Sunday, January 29, 2012

3 Dates Set for Sasquatch and Suds Meetings in Portland, Oregon

Official poster for the first 3 Sasquatch and Suds events (click to see larger poster)
New details regarding the monthly Sasquatch and Suds events at the Sasquatch Brewery. Save the dates: FEB 21st, Cliff Barackman; MAR 20th, Thom Powell; APR 17th, Beth Heikkenin. These dates have been confirmed by Toby Johnson of the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium. Below you can read a brief Bio of the scheduled speakers .

Cliff's interest in physical evidence led him to take a keen interest in footprint casts. Over the years, what started out as the gathering of a few Bigfoot souvenirs has eventually led him to holding one of the largest cast collections in the country.
A former member of the BFRO, Cliff's expert opinion, level-headed approach and analytical mind are essential. When numbers need to be extracted for the sake of data analysis, or when a footprint needs to be permanently recorded, he is there to offer his unique skills.
Visit the official website and read his blog 
Thom authored a book about Sasquatch research entitled "The Locals" which was described by reviewer Lisa Kearns as, "a brilliant combination of science and storytelling". His was the first book to suggest many fairly radical ideas that have since been endorsed by many contemporary researchers, such as habituation, infrasound, paranormal elements, human levels of intelligence in the Sasquatch, awareness of cameras, and much more.
Thom's newest book "Shady Neighbors" continues his unique ability to craft great narration, while revealing Bigfoot truths. 
Check out the official Shady Neighbors website and read Thom's Blog.
Beth Heikkinen is an independent researcher living in the Pacific NW. Beth's first daytime sighting happened 50 miles from her home. Since that time, and with the help of wonderful people, her background now includes tacking, backpacking and hiking.
Of course we will be there as well, keep up-to-date with the upcoming 2012 Oregon Sasquatch Symposium and OSS sponsored events at the facebook page

Larry the Cable Guy Filmed with Alleged Bigfoot in Background

Larry the Cable Guy host of "Only in America"

Larry the Cable Guy can't seem to escape Bigfoot. This year we have had some coverage Larry Bigfooting  in Kentucky. Add Alaska to the list of states Larry may have encountered Bigfoot.

Below is a video sent to us by YouTube user BigfootInvestigation. The description of the video by the user is:
I found a possible Bigfoot that was inadvertently filmed on a Larry the cable guy show while he was shooting a scene in Alaska. He was quartering a Moose with (Palmer Alaska) football team members. It was a long hike to get into the area and the creature appears to have similarities that we have seen in the Patterson Gimlin film subject.
Charlie Raymond of notes, "... the dead moose had been laying there in the woods for some time before they arrived. Was the bigfoot on his way to lunch?"

Watch the video below and decide for yourself.

Robert Lindsay Comments on the Bigfoot Ape vs. Human Argument.

Robert Lindsay of

Robert Lindsay has never hid from controversy. Since early May, with our post, "Humans shoot and kill Bigfoot on Average of Once Every Four Years," we have been quoting him. Long before it was fashionable by other blogs.

While there are some disagreements we have had with his opinions, for instance, we think he gives Biscardi too much credit, we do appreciate the "outsider" perspective Lindsay has on the community. Right or wrong, we always welcome a new perspective, even if it's one we can respectfully disagree with.

With all that said, we enjoy Robert Lindsay's comments on the community in general, not the individual personalities necessarily, but the trends he sees from a far. The excerpt below is from his latest post where he touches upon the ape vs. human argument.
The war between the Ape Theory Gang versus the Human Theory Collective.
There is a war in Bigfootery between the Bigfoots are Human folks and the Bigfoots are Apes theorists. The Ape Theory Gang is led by Field Marshall Meldrum and includes Bindernagel, Moneymaker, Bart Cutino, Mionczynski, Tim Fasano, Rick Noll and many others.
On the other side are the Bigfoots as Human Theory Collective. This line includes Bobbie Short, David Paulides, Richard Stubstad, and others, including us. The Human Theory folks have complained for years that they have been marginalized by the Ape Theory Gang. In fact, they say that Meldrum’s stranglehold over Bigfootery is the biggest thing that is holding the field back. I am inclined to agree. I am starting to think that Lord Meldrum is a problem – the despotic associate professor of Bigfootery.
This is excellent story, but unfortunately, we am not allowed to report on the juicier bits at this time. Hopefully we can dig up some more with time.
SRC: RobertLindsay: Bigfoot News January 29, 2012 

We hope Robert continues stories along this line, but that's because we have always been more interested in the healthy debates we can have. The personality conflicts are a no-win situation. Visit to get more DNA updates.

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