Big Surprise Bigfoot DNA Rumors Inaccurate |
UPDATE: according to Rhetman Mullis, Sykes has already gone through with the an initial test. The samples he has so far have tested to not be human.
We have it on good authority that Dr. Bryan Sykes has not even begun testing on his Bigfoot DNA study. This is from two independent sources that have heard this firsthand from Dr. Sykes Himself.
When Dr. Sykes begins testing he will do the initial screening with mtDNA (Mitochondrial DNA) loci. In other words and in plain English, he going to start with the DNA that is inherited by the mothers. This makes sense since he literally wrote the book on Mitochondrial DNA.
In Dr. Bryan Sykes' book, "The 7 Daughters of Eve, " Dr. Sykes uses mtDNA to determine that all modern Europeans can be traced back to seven distinguished groups. It is a book worth reading, since the last third ends with fictional scenarios of how the 7 daughters might have lived.
Over all we wanted to report that Bryan Sykes has not begun testing and when he does, he will start with the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which only reveals information from the mother's side.
Michael JR Jose, in a review of Dr. Sykes book makes an interesting note, "[mtDNA] has number of key characteristics which make it an excellent biological clock (which 'ticks' once every ten thousand years). The oldest genetic line goes back 45,000 years and the most recent 10,000.