on the Yeti boom by opening a fancy restaurant in the Gornaya Shoriya mountains, thought to be Yeti’s habitat. The restaurant includes the Abominable Snowman’s personal chill-out room, where the owners said he will “really enjoy himself.”

The Yeti boom kicked off in Kuzbass in 2010 after unverified information about the Yeti allegedly being spotted by local hunters in taiga near the Gornaya Shoriya Mountains. The news immediately hit the headlines, with readers especially amazed with the photograph of the Yeti’s alleged footprint.

Experts remained downbeat about the news, which was understandably hailed by PR agencies and tour operators. A number of monuments to the Yeti has been installed across Kuzbass since then, and Russia’s special presidential envoy to Siberia traveled to a cave where the Yeti was ostentatiously tracked down. No traces of the Yeti were discovered at the time.

Even so, many in Kuzbass still hope against hope that Aman Tuleyev will be lucky to finally see the Yeti coming to his place for a tea party. Echoing them is Igor Burtsev, a Moscow-based Yeti expert, who argues that that the information about Yeti is first of all music to businessmen’s ears.

"As I see it, Kuzbass business people are almost sure to benefit from this," Burtsev says, referring to the Yeti ballyhoo in the United States, where businessmen do not think twice before capitalizing on the matter. "Dozens of corresponding cafes, restaurants and museums annually open their doors there," Burtsev goes on to say, also citing a host of scientific conferences and open-air concerts to this effect. "Jokes aside, I do believe that the Yeti really exists, and keeping in touch with him remains my top priority," Burtsev says.

He piled praise on Aman Tuleyev’s announcement of a possible tea party with the Yeti, which Burtsev said is a right way to try to lure the cryptid into meeting human beings.

In the meantime, mass production of souvenir birch bark bugles has started in Kuzbass. Tour operators insist that these bugles’ sounds allegedly attract the Yeti….

The Voice of Russia

Siberia to celebrate Yeti Day November 11
Igor Burtsev to head another Bigfoot Expedition in Siberia
Pinky Finger Reveals New Hominid

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bigfoot Search Is On In Wilkes County

Wilkes County, NC -- There is a plan to find Bigfoot in Wilkes County.

Rick Lunsford of Cricket, North Carolina said he first set eyes on the creature 32 years ago.

"I seen it's eyes first. Then I seen it's oval shaped head. Then I seen the hair hanging off of him about 4 or 5 inches. I seen his left arm bowed out beside of him. I could see every finger and thumb," said Lunsford. "I never did see it no more and I never did go back looking for it."

Lunsford decided now was the time to continue the search. He is organizing a hunt in the same woods that he claims he first saw Bigfoot. He hopes others will help him find his proof.

"I really don't want to kill it because it had a chance to take me out but it didn't. it didn't bother me."

Lunsford's hunt is planned for March 5th. The hunters are meeting in the Miller's Creek Food Lion Parking lot at noon on Highway 16. Lunsford said they will caravan to the search site from there.

There are two videos attached to this story.

Wilkes County Man Searching For Bigfoot - Rick Lunsford is on the search for Bigfoot 32 years after he claims he first saw him.

Why Are They Searching For Bigfoot - 6pWhat is up with the fascination of hunting for Bigfoot

Friday, February 4, 2011

Anna Nekaris: Searching for the Yeti

Dr Anna Nekaris has left quite an impression since her participation on History Chanel's Bigfoot : The Definitive Guide. Fans have asked us to get some more info on Ms. Nekaris and, as always, we oblige.

Who is Dr Anna Nekaris? She describes herself as:
...a member of the IUCN Primates Specialist Group, Conservation Working Party of the Primate Society of Great Britain, and on the editorial board of Endangered Species Research and Folia Primatologica. I have been studying the behaviour, ecology, conservation and taxonomy of Asian mammals since 1994, although my research has also taken me to Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Costa Rica, and Trinidad. My primary interests lie with Asia’s slow and slender lorises.

Fans, you were correct to inquire about Anna Nekaris, she has in fact, an awesome presentation on the yeti (watch video below), hosted on The

Pulse Project offers a wide range of freely accessible audio and video Science lectures for both general and specialized audiences, and delivered by eminent academics. It hopes to reflect and inform debates amongst academics, students, and the wider public alike, and to thereby engage with the formative scientific questions of our time.

On December 9th 2008, she presented Searching for the Yeti: Could the Abominable Snowman really be out there? Could the Yeti really exist, or is it just a popular legend? Anthropologist and primate expert, Dr Anna Nekaris, will be explaining how you find unknown animals, looking at examples of new species of primate still being discovered today, and exploring the likelihood of the Yeti's existence. She will also bring us up-to-date with recent research into unidentified hairs reportedly taken from a Yeti-like creature in India.

Dr Anna Nekaris's Bio at the Pulse-Project
Dr Anna Nekaris's Bio at

Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide
TV Skeptic: 'Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide'
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