Saturday, January 21, 2012

Robert Lindsay: Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Research is Death Knell for Giganto Theory

Simple equation: Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study definitively argues against Giagantopithecus as Bigfoot ancestor. As we have posted earlier, Ketchum says Erectus is a better model.

Below is an excerpt from Robert Lindsays post "Bigfoot News January 20, 2012" The article mentions a possible Erickson Project Movie covered in greater depth by Shawn at BigfootEvidence.

Here is our favorite part of Robert's Post:
Another blow against the Bigfoot is an ape meme. Ketchum has recently changed the description of herself on Twitter. It now says: Scientist, Forensics and Hominid Research (italics ours). Nice!
More death knells for the Giganto/Bigfoot is an ape theory. The precursor of Bigfoot is often said by proponents of the Bigfoot is an ape theory to be something called Gigantopithecus, a giant ape that lived in Asia and went extinct about 300,000 years ago. There are several problems with this model.
  1. If it went extinct 300,000 YBP, that’s a long time between then and the present day Bigfoots with no fossils in between.
  2. No Giganto fossils in the Americas.
  3. While Giganto was probably an ape when it was standing on two feet, there is no evidence that it was bipedal, and it was probably not bipedal. After all, the only bipedal apes are in the human line, the hominids. If it’s a bipedal ape, it’s a hominid, not an ape. This is fundamental.Theorists of the Giganto was bipedal line offer the Giganto fossils as evidence for bipedalism, but all we have is a jaw and some teeth. It seems impossible to prove via meager evidence from the mouth of a creature whether it stood upright or not.
  4. While some think that Giganto derived from Australopithecines and went on to Meganthropus and then to modern Homo in Asia, this line is tendentious. It’s true that a Bigfoot tooth found by Mike Rugg resembles a Meganthropus tooth. However, Meganthropus is found only in Asia, and while it appears to be Homo Erectus, it also seems to have gone extinct about 1 million years ago.That’s 1 million years between Meganthropus and Bigfoot with no fossils in between. A new theory that I like suggests that Giganto instead is related to Orangutans. If so and if Bigfoot is related to Giganto, Bigfoot DNA should be far away from human, somewhere near the distance of an Orangutan. Instead, Bigfoot DNA is 37% of the way from a human to a chimp. This would mean that it is in the human line and far away from an Orangutan.
  5. Now that DNA has shown that Bigfoots are hybrids between a possible Homo Erectus type on one side and Homo sapiens on the other, this means that modern humans mated with Giganto in the last 10-50,000 years. Assuming such mating is even physically possible, it’s almost certain that no viable offspring could derive from mating between a human and an orangutan type.Further, the breeding between relict hominids and humans that produced the Bigfoots seems to have occurred in both Africa and Southern Europe between 10-50,000 years ago, and Giganto is known only from Asia around China and Vietnam (a likely Southeast Asian location for an orangutan derived type) and is not known from Africa or Europe.
In short, the Bigfoot as Giganto theory seems to have massive problems.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cliff Barackman: Finding Bigfoot Returns to Ohio on January 21st

The Finding Bigfoot cast at Ike's Pizza filming Season 1 recap episode "Behind the Legend"
(Photo: Neo Edwards)
At, Cliff's Barackman's Official Blog, Cliff announces the return to Ohio on Januarary 21st to film a season 2 recap episode. The episode will probably be the last to air in the season, similar to last years "Behind the legend" filmed with the help of Oregon Sasquatch Symposium and Ike's Pizza

Cliff Writes:
The cast and crew of Finding Bigfoot will be returning to Ohio to film a special episode highlighting the events of season two on Saturday, January 21. Much like “Behind the Legend,” the seventh episode in season one, the cast will premiere clips of upcoming episodes and field questions from a live audience.
Read the rest of Cliff's details, including exact filming location, at North American Bigfoot: Finding Bigfoot Returns to Ohio on January 21st

Thanks to Romney, Bigfoot Endorses Newt Gingrich

It's official, Newt is Sasquatch Certified

It did not go unnoticed to us Bigfooters when Mitt Romney called Bigfoot a hoax. It looks like some creative folks were quick to react with a well produced You Tube video. And Mainstream media is reporting it. The Hill, a news source that is written for and about the U.S. Congress, with a special focus on business and lobbying, political campaigns and other events on Capitol Hill. Has filed this report on Bigfoot's endorsement.



Bigfoot endorses Gingrich in debate lampoon
By Adele Hampton - 01/20/12 03:30 PM ET
Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich got an elusive endorsement Friday — the political thumbs-up came from the often camera-shy Bigfoot.
Conservative political media group Pass Code Creative released a video on YouTube in support of Gingrich one day ahead of Saturday’s South Carolina primary.
The video piggybacks off Romney’s comments during Monday’s Fox News GOP debate.
Romney blasted Gingrich for attack ads being run by outside groups, calling one of them the “biggest hoax since Bigfoot.”
“Mr. Speaker, you have a super-PAC ad that attacks me," Romney said. “It's probably the biggest hoax since Bigfoot. The people who have looked at it have said this ad is entirely false.”
Sporting running shoes and a braided wig, a faux Bigfoot frolics through the woods slamming Romney for not releasing his tax returns.
“Truth is, more people have seen me than have seen Mitt’s tax returns,” Bigfoot says.
Romney has come under fire this week from opponents pressuring him to release his taxes. The former Massachusetts governor has said he will release the information in April after filing for 2011.
The vide's Bigfoot also took a swipe at Romney’s conservative credentials.
“If Mitt’s a true conservative, then I’m the Loch Ness Monster.”
But there is one thing Bigfoot says he has in common with Romney: “Great hair.”

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