Thursday, May 9, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | May 9th 1851 | Arkansas Paper Reports Wildman Leaping 14 ft at a Time

Simulation of "Wildman" taking a 14 ft. Leap
The terms Bigfoot and Sasquatch are relatively modern terms, at least modern when used among most of us less indigenous folks. Before Bigfoot and Sasquatch there was the Wildman. Often described the same way as the Bigfoots we have come to know and love. The Memphis Enquirer, article dated May 9th, 1851 is a case in point. As you read the the description of hair, foot size and the amazing ability to leap up to 14ft at a time, you get a sense that this is a description familiar to most of us.

Even more interesting to us is the history the Wildman has had in the area, outdoorsmen describing encounters 17 years prior, starting as far back as 1834.

St. Francis Green, Greene and Poinsett Counties, Arkansas

"Wild Man of the Woods"

"During March last, Mr. Hamilton of Greene County, Arkansas, while out hunting with an acquaintance, observed a drove of cattle in a state of apparent alarm, evidently pursued by some dreaded enemy.

Halting for the purpose, they soon discovered as the animals fled by them, that they were followed by an animal bearing the unmistakable likeness of humanity.

He was of gigantic stature, the body being covered with hair and the head with long locks of hair that fairly enveloped his neck and shoulders.

The "wildman," for we must so call him, after looking at them deliberately for a short time, turned and ran away with great speed, leaping from twelve to fourteen feet at a time. His foot prints measured thirteen inches each.

This singular creature has long been known traditionally in St. Francis Green and Poinsett Counties.

Arkansas sportsmen and hunters having described him so long as seventeen years hence.

A planter, indeed, saw him very recently, but withheld his information lest he should not be credited, until the account of Mr. Hamilton and his friend placed the existence of the animal beyond cavil." 

Monday, May 6, 2013

How the CIA can help us find Bigfoot

Author Thom Powell next to an impressive display of the London Trackway
"Thom was one of my favorite speakers during the conference, in part because he proposes a different perspective on the field of research and has made some observations that others either have not or are not discussing." --Henry Patterson at

Thom Powell will headline Bigfoot Lunch Club's Bigfoot and Beer speaker series on May 26th.   Until we met Mr. Powell it was hard for us to bridge the gap between the value we put on physical evidence and the relevance of the more paranormal aspects bigfooting.

Thom Powell's "Spy" paradigm comes close to bridging that gap. He proposes that our efforts would be best spent gathering information, like the CIA does, as oppose to trying to do hard science that requires us to duplicate results. In other words, Bigfoot is an unwilling uncooperative subject and we could gain better traction doing intelligence gathering. 

Thom Powell's is a coveted speaker among the Bigfoot circuit, last month he was the first speaker at the Ohio conference. In the video below you can Thom's presentation last year in Washington was a huge success.  Henry Patterson, who was there, had this to write on Ghost Theory:
"Thom was one of my favorite speakers during the conference, in part because he proposes a different perspective on the field of research and has made some observations that others either have not or are not discussing." Henry Patterson

Watch author Thom Powell in the video above as he uses his trademark self-effacing charm to encourage a paradigm shift among bigfooters. Also in the video are topics Powell breached over a decade before they became casual conversation among Bigfooters. Want to know what the next decade has in store for Bigfoot research? Come see Thom in person at the May 26th hopsSquatch!

Series presentations-$5 per person
(limited seating so reserve early!) 
or save by becoming a member of hopsSquatch for $50.
Membership includes a seat at each series event, a hopsSquatch t-shirt, first chance at news and speaker updates, and more.

Friday, May 3, 2013

May 26th hopsSquatch Tickets are on sale!!!

HopsSquatch is a Bigfoot and Beer event
dedicated to the latest Bigfoot news and research.

A unique speaker’s series held on the 4th Sunday of each month

The Lucky Labrador Brew Pub
915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland Oregon 97214

Main event 2-5pm
Enjoy discussions, have a beer and relax until 8pm

Get behind-the-scenes information from the experts and become Bigfoot insiders learning what is on the horizon of Bigfoot research.

Acclaimed Author Thom Powell Headlines May26th.

Limited seating available-Register now!
    Future Speakers Include:  
   Kirk Sigurdson, Expert in Hidden Histories
   Doug Meacham, Hypnotist
   Cindy Rose Caddell, Author & Anthropology Major

Series presentations-$5 per person
(limited seating so reserve early!) 
or save by becoming a member of hopsSquatch for $50.
Membership includes a seat at each series event, a hopsSquatch t-shirt, first chance at news and speaker updates, and more.

Series Format:

Featured Guest Presentation
Moderated Q&A
Panel Discussion Featuring Differing Views and Debate
Preview of Upcoming Movies/Shows
Raffle for Bigfoot Swag

Learn more about the latest Bigfoot DNA news from Oxford University, hypnotizing Bigfoot witnesses, how real is Bigfoot reality TV?, the limits of Bigfoot science, Moneyball of Bigfoot, how statistics can predict Bigfoot, Bigfoot conspiracies, hidden histories and much more.

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