Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finding Bigfoot Needs Your Help in Rhode Island

Tomorrow night (September 19th at 6:30 pm) There will be a town hall-style meeting with the cast an crew of Finding Bigfoot. The meeting will be located at the East Greenwhich Town Hall. 125 Main Street East Greenwich, RI 02818

On the BFRO website they make the request:

People outside Rhode Island can assist us over the next 24 hours with emails and phone calls to radio stations in Rhode Island (see instructions below). Messages should be sent to the DJ's asking them to mention a bigfoot meeting in East Greenwhich on Monday night. (Click for radio station contact info.)

The BFRO is holding a free open town hall meeting for people to share their Rhode Island bigfoot information (sometimes called "Big Rhody"). We'd really like to speak with eye-witnesses who have not contacted us before. Anyone with reliable second-hand information is welcome also.

After spending a few days and nights in RI, we're guessing that there are many more witnesses in RI than we previously knew about. It's a surprisingly squatchy place. Virtually all of the human attention is directed at the spectacular bays and inlets. Consequently the vast inland swamps and forests are relieved from a lot of human reactional traffic.

You can see the map and directions below.

View Larger Map

Rhode Island, historically was not considered one of the squatchiest spots. Recently BFRO claims credible report from the area. Mostly in the the NW and the SW portions in the state. As there have been correlations made between high precipitation and sasquatch sightings, the precipitation map of Rhode Island below shows the SW area as promising.

BFRO is also requesting everybody to contact your local media in Rhode Island.

Here is a list of radio stations in Rhode Island, including links to the web pages for those stations (click here). Please go to those web sites and look for the "Contact Us" pages within those sites to find phone numbers and email addresses.

The primary radio people to alert are the jocks for the two major radio stations with drive-time morning shows: 94 HJY (email: and the folks at 92 Pro FM (see contact list).

If the radio hosts would like to speak with someone about the meeting, they can contact us at the following phone number: 949-278-6403.

Go to the BFRO Rhode Island News page for more details.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finding Bigfoot Producer Considers Sylvanic/Todd Standing Claims "Credible"

This is a surprise to us. Executive producer Keith Hoffman specifically addresses Todd Standing's Sylvanic Bigfoot photos and says, "Many claims sent in are rejected but not those of Sylvanic."

He continues to say, “We haven’t ruled out their claims..."

We have to take this with a grain of salt, because a TV network's producer is not going to reveal the entire conclusion of an episode in a newspaper article. After all the man is a genius as the overseer of Animal Planet's "Surprisingly Human" Brand, which brought us Finding Bigfoot.

Mr. Hoffman, if you would like to email us ( and expand your thoughts of the Sylvanic Bigfoot, we extend the invitation.

Read the full article below:

Banff-area Bigfoot reports ‘credible’: Animal Planet show
Published: September 15, 2011 5:54 a.m.
Last modified: September 15, 2011 8:58 a.m.

Reports of hairy encounters with Bigfoot-like creatures in the Banff area are on the rise.

Earlier this month, crews from Discovery’s Animal Planet show, Finding Bigfoot, visited the mountainous region after seeing photos and video from the Sylvanic group claiming a colony of unidentified primates lives near the border between Banff and Kootenay National Park.

The show features a group of four seasoned members from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. Executive producer Keith Hoffman said many claims sent in are rejected but not those of Sylvanic, a group seeking definitive proof of the Bigfoot species.

“We haven’t ruled out their claims, if we didn’t think they were credible we wouldn’t have gone,” Hoffman said. “What we found was that numerous other people have had encounters ... they were called together in a town hall meeting.”

Sylvanic head Todd Standing said he expected the researchers would find people with sightings similar to his, noting he has come within about 65 metres of the creatures.

“Some of the sightings are four years old ... to go through them all would be a lifetime’s work,” he said.

Hoffman could not give a definitive answer on whether Bigfoots actually live near Banff, but encouraged people to follow along with the show and submit their own encounter claims.
Finding Bigfoot premieres Oct. 15.

SRC: Metro Calgary

Saturday, September 3, 2011

5 Things about Jeff Meldrum

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has a short profile of Dr. Jeff Meldrum.

(Photo: Rachel Anne Seymour)

5 Things About Me: Anthropologist Jeff Meldrum
August 9, 2011

AAAS Member Jeff Meldrum has been facinated by the possible existance of Sasquatch since he was a child.
Jeff Meldrum, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University
Pocatello, Idaho

Background: As a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University at Pocatello, I teach human anatomy in the health professions programs, as well as biological evolution and primate studies. As a researcher my interests encompass a number of topics ranging from science and religion, New World paleoprimatology, vertebrate evolutionary morphology generally, bipedalism and the emergence of modern human walking and running more specifically.

Question 1. Why did you become a researcher/engineer/scientist?
Answer: I have always been fascinated by life on planet Earth -- from my first insect collection, to the recovery and naming of extinct primate species from fossil remains. The lure of exploring new frontiers, uncovering novelties -- past and present -- drew me to the sciences.

Question 2. Share a story from your past that led to your choosing your field of work?
Answer: As a youngster, I attended a showing in the Spokane Coliseum of a documentary showcasing the Patterson-Gimlin film, which depicts a Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) filmed in northern California. My fascination with primates and early humans, and with all mysteries on the fringe of acknowledgement, seemed to converge in that film clip. The prospects of a living primate species more closely related to humanity than any other, sharing our adaptation for walking upright, spurred me on to further exploration.

Question 3. What are you most proud of in your work?
Answer: I have a sense of accomplishment that my attention to the evidence for the existence of Sasquatch has kept this matter before the gaze of the scientific community and engendered meaningful dialogue about it. To have these efforts recognized and encouraged by the likes of George Schaller, Jane Goodall, and Russell Mittermeier has been very gratifying.

In the foreword to my book, George Schaller wrote: “Jeff is a scientist, an expert in human locomotor adaptations. In Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science he examines all evidence critically, not to force a conclusion, but to establish a baseline of facts upon which further research can depend. His science is not submerged by opinion and dogmatic assumption…He disentangles fact from anecdote, supposition and wishful thinking, and concludes that the search for Yeti and Sasquatch is a valid scientific endeavor. By offering a critical scrutiny, Sasquatch does more for this field of investigation than all the past arguments and polemics of contesting experts.”

Question 4. Share a comment or opinion you have on a topical science-related issue?
Answer: There is a growing awareness of the bushiness of the hominid family tree, as well as increasing indications of the very recent persistence of a number of the branches on that tree. This raises the possibility that some of these species may in fact persist as relict populations in various corners of or globe. Mounting evidence is being seriously considered by more and more scientists.

Question 5. Share a Web link/video/blog etc. that you found that really excites you and tell us why.
Answer: In order to provide an objective venue for the publication of scholarly papers addressing the question of unrecognized species of apes and prehumans persisting into the present, and to encourage discussion among the broader scientific community, I am editing a refereed online journal, The Relict Hominoid Inquiry. The first of what I expect will be a sustained series of stimulating and illuminating research papers, essays, and reviews are soon to be posted. The site is under construction:
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