Monday, January 9, 2012

Smithsonian: Did Bigfoot Really Exist? How Gigantopithecus Became Extinct

A reconstruction of Gigantopithecus. Image courtesy of Flickr user Sam_Wise
 " least one dental study indicates Gigantopithecus developed and matured very slowly—a sign they probably had low reproductive rates, which can elevate a species’ risk of going extinct. --Smithsonian
One our favorite places to visit is the Hominid Hunting section at the Smithsonian Blog. At Bigfoot Lunch Club we believe hominids and anthropology go hand-in-hand with Bigfoot research. Sometimes the point where these sciences cross paths is so stark that an institution entertains questions we (Bigfoot enthusiast) ask ourselves.

A reminder:  In 1988, due to a high volume of inquiries on the subject of Bigfoot, The Smithsonian developed a formal Bigfoot response letter.

Did Bigfoot Really Exist? How Gigantopithecus Became Extinct 
Posted By: Erin Wayman
 Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. The Abominable Snowman. Whatever you want to call it, such a giant, mythical ape is not real—at least, not anymore. But more than a million years ago, an ape as big as a polar bear lived in South Asia, until going extinct 300,000 years ago.
Scientists first learned ofGigantopithecus in 1935, when Ralph von Koenigswald, a German paleoanthropologist, walked into a pharmacy in Hong Kong and found an unusually large primate molar for sale. Since then, researchers have collected hundreds ofGigantopithecus teeth and several jaws in China, Vietnam and India. Based on these fossils, it appearsGigantopithecus was closely related to modern orangutans andSivapithecus, an ape that lived in Asia about 12 to 8 million years ago. With only dentition to go on, it’s hard to piece together what this animal was like. But based on comparisons with gorillas and other modern apes, researchers estimate Gigantopithecus stood more than 10 feet tall and weighed 1,200 pounds (at most, gorillas only weigh 400 pounds). Given their size, they probably lived on the ground, walking on their fists like modern orangutans.
Fortunately, fossil teeth do have a lot to say about an animal’s diet. And the teeth of Gigantopithecus also provide clues to why the ape disappeared.
The features of the dentition—large, flat molars, thick dental enamel, a deep, massive jaw—indicateGigantopithecus probably ate tough, fibrous plants (similar to Paranthropus). More evidence came in 1990, when Russell Ciochon, a biological anthropologist at the University of Iowa, and colleagues (PDF) placed samples of the ape’s teeth under a scanning electron microscope to look for opal phytoliths, microscopic silica structures that form in plant cells. Based on the types of phyoliths the researchers found stuck to the teeth, they concluded Gigantopithecus had a mixed diet of fruits and seeds from the fig family Moraceae and some kind of grasses, probably bamboo. The combination of tough and sugary foods helps explain why so many of the giant ape’s teeth were riddled with cavities. And numerous pits on Gigantopithecus‘s teeth—a sign of incomplete dental development caused by malnuntrition or food shortages—corroborate the bamboo diet. Ciochon’s team noted bamboo species today periodically experience mass die-offs, which affect the health of pandas. The same thing could have happened to Gigantopithecus.
A Gigantopithecus jaw. Image courtesy of Wikicommons

Further evidence of Gigantopithecus‘ food preferences and habitat was published last November.Zhao LingXia of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and colleagues analyzed carbon isotopes in a sample of Gigantopithecus teeth. Plants have different forms of carbon based on their type of photosynthesis; this carbon footprint is then recorded in the teeth of animals that eat plants. The team determined Gigantopithecus—and the animals living alongside it, such as deer, horses and bears—ate only C3 plants, evidence the ape lived in a forested environment. This work also supports the proposed bamboo diet, as bamboo is a C3 plant.
So what happened to this Pleistocene Yeti? Zhang’s team suggested the rise of the Tibetan plateau 1.6 million to 800,000 years ago altered the climate of South Asia, ushering in a colder, drier period when forests shrank. Other factors could have exacerbated this crisis. Gigantopithecus‘s neighbor, Homo erectus, may have over-hunted and/or outcompeted their larger ape cousin. And at least one dental study indicates Gigantopithecus developed and matured very slowly—a sign they probably had low reproductive rates, which can elevate a species’ risk of going extinct.
Some Bigfoot hunters say Gigantopithecus is alive and well, hiding out in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Other Sasquatch enthusiasts, however, point out this is unlikely, as Bigfoot is reported to be a swift, agile, upright walker—not a lumbering, 1,200-pound quadruped.

UPDATE: Dr. Jeff Meldrum , Anthropology professor at the University of Idaho responded to the Smithsonian you can read his response to the article below:

Glad to see the Smithsonian maintaining its tradition of objective consideration of the question of Sasquatch/Bigfoot. Gigantopithecus has often been pointed to as a potential antecedent of sasqutch — after all it is a species that is the right size in the right place at the right time. George York’s reconstruction of Gigantopithecus (pictured above) conveys the sense of the enormity of the ape, but it seems unlikely that a terrestrial ape would retain the limb proportions and suspensory specializations of an over-sized orangutan, if it ever even possessed them to begin with. Fragmentation of the Pleistocene forests might just as well have spawned novel adaptations as driven Gigantopithecus to extinction. The extremely sparse fossil record for this large and likely rare ape provides only a meager glimpse of its past range and distribution. As for diet, the recent paper pointing to a C3 diet and therefore a forest habitat is an important addition to our understanding. It really doesn’t lend that much support to the “bamboo hypothesis.” Omitted from discussion is reference to the analysis of dental microwear, which says something about the composition of such a C3 diet (Bamboo feeding, dental microwear, and diet of the Pleistocene ape Gigantopithecus blacki. Daegling, DJ | Grine, FE. South African Journal of Science. Vol. 90, no. 10, pp. 527-532. 1994). This pointed to a catholic diet most similar to that of chimpanzees, not the what was predicted for a specialized bamboo feeder. The characterization of a lumbering 1,200 quadruped (or biped for that matter) –”the size of a polar bear” — is misleading. I suspect few would want to challenge a polar bear to a foot race.
Comment by Jeff Meldrum — January 9, 2012 @ 4:44 pm

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Audio of Larry the Cable Guy Call Blasting for Bigfoot and Getting Responses

Larry the Cable Guy "Gittin' 'Er Done" in with Kentucky Bigfoot
"We had somebody go out (as a practical joke) and howl, and they howled back and thought it was a Bigfoot. They were fun guys,” --Larry the Cable Guy
** UPDATE (01/18/2012) We received word from Charlie Raymond of Kentucky Bigfoot. His statement is as follows:
As you will see when the episode airs, Larry was not only a little scared when he heard the howls, but he was in complete denial when we received two separate vocalizations. He argued with the film crew, blaming them for one of the howls. The film crew adamantly denied making the howls. 
In order to make sure Larry and his crew are not pulling a fast one over on us, I contacted Blake Smith, a production crew member...I asked him to ask the crew if they did in fact made the howl, or is Larry simply still in denial? Blake explained to me on 1-18-12 over the phone that he talked to the crew and they did NOT make the howls.

In our previous Larry The Cable Guy post we reprinted an excerpt from a Mufreesboro Post article. In the article Larry is interviewed and asked about his new season of "Only in America." One of the topics covered was Larry's Bigfoot episode. As you can see, from the quote above, at one point Larry and the crew from Kentucky Bigfoot did some calls and heard some responses.

While Larry claims in the interview he was convinced somebody from his production team did the return howls, Kentucky Bigfoot is not so sure.

Parker Duvall, one of Kentucky Bigfoot's lead investigators, noted on BLC's Facebook Page, "Larry thought he was joked and cussed at the Producer (Eric) for pulling a trick on wasn't a trick--we had a close range howl and was stunned because of cameras, amount of people, etc...."

Charlie Raymond, Leader of Kentucky Bigfoot had this to add:
"This is the howl isolated from our 11-11-11 investigation with the History channel. We received two vocal responses immediately after we made calls, both within seconds of each other. I sent the audio out for analysis by a bigfoot-sound expert/friend, Mononga Hela. Here is what he said, "The first one sounds like a yahoo vocal. The second one is a good howl. Frequency is low enough that it could be a dog, but I don't think it is. Dogs like to howl repeatedly, and throw a few barks in there too."

Below is the audio of Larry's callblasting, embedded here with permission from Charlie Raymond of Kentucky Bigfoot

11-11-11 larry the cable guy by BigfootLunchClub

The unofficial and rough transcript is below (at the time of this post we were not able to confirm any of the voices except for Larry)

1st MAN: (does a Bigfoot call)
(Sound of Train in the distance)
2nd MAN: (laughing) It answered you back.  
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: Check that out, you got a return of a train whistle. The conductor heard ya.
1st MAN: Why don’t you try one, all you have to do is scream real loud.
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: (quietly) woo woo
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: Just do what you done?
1st MAN: Yeah, or do your own! Do your own version. 
1st MAN: Get creative.
LADY ON RADIO: (CB BLEEPS) Indiscernible 
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: Did she hear it?
1st MAN: Did you hear a reply back on that?
 RADIO LADY: Wasn’t that you both
1st MAN: You heard the first one, right?
2nd MAN: We only did one.
RADIO LADY: Yeah but I thought you did another one unannounced
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: That was me. I, I Went I said, I just went yelled some.
RADIO LADY: Did you do another one unannounced?
1St MAN: (to Larry) That wasn’t that loud though.
2nd MAN: (To LADY on Radio) No, no we didn’t.
1st MAN:  Did it sound like a train?
RADIO LADY: No it didn’t sound like a train. I think you did another one and you didn’t tell us.
2nd MAN: Nah we didn’t
1st MAN: We did not.
2nd MAN: That’s Strange.
1st MAN: Which direction did it come from?
RADIO LADY: It came from behind you all. I think it was you guys.
2nd MAN: Ask her if it was short. Was it short?
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: I didn’t hear it
1st MAN: (to the other men)Did we do one?
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: No, but she heard one. She said behind us.
1st MAN: That’s the other side of camp.
RADIO LADY: So you’re saying you heard something behind you? Or where?
1st MAN: We did not hear something
RADIO LADY: We did not hear something?
1st MAN: Larry? Push the side button.
2nd MAN:  The big button.
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: No, we done one sound, and then we didn’t do no more sounds. We just done one sound. Now, the sound that you done heard, was that from in-between you and us? Or was that behind you? Or behind us? Or was that in front of us and behind you?
RADIO LADY: It was behind you guys. I thought you did another one and you didn’t announce it.
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: No, as a matter of fact there is a family of sasquatches headed you way. Get in the car and lock the doors. They are pissed and Hungry. They want the bacon and the hotdogs. (according to Charlie Raymond, "We were cooking bacon to attract a squatch and roasting hotdogs for our bellies")
RADIO LADY: Just off them up some s’mores.
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: Ohhh, that will stop anybody in their track, them s’mores. Alright we gonna do another yell. If you hear something after that yell, let us know. We’re just doing one set.
RADIO LADY: Larry, I think he’s starstruck.
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: You want to do the yell or you want me to do it.
1st MAN: You do it man.
2nd MAN: Loud, do it really loud.
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: (Crazy Yell, spelling may not be accurate) Wahhhhwooo-lbl-lbl-lbl-gah-gah-gah-gah-goo-goo-boo-plbt-plbt-woo-plbth-PLBTH!
1st MAN: That was good
(return howl)
2nd MAN: What was that?
1st MAN: Dude! What the hell?
2nd MAN: Was that an echo?
1st MAN: No!
2nd MAN: Did you get that? Did you guys hear that? Did you all get it?
2nd MAN: (To Radio Lady) Did you just hear a howl after Larry’s nonsense?
RADIO LADY:  Seriously 
2nd MAN: (To radio Lady) No between us! Listen, Harry—Larry. Larry just did a crazy howl. Then we heard a deep howl right on the end of his.
2nd MAN: (To Larry) Did you get that?
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: Yeah I Heard that.
2nd MAN: That wasn’t like an echo from him was it?
LARRY THE CABLE GUY: That was like a bear or a wolf.
2nd MAN:  That was a deep…OK Listen, Let’s get serious for a second, we could have activity.
1st MAN: We got activity; we got the rocks thrown at us…

What do you think? Based on the last line, it sounds like there was some other activity too.

Oregon Sasquatch Symposium is Coming Back this October

OSS 2012 is scheduled for October

In a letter sent to fans of the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium, Toby shares the great news for a Portland, Oregon Sasquatch Symposium. If you don't know about the OSS check out our Oregon Sasquatch Symposium 2010 coverage.

Read below Toby's email below!

Sometimes things happen in life that send ya packing. It's been a while since I've informed any members of the OSS just how the website is doing and what my final plan is for the OSS. I don't even know if there is a demand for a response to my last email letter. All I know is that the OSS and Squatch'n in general got a bit overwhelming. Of course the religious implications sent me reeling and due to what I witnessed in Fall 2011, I felt as though "Messing with Squatch" was messing with me!! 
Hence The Genesis Project If ya don't know what the blankety blank I am talking about, I will go ahead and let you look over The Genesis Project website for a couple months and hopefully that will clear up any questions about why the OSS went away, but never vanished. 
 So what am I saying here? 
 WE ARE BACK!!!!! I have been working privately with some people in the field and digesting how to do this. As anything thats important, you want it to be right...and if it is not,,,don't deliver an unready effort. 
The OSS has been a huge part of my life as well as my family,,,,loads of fun and loads of work...enough of the semantics. 
I miss it terribly and want to invite you all to the OSS 2012 in Portland, Oregon The details will come day by day, hour by hour. I can say that it is slotted for the middle of October, if not Halloween weekend. 
Venue has yet to be decided, but guest speakers are loading up 
BOB GIMLIN has signed on and we are going from there. 
Keep me in your prayers and I will do the same for you. 
Also, Bigfoot and Beer has been a huge hit..however the rights to the name are copy written. So soon we will announce Squatch & Suds held at brewer somewhere in the NW. It will be a monthly venue with speakers to warm up the next 9 months. 
No idea about the rest......any questions email me here, or at my other email 
Thank Youand God Bless,
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