Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jeffrey Kelley: Bigfoot Run In Video is a Rental Costume

  • This is a screen shot of klonefx.com
    the YouTube link goes directly to the Youtube video "Bigfoot Run In"
Recently Jeffrey Kelley shared his detective work with us regarding a video that was circling the internet titled, "Bigfoot Run In". At Bigfoot Evidence, Shawn's last line about this video seem really telling. Shawn had reported this video on a post titled, "New Footage: Mr. Blurrycam Films Pacific Northwest Sasquatch (Updated). Shaw's last line was, "Update: Flickr account suggests uploader (designperfxion) is really into costumes." It seems Jeffrey Kelley has evidence that supports this. You can watch the video, "Bigfoot Run In" below.

The rest is what Jeffrey Kelley shared in The Squatchers Lounge.:

BUSTED! Bigfoot Run In Exposed as a HOAX!
By Jeffrey Kelley in The Squatchers Lounge! · Edit Doc · Delete
Some of you may know that I take pride in tracking some of these released Sasquatch videos down to either verify or crack wide open a hoax. I have done it here in The Squatchers Lounge a few times before well here it comes again.
Being a computer engineer my talents lean more towards examining video and pictures trying to find the little things that shouldn't be there. In this particular case something never sat right with me concerning this video. Many of the Blogs have covered it and many still think it could be the real deal. Unfortunately it was a stunt pulled by a costume maker in an attempt to get his name out there.
The company is called "Klone - Special Effects" While I was out cruising the interwebs looking for content and information I happened upon this web site. upon looking though the images and links on the page, one of which was labled "Bigfoot Costume" it brought me to the following picture. I claim no ownership of the image and I am posting it for educational purposes only!
Along with the photo there is a link to a Youtube video that was created using the suit in the picture. Of coarse I followed the link and low and behold the following Youtube video was loaded. It was posted on March 20th 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHqMD-czRSQClick the link above to view the video or see the first comment to watch in embedded.
Here is a link to the main page of the website
Here is a link to the Bigfoot costume and the youtube link
Many of the blogs had picked up this story when the footage was first posted and still there are questions on the authenticity of the video. After viewing the video several times before my discovery and I had questioned if the video could be real. The comments posted with the video are very misleading as if the encounter was real.
"during a hike in the Pacific Northwest I was startled by a noise then saw this step out from behind a tree. I stumbled for my cell phone camera & took this video as it was walking away from me."
I am glad to be able to share it with all of you.

Its Official, Oxford University's Bryan Sykes is asking for Bigfoot DNA Samples

Bryan Sykes from Oxford University wants your Bigfoot DNA samples 
The information below is from the Oxford University website. not only does it have an official timeline, including publication date but also how to submit your Bigfoot evidence to Bryan Sykes of Oxford University.

As part of a larger enquiry into the genetic relationship between our own species Homo sapiens and other hominids, we invite submissions of organic material from formally undescribed species, or “cryptids”, for the purpose of their species identification by genetic means.

The project is divided into three phases.

SAMPLE SUBMISSION PHASE        May – September 2012
DNA ANALYSIS PHASE            September – November 2012
PUBLICATION PHASE            November – December 2012

Sample submissions are invited from institutions and individuals. In the first instance, please send details of the material you would like to submit to one of the Principal Investigators. These should include:

·    Your name, institutional affiliation (if any), postal and email addresses and other contact details. 
·    A physical description of the specimen: (Hair, tooth etc). Photographs welcome.
·    Its provenance: A short account of the origin of the sample, when and where (with coordinates if known) it was collected and how it came to be in your possession.
·    Identification: Your opinion of its likely species identification, and your reasons.
·    Authority: A statement that you are entitled to send the specimen for analysis and that we have permission to publish the results.

In order to avoid misidentification of samples due to contamination, our preferred material is hair, although tissues will be considered.

After reviewing your submission, we will send you a sampling kit with instructions. Please do not send any materials without first hearing from us. They will not be analysed nor returned.

You may choose whether to be identified as the donor of the sample, or to remain anonymous.

At the end of the submission phase, the most promising samples will be selected for DNA analysis. You will not be charged for the analysis. Unselected samples will be returned. 

The process of DNA analysis is destructive. Any unused material from selected samples will be returned or, if you prefer, will be submitted for curation as part of the Bernard Heuvelmans Cryptozoology archive in Lausanne. 

Results from DNA analysis will be prepared for publication in a peer-reviewed science journal. No results will be released until any embargoes on publication have passed. 


Prof. Bryan Sykes                        
Professor of Human Genetics                    
Wolfson College                        
University of Oxford                        
Oxford OX2 6UD                        
United Kingdom                        
Dr. Michel Sartori
Musee de Zoologie
Palais de Rumine
Place de Riponne 6
CH-1014 Lausanne

When emailing please use OLCHP as the subject of your message

SRC: http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/academic/GBFs-v/OLCHP

Bigfoots Are Big and Kidfoots Are Small

It's Kidfoot! "Bigfoots are tall and Kidfoots are small"
No introduction can do this video justice. We were burning way past the midnight oil on other projects and  stumbled upon this by accident. This was actually on the Woot.com page. Woot's main website generally offers only one discounted product each day, often a piece of computer hardware or an electronic gadget. They have the best copy writers in the world and very clever at promoting their gadgets. Inevitably they would make a faux kids show about Bigfoots Kidfoots.

Read the description of the new show that will be broadcast every Thursday on Kids.Woot
Everywhere we go, we hear people saying "I love the Woot podcast, but I wish I could watch it over at Kids.Woot instead. And that it had puppets. And that the puppets were sasquatch young." 
Well, we listened! 
KidFoot showcases the lighthearted adventures of Kiki and Wendel, soon to be your favorite juvenile bigfoots. Starting next week, you can see a new KidFoot episode every Thursday on Kids.Woot. That's twice the weekly Woot videos you currently enjoy -- at no additional cost to you! 

Please read our terms of use policy.