Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bigfoot Considered a Distraction and an Advantage to Defendants in Iowa Courts

Iowa Prosecutor Says, "No!" to Bigfoot

“Jurors could be incredulous. They could find it unusual enough that it outweighs other evidence in their mind.” --Rob Sand, Iowa Prosecutor

In 1979 a man was accused of murder and his legal defense team used a change of diet, from healthy foods to unhealthy foods (like Twinkies), in order to shore up the argument that the defendant was severely depressed while committing murders. Although Twinkies were never mentioned in the case a reporter coined the term "Twinkie Defense" and it has been a mocking label for improbable legal defenses ever since.

Now in the case of Eddie Tipton we may have a new term for improbable defenses. The bigfoot defense.

Mr. Tipton has been convicted of fraud in a lottery scandal in Iowa. Although his lawyer has not announced bigfoot as his defense strategy, it seems Iowa prosecutor Rob Sand wants to take a preemptive strike.

The New York Post reported on the prosecutors legal request:
Sand wrote in his motion that Iowa’s lengthy investigation has found that Bigfoot hunting is a hobby that Tommy Tipton – who recently resigned as a justice of the peace in Flatonia, Texas – shares with two unidentified friends who “were involved in purchasing or claiming jackpot-winning tickets.” He said their relationships can be established without mentioning that quirky pastime, and that hauling Bigfoot into the proceeding would have “no probative value on the ultimate question.”
In the same article the prosecutor explains how mentioning bigfoot in the case could be an advantage to the case:
“The prejudicial effect could potentially be as strong as Sasquatch itself,” Sand wrote. “Jurors could be incredulous. They could find it unusual enough that it outweighs other evidence in their mind.”
Finally Eddie Tipton's defense lawyer believes that the barring of Bigfoot is more publicity stunt, than legal concern, calling the motion, "'kind of comical' and a publicity stunt."

The details of Mr. Tipton has already been convicted of fraud, rigging a $16.5M lottery win, and at one time was associated with the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization. The organization founder Bobby Hamilton has stated that he has not seen Mr. Tipton in over 15 years,

Read more details at The New York Post article "Disgraced lotto official outed as a Bigfoot hunter by prosecutors"

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

If ETs Didn't Mess with Human DNA You Would be a Sasquatch

Sculpture by Patricia Piccinini
"If the extra terrestrial civilization had not genetically altered that branch of [hominids] you would all be sasquatch today." --Bashar, a multi-dimensional being channeled through Darryl Anka

There are a few key polarizing debates in the bigfoot community; kill vs. no kill, dumb animal vs. intelligent people, bigfoots vs. bigfeet. In the spirit of keeping things complicated let's add another debate: Did aliens mess with sasquatch DNA or our DNA?

For the record, I'm just reporting. I am fascinated that this debate exists. I have a clear bias that I prefer bigfoot to be a naturally evolved species. I'm open to being wrong, that's why I read and post this stuff.

According to Dr. Melba Ketchum, who worked for 5 years doing bigfoot DNA research, claimed that sasquatch is a human hybrid with "angel DNA". For some ancient alien theorist "angels" and "aliens" are interchangeable. Some concluded that this was what Dr. Keltchum was suggesting.

Well according to Bashar a multi-dimensional extraterrestrial being from the future. It's the other way around. Humans are the genetically altered species and sasquatch are the un-tampered pure-evolved extension of humanity.

Read the exchange below and watch the video that accompanies it.

Questioner: What does Bashar have to say about the truth behind the evolution of mankind?
Bashar: What do you mean the truth behind it? Do you mean the idae of genetic manipulation? is that what you are refering too?

Questioner: Um...(audience laughter)
Bashar: Alright, the idea of what you call human kind. Long ago, in your terms of counting, there was a naturally evolved hominid species, on your earth, that an extra terrestrial group actually genetically altered, to some degree, and thus then created the modernly formed now knowned to be Homo sapien--but they didn't do it with every branch of that naturally evolved hominid species.

The hominid species, the branch of which they did not genetically alter continued to evolve sid-by-side with Homo sapien and today you know them as sasquatch.

If the extra terrestrial civilization had NOT genetically alltered that branch of that naturally evolved group you would all be sasquatch today.

Does that answer your question?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Missing for 75 Years, First Nation Sasquatch Mask Returns Home

A Sasq'ets mask, commonly know as sasquatch (photo: Cliff Barackman)

"Much of the [premier] episode was filmed on the historic Sts' Ailes First Nations Reserve in British Columbia. While there, I was allowed access to the traditional sasquatch mask that had been "lost" for 75 years..." --Cliff Barackman

Around May of 2014 the Canadian Press syndicated a story about a mask that was lost for 75 years. In the article it described a James Leon's 16-year journey to recover the Sasq'ets mask. The way he finally re-discovered the lost artifact was serendipitous.
Leon was at a repatriation event for another First Nations artifact held by the Vancouver Museum when he asked the lady sitting beside him if she knew of the ape-like mask partially covered in bear fur.

"Her eyes lit up and she said 'We were just looking at that mask the other day.' And they were gracious enough to go get it for me," he said with a chuckle.

The mask disappeared in 1939 from Sts'ailes First Nation, near Harrison Hot Springs in B.C.'s Fraser Valley.

Community elders told Leon that the mask had been taken by J.W. Burns, a teacher at the Chehalis Indian Day School, and a man obsessed with the sasquatch legend.

Burns, who is often credited for bringing the word "sasquatch" into common use, donated the mask to the Vancouver Museum.
Cliff Barackman posted on his Facebook page that the Season 9 premier episode of Finding Bigfoot will take him to the Sts' Ailes First Nations Reserve in British Columbia.

Photo from 1938 Sasquatch Days Festival

Although the First Nation people refer to the mask as sasquatch, some skeptics think we should be more cautious how we reference these artifacts. Sharon Hill of Doubtful News writes, "The article makes a connection to Sasquatch as described by indigenous people but I’m not clear how solid that connection is. How do we know that the mask represents the same entity that we now refer to as “sasquatch” or Bigfoot? Or are we jumping to conclusions?"

She ends the article with a warning, "It’s a potential hazard to jump to conclusions and call this a representation of Sasquatch."

It is not clear if the warning is for the readers or the aboriginals who actually refer to the mask as a representation of sasquatch. In fact, in the article itself, a representative of the Sts' Ailes people makes a direct reference to sasquatch.
"We do burning for the sasquatch. It's our belief that his primary role is to ensure that the land is being taken care of. Because everyone of us, as Sts'ailes people, we carry an ancestral name, a rich name from the land."
The video below is a video uploaded by Tom Yamerone. Known for his Bigfoot Songs.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Finding Bigfoot Premieres Ninth Season JAN 3 2016

Get Ready to Believe
The Finding Bigfoot teams for a brand new season of 'squatch hunting in a two-hour premiere, Sunday, Jan. 3 at 9/8c!

Animal planet is alreading promoting the next season of Finding Bigfoot with a video titled Get Ready to Believe. Watch the video below as well as the press release with details of the next season's episodes.


Season Premiere Determines Which is the Better Habitat for Bigfoot: The American or Canadian Bush?

(Silver Spring, Md.) -The natural world is full of discoveries to be made and truths to be uncovered. However, there is one legendary animal mystery that sparks passion unlike any other: the existence of Bigfoot. Animal Planet’s intrepid FINDING BIGFOOT team travels to the corners of the globe in hopes to, once and for all, prove that the elusive bigfoot (aka sasquatch) is out there.

The new season of FINDING BIGFOOT premieres Sunday, January 3, from 9-11 PM (ET/PT), as Animal Planet’s curious crypto-zoological team sets foot in new locations with modern technologies to progress the search. And in the two-hour premiere, Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) president Matt Moneymaker, researchers James “Bobo” Fay and Cliff Barackman and field biologist Ranae Holland split up to determine the better sasquatch habitat: the American or Canadian wilderness. While the countries share a border, they boast different landscapes, so Cliff and Matt investigate the Canadian bush while Bobo and Ranae scour their home turf for evidence.

This season, the team investigates the following states:

· Maine, Sunday, January 10, at 10 PM: A cornucopia of bigfoot artifacts exists in the Pine Tree State, so the team takes its first trip to Maine and heads deep into the woods to learn more within this east-coast squatching haven.

· New Hampshire, Sunday, January 17, at 10 PM: In picturesque Mount Washington, concerned resort owners reach out to the team with a slew of reported sasquatch sightings gathered throughout many years.

· Georgia, Sunday, January 24, at 10 PM: Military bases are some of the country’s most protected and secluded areas. In a top-secret sasquatch investigation, the team goes into full stealth mode and utilize tips from military members to investigate forests just off base.

· Oregon, Sunday, January 31, at 10 PM: The team has been to Cliff’s home state before, but they never have explored beyond Cliff’s usual spots. The team takes a helicopter trip deep into the Oregon wilderness to one of the most remote locations in the show’s history. And, for the first time, the team employs drones with infrared cameras.

FINDING BIGFOOT is produced for Animal Planet by Ping Pong Productions. Brad Kuhlman and Casey Brumels are executive producers for Ping Pong Productions. Keith Hoffman is executive producer and Sarah Russell is producer for Animal Planet.
Watch the 10 best Finding Bigfoot clips of 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Oregon's Largest Newspaper Writes Bigfoot Policy Speech for Donald Trump

Sasquatch feet aren't just big they are "Yuuuuge!"

"I would give the Northwest what it's never had, a winning Bigfoot policy." --The Oregonian's Fictional Donald Trump 

Some readers may recall that staffers of President George H.W. Bush referred to Portland as "Little Beirut" because of the protests encountered by Bush on his trip there. Donald Trump, as many other conservatives, may not campaign much in Oregon. With that on mind, The Oregonian, Oregon's largest newspaper, decided to try and imagine what a Trump campaign speech might sound like. It included fixing the Columbia River, being smarter than fish, having good relations with beavers and, most importantly, bigfoot policy. Read just the bigfoot policy excerpt below.
So you can see I could do amazing things for Oregon. Bigfoot won't come out and talk to anybody? He'll talk to me. More than anybody who has ever run for president, I know Bigfoot. I was on a talk show with Bigfoot — the network begged me to come on — and he's a good guy, although not as smart or good-looking as I am.

Between you and me, even my feet are bigger, although the media won't tell you that.

I would give the Northwest what it's never had, a winning Bigfoot policy. We've got a Bigfoot policy put together by losers, a Bigfoot policy run by people with small feet and smaller IQs. I could bring Bigfoot out by offering him a free week at a Trump hotel. Nobody would refuse that, because Trump hotels are the greatest places in the world.
SRC: David Sarasohn: What Donald Trump would say to Oregon (OPINION)

Stacy Brown Jr: Bigfooters are a Bunch of Glorified Campers

Stacy Brown Jr. sitting on evidence of a possible train crossing. (photo: Stacy Brown Jr.)
"I don't see that I have any competition...the rest of  [bigfooters] are a bunch of glorified campers." --Stacy Brown Jr.; Winner of $10M Bigfoot Bounty competition

In an article from How Stuff Works Now, writer Patrick J. Kiger discusses how bigfooters fund their "hobby". The title of the piece is People Are on the Hunt for Bigfoot. Here's How They're Funding It. The piece could sum it all up with a single quote from Loren Coleman, "People pay out of their own pockets to search for Bigfoot," but that would be too short. The article seems to be more about Stacy Brown Jr. winner of the 10 Million Bigfoot Bounty reality tv competition.

Stacy Brown comes across as confident, some would say cocky and a little disparaging towards his fellow researchers. They said the same thing about Muhammad Ali too and he was able to back up his claims. Can Stacy Brown Jr. back up his confidence? He has one of the best thermal videos out there. He beat a dozen other people in a reality show competition. He literally spends 6 months out of the year looking for bigfoot in the field. He makes a $100k living looking for bigfoot. You decide.

Still frame of Brown footage courtesy of

The excerpt below is the from the How Stuff Works Now article with just the Stacy Brown Jr. parts.

But there is one exception — a Florida man who's found a way to search for Bigfoot as a full-time job, and to make a decent living at it in the process. It took plenty of entrepreneurial ingenuity and determination, with a healthy amount of luck sprinkled in.

"I don't see that I have any competition," says 31-year-old Stacy Brown, Jr., who describes the rest of Bigfoot's pursuers as "a bunch of glorified campers." Brown notes that he spends up to 180 days a year scouring the woods for evidence of the creature. "I'll go out for 10 days at a time," he says.

Unlike some of his self-financed competitors, Brown also has the best equipment, including a $10,000 thermal imaging device for tracking the creature out in the brush via its own body heat. He's even got an arrangement with a major university to do DNA analysis, whenever he finds some remnant of Bigfoot that can be tested. (Though no major universities are sponsoring their own hunts, some do perform Sasquatch-related work, as Oxford University did in 2014.)

And somehow, Brown actually makes a decent living: between $80,000 and $100,000 a year, he says.

Sasquatch Spotting

Brown has been interested in Bigfoot for almost as long as he can remember. When he was six, he started poking around in the woods near his family's house. But it wasn't until four years ago, at age 27, when he says that he caught a glimpse of the creature one night while on a camping trip, that he knew he'd found his calling.

"I heard something walk up [to the campsite]," says Brown. "It was maybe 15 or 20 feet away. It had a chimp-like face — you got a  human nose, wider and flat, and this protrusion around the mouth." The best way to describe the creature, he says, is "like the Beast Man off 'Masters of the Universe,' the old TV show, except that he's got hair up to his cheeks, because Beast Man had an Amish-style beard."

After that eye-opening experience, Brown started spending a lot of time searching for Bigfoot, even switching his job as a supervisor at a cable TV billing facility to 12-hour shifts so that he'd have more time in the woods. To bankroll his expeditions, he even sold his nice truck and bought a "crappy vehicle" to get around in.

But Brown was just scraping by until he became got a chance to compete as a team with his pal David Lauer against other Bigfoot hunters on a cable TV program called "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty." They didn't land the $10 million grand prize, but they managed to walk away with a $100,000 grant for research, for being the final team left in the competition.

That influx of capital helped, but the notoriety was even better. Brown says that he no longer has to buy the various imaging and parabolic recording gadgetry that hunters need these days, because the manufacturers are willing to give him the stuff in exchange for a chance to be associated with his notoriety.

"We probably have $100,000 worth of equipment," he notes. Additionally, Brown has appeared on other cryptid-related TV shows, earning $2,000 or so per appearance, he says.
Read the full article titled People Are on the Hunt for Bigfoot. Here's How They're Funding It
Learn more about Stacy Brown Jr.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Literally the Best Taxidermist in the World Will Defend His Championship with Sasquatch

Ken Walker working on sasquatch face
"I've spent the last three years following World Champion taxidermist Ken Walker as he builds a life-sized Bigfoot, based on frames from the iconic 1967 Patterson-Gimlin movie." --Director of BigFur


Ken Walker is real deal. He's an award-winning world champion taxidermist that specializes in recreating rare and extinct animals. His models have fooled naturalist all over the world. He's wants to use his expertise to build a sasquatch and we want to see the film that documents the process. How? 

Ken Walker’s taxidermy is found in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and has been featured in National Geographic Magazine. Ken specializes in re-creating extinct and endangered species out of other animals’ hides. His saber-toothed tiger and Irish elk have given us a close-up look at these fabled species. His giant panda was so realistic that it fooled the panda keepers from the Smithsonian's National Zoo.

Watch the video of the Big Fur Documentary.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Dr. Jeff Meldrum Explains How Sasquatch Necks Seem to Dissapear

 pronounced trapezius with relatively high attachment on the skull (photo: Dr. Jeff Meldrum)
"Naturally, the sasquatch has a neck consisting of seven cervical vertebrae just like any other primate." --Dr. Jeff Meldrum; ISU Professor of Anatomy & Anthropology

There are so many questions that may never be answered. What does a fox say? Where do laps go when we stand up? Why are bigfoots described without necks? We got a great suggestion for the third question.

In a previous post (See: A Life Size 3D Sasquatch Skeleton Shines Light on Sasquatch Posture) we talked about how the no-neck description of a sasquatch is almost an optical illusion. We were able to reach out to Dr. Jeff Meldrum to get further details on how the neck gets obscured.

Dr. Meldrum sent us this response.
Many eyewitnesses describe the sasquatch as having no neck, with the head apparently sitting squarely on the shoulders. Naturally, the sasquatch has a neck consisting of seven cervical vertebrae just like any other primate. What became obvious, as seen in the attached perspective, the combination of the attachment of the vertebral column beneath a small braincase with a flat face and massive deep jaws, appears to obscure the neck, especially when combined with the pronounced trapezius with relatively high attachment on the skull, while flaring to span very broad shoulders. This in comparison to the large brain case combined with small jaws and trapezius development associated with the human skeleton. 
Posture comparison of human and hypothetical facsimile of sasquatch skeleton (photo: Dr. Jeff Meldrum)
Read the previous article about how they made the 3D sasquatch skeleton -- or to be proper, how they made (deep breath) a hypothetical facsimile of what a sasquatch skeleton might look like

Cliff Barackman Explains Why There is More Than One Bigfoot to ABC News Affiliate

ABC News affiliate KRCR from Redding, CA interviews Cliff Barackman

"They are a normal biological species of hominoids, of some sort. So, there have to be more than one." --Cliff Barackman; Finding Bigfoot host

It easy to forget, even after almost a decade of explaining to laypeople about bigfoot, that some people think that bigfoot is a singular entity. Sure, it would explain why the big guy (girl) is so elusive, but most of us think that bigfoot is a biological mammal that would require a breeding population to exist.

Even more recent, Dr. Jeff Meldrum felt compelled to make the point that there are several bigfoots out there. In The Bengal Dr. Meldrum expressed as much:
When asked what he thought a Sasquatch was, Meldrum said, “One important thing to stress is that it’s not just one individual creature, because then you would have a monster if it was a single, lone being. 
You can watch Cliff Barackman's full interview clip below.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Finding Bigfoot's Top Ten Video Clips of 2015

Animal Planet picks Finding Bigfoot's Top 10 Clips of 2015

Animal Planet has picked the top ten video clips of Finding Bigfoot from 2015. Check out the picks below and let us know if you agree.

While in Florida, video evidence of a supposed Bigfoot was shared with the team, so they head to the area where it was filmed. While there, the witness describes the scene, which included dead and injured pigs everywhere.

An eye-witness describes how big the Bigfoot she encountered was and her description is chilling.

The team heads to Brazil and meets with Dr. David Oren, who is one of the only researchers known to study the mapinguari, the Amazonian equivalent of Bigfoot.

While out with the Shaman, Ranae makes a few calls to the Mapiguari - and gets a warning.

The team puts on skunk oil and breaks up to travel areas in Myakka Park. While out, each team separately hears knocks, leading them to believe they've found a great area.

Cliff, Ranae, and Bobo travel to meet with Ben Dupont, a local witness who says he has seen a female Caddo-Critter. Ben's testimony provides the team with an excellent account of Bigfoots in the area.

For the final night investigation, the team takes advantage of the acoustics in the Ozarks and recruit the skills of Shoji Tabuchi, a legendary fiddle play in Branson, MO,, to see if they can lure out a Bigfoot.

Out on the final night investigation with Jeff Stewart, the team tries several different calls to attract Sasquatches.

Cliff, Ranae, and Matt meet with a local witness whose encounter with a bigfoot has made him a true believer.

The team travel to upstate New York where they get a history lesson from Paul Bartholomew about Bigfoot incidents in the area in order to understand more current sightings.

You can also click the following link to watch these top 10 Finding Bigfoot videos of 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Life Size 3D Sasquatch Skeleton Shines Light on Sasquatch Posture

Dr. Jeff Meldrum standing next to a life-size 3D printed Sasquatch Skeleton

“All we’re doing is creating a hypothetical facsimile of what [sasquatch] might look like to convey a notion of the dimensions...” --Dr. Jeff Meldrum; Professor of ISU Department of Anthropology

This is exactly what I love about bigfoot. We get to speculate and eventually create tools that allow us to build better models of what bigfoot might be. Paleontologist come to grips that they may never see a dinosaur and it doesn't stop them from trying to get closer to the truth about these prehistoric beast. Don't get me wrong I would love to see a bigfoot, but I'm also at peace, the same way a paleontologist is at peace when they dream about what dinosaurs look like.

Now we have come closer than ever being ever to visualize the skeletal structure of bigfoot, thanks to Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Idaho State University.

So where did Dr. Meldrum start? In the excerpt below jumping off points are discussed and where they needed to make adjustments based on reviewing the Patterson/Gimlin film. Plus, find out how witness reports of a forward hunching posture may be an optical illusion.

The first ancestor of Bigfoot is supposedly a Gigantopithecus, a giant ape that existed in eastern Asia and went extinct two to three hundred thousand years ago. The only remains were discovered in caves across China and Vietnam after being dragged there by porcupines for calcium sustenance. Meldrum’s second hypothesis on Bigfoot’s ancestry is that it is a descendant of an Australopithecus, another extinct species of ape.

However, the creature’s cranial proportions were different from an ape’s and it walked upright. Another philosophy is that a different, unknown species of ape developed upright walking movement and grew larger throughout the years.

Additionally, the infamous idea of a Bigfoot relative is that of the Neanderthal, or cave dweller. Neanderthals are measured to be roughly about 5 feet 4 inches tall, but their brain capacities were larger than modern humans.
“All we’re doing is creating a hypothetical facsimile of what it might look like to convey a notion of the dimensions,” Meldrum said. “First and foremost, it turns out there were other things that we can start to work with on that scale. Instead of starting from scratch we took an existing hominid skeleton, the most complete being a Neanderthal.”

The printing started after Dr. Meldrum agreed to make an appearance on the History Channel, talking about Bigfoot. While studying the Patterson-Gimlin film, researchers took the remains they were permitted to use by the archaeological corporation, Bone Clones, which collects natural history artifacts, and proportioned them to the exact specifications a Sasquatch ought to be.

“They gave us permission to do a 3-D scan on a Neanderthal skeleton they found,” Meldrum said. “We compared that to the Patterson-Gimlin film. We had to widen the shoulders and increase the thickness in the torso. The hips are as wide as the shoulders; the body was built like a tank.”

The model skeleton used in the research was that of a Paranthropus boisei, another type of primate. According to several witnesses of possible Sasquatch sightings, the creature has no neck; this is why researchers analyzed these specific remains.

As it turns out, a Paranthropus boisei has a large jawline and chin, and therefore, covers the neck
This last line, regarding how the jaw obscures the neck, rung a bell with me. Dr. Meldrum had discussed this 3D printing project with me over a year ago and mentioned how descriptions of Sasquatch without a neck could have been due to Sasquatch hunching forward. Now, with the skeleton we can see that hunching forward is not required to achieve this same look, it could simply be the jawline obscuring the neck.

Click the following link for Dr. Jeff Meldrum's  deeper explanation about sasquatch necks and more photos he provided to Bigfoot Lunch Club.

You can read more about the 3D printing process at

Friday, December 4, 2015

Another Journalist Gets Roger Patterson's Deathbed Confession Wrong

Roger Patterson, known for filming a bigfoot in Bluff Creek, CA on October 20, 1967

"I was absolutely devastated the day I heard Roger Patterson had made a deathbed confession that the 1967 bigfoot footage he shot was a hoax." --Tony Casey, perpetuating a rumor

In an article titled, "Why we're always looking for the monsters on the hillside" and published by the Johnson City Press, journalist Tony Casey claims Roger Patterson had confessed on his deathbed he had hoaxed the film. There is no evidence for this. He continues to reason in his article how the "confession" shattered his hope that bigfoot was real, while shoring up his critical thinking. Read an excerpt below:
Leading up to Patterson’s admission, I was objectively sure — albeit in a non-scientific way — that if that footage was real, bigfoot was also most likely real because the creature in the film, according to my eyes, couldn’t be anything but bigfoot. It very clearly wasn’t a bear walking on two legs. It was one of two things: a human in an ape suit or bigfoot itself. The scene shot in the creek bed that day is forever ingrained in my mind: the massive upright ape-like creature, calmly walking with an impressively taut arm swing and carriage, moving away from the camera, looking over its shoulder to acknowledge the equipment, but not in too much of a hurry.

It was too good to be true. It was literally too good to be true. When I found out it was a hoax, things changed for me, but for the better I’d argue. Instead of taking things at face value, I began to require concrete evidence for my beliefs.
How about concrete evidence for your rumors?

The has a great article about how that deathbed confession rumor may have started. You can read about it below.

The most commonly heard false fact about the Patterson footage:

"The guy who got the footage admitted on his deathbed that he faked it."

This is not true. This is a mixup. Here's how the mixup started.
The man who obtained the most well known photo of the Loch Ness monster (not bigfoot) admitted on his deathbed that he faked that photo.

The story of his confession popped up in newspaper headlines around the world. The story didn't last long as a news item, but every new agency, in every country, on every continent, ran the story.

The story mutated in the press, from a crypto story about one photo from Loch Ness being debunked, to "Mystery of Loch Ness Finally Solved." 

The BFRO article continues to explain how things got worse.

 The Patterson footage was mistakenly associated with a "deathbed confession" related to a famous "monster" mystery.

The Loch Ness deathbed confession story grabbed such big headlines, it was inevitable that someone would try the same formula down the line. It only took a few more years.

The heirs of a man named Ray Wallace initially reported his "deathbed confession" about faking the first famous bigfoot tracks in Northern California.

Ray Wallace left behind a few pairs of wooden feet for making fake tracks. He would sell plaster casts of fake tracks at his roadside tourist shop.

His heirs later recanted the "deathbed confession" part of the story, and instead said they "just know he started the whole thing."

The initial "deathbed confession" element helpd [sic] get the story onto the AP Wire. It became "The Father of Bigfoot Dies". 
If you are interested, click to read New York Time's Ray Wallace deathbed confession article printed January 3, 2003.

You can even go to Tony Casey's article, Why we're always looking for the monsters on the hillside to let him know that Roger Patterson's deathbed confession is only a rumor and he can keep hoping for bigfoot.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Rick Dyer Continues to Search for Redemption with "Taxidermied" Bigfoot

Illustration by Paul Blow
“The only reason I kilt [Hank] is I had to have my redemption...” --Rick Dyer; Bigfoot Hoaxer

Hank is the name for Rick Dyer's "taxerdermied" bigfoot. And yes, taxidermied deserves to be in quotes.  You can read a whole history of Rick Dyer from Bigfoot Lunch Club; starting with the 2008 bigfoot press conference. Including Rick Dyer's arrest for eBay fraud and his admission that Hank is little more than Camel Hair and Latex.

This hasn't stopped Rick Dyer from touring the Walmart parking lots of America and sharing the story of how he shot Hank near San Antonio, Texas. Recently in an an in-depth article from Texas Monthly (9600 words!), journalist Jeff Winkler spends time with Rick Dyer in a Walmart parking lot asking about the medical 3D scans of the taxidermied bigfoot body, reviewing his checkered past, and the self comparisons of PT Barnum and Andy Kaufman. Read excerpts from these three highlights below.

"Rick’s confidante and second-in-command, Andrew Clancy, explained that the embalming process and the use of a resin had given the exposed skin a chalky, plaster-of-Paris appearance. He told us the feet and hands had been covered because the big reveal of Hank’s extremities was being saved for a later date (though no hints were given as to what abnormalities might be hiding under the black sheet). Both Rick and Andrew enumerated, with exacting detail, what we were seeing on the 3-D medical scan being passed around, a diagnostic image, we were told, that would be impossible to fake. True, it had been Photoshopped, but only to hide the serial number at the bottom, the one that would identify the hospital where it was taken (there were only three such scanners in the world, they said)."
"[Bigfoot Tracker News], however, doesn’t just disagree with Rick. It has published all of Rick’s previous, non-Bigfoot-related brushes with the law. In 2012 Rick was arrested for aggravated battery of a pregnant person (his wife), with more than one anti-Rick blog indicating or flat-out saying that he beat the hell out of her. In 2011 Rick was charged with eBay fraud, involving the false sale of vehicles, in San Antonio. That same year, in Arkansas, Rick had been contracted to run a used-car lot after claiming he had worked at one in Las Vegas. The Arkansas business filed charges against him because, as someone associated with the company cautiously described, “the tickets didn’t add up . . . to the extent that we felt obligated to press charges.” Around the same time, Rick allegedly worked for a tow-truck company—called, appropriately, Bigfoot Towing—and a woman accused him of illegally impounding her car."
How would you differentiate between a fraud, a hoaxster, and a prankster? What was P.T. Barnum or Andy Kaufman, the two men to whom Rick enjoys comparing himself?

Even Rick, usually so loquacious, struggled for the right words when I asked him about this in Paris. “I believe they were showmen,” said Rick after declaring the two men hoaxsters but definitely not frauds. “They knew how to work people, and I believe I know how to work people. The people who think that I’m a hoaxster, people who think I’m just a showman with nothing to show for it, they’re all going to have to eat their words.”
Click to read the whole article titled, "Rick Dyer’s Believe It Or Not!"

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

FOX News Affiliate Searches for Sasquatch in Colorado

KSNT FOX21’s Abbie Burke Looks for Bigfoot
"Probably two or three in the morning we heard loud tree knocks and whooping or calling, from some sort of creature or more than one." --Kevin Lynn; Colorado Sasquatch Searcher

The Sasquatch Outpost has become more than a store with bigfoot mechandise, it has become a bgfoot museum, complete with a map for local Coloradians to pin their own bigfoot encounters. 

Two local TV news rporters decided to go "squatchin'" with Jim and Daphne Myers who co-own the store.

Below is the video with a snip-it from the companion article from KSNT FOX21 News.

FOX21’s Abbie Burke and Ray Harless went out with the Myers in search of Bigfoot, but were unsuccessful.
However, just months before, Kevin Lynn said he had an encounter nearby.

Lynn and a friend went searching for Sasquatch in late July along the Colorado Trail in the Lost Creek Wilderness Area.

“It started to get dark and we decided we needed to find a flat place to set up camp and also get a fire going,” said Lynn.

“We did some calls and some tree knocks at night and after about 11 p.m. we kind of settled in and called it a night. Probably two or three in the morning we heard loud tree knocks and whooping or calling, from some sort of creature or more than one. We heard it from behind our tent as well as out in front of our tent. The only thing we figured is that they were calling between each other and they knew we were there. We actually got to the point where we couldn’t go back to sleep because it happened for several hours.”

No one has officially been able to prove Bigfoot’s existence, but those who believe say a mind can be changed in an instant.

“It only takes one sighting and you’re an instant believer,” said Daphne.

Visit the official site for the Sasquatch Outpost!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 15th: The Most Controversial HopsSquatch Yet

Artist Interpretation of Bigfoot Portal with Bigfoot and Dr.J in Front

John [Carlson] and Adam [Davies] accidentally triggered and opened up a portal. Out of the portal came about 3 foot tall, two of them, guardians of the portal." --Dr. Matthew Johnson;

Don't miss the most controversial HopsSquatch yet! Dr. Matthew Johnson has two successful habituation areas, and he claims one of them has opening and closing portals. He is also on record suggesting that Sasquatch have cloaking abilities. 

DATE: Sunday, November 15th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Dr. Matthew Johnson


His history goas back to the year 2000 and Guy Edwards from Bigfoot Lunch Club categorizes his history ion three phases. 

PHASE 1: The Encounter | July 2000Dr. Matthew Johnson's Bigfoot history begins at Oregon Caves National Park in Southern Oregon on July 1st 2000. You can read his a detailed BFRO report of his encounter. Here's the very short version. After exiting a cave, Dr. Johnson was with his family when he was alerted by a foul smell and loud vocalizations. After walking away from his family to take care of "business" he scanned downhill towards them and saw a Bigfoot. If you have ever heard Dr. Johnson recall this story in person, he gets very emotional at this point. This is the point where he expresses his concern for his family's safety.
The encounter was huge bigfoot news for the mainstream media and went viral, probably because of the embedded irony that Dr. Matthew Johnson was a psychologist telling a story that sounds nuts to the general public. He went on to do several national media interviews and kept to this non-paranormal version.

PHASE 2: 2011 Cloaking Revealed | June 2011Fast-forward to 11 years later when Dr. Johnson had a conversation with only four people present. The conversation would be a milestone in the retelling of the Oregon Cave encounter.
Dr. Johnson was a guest speaker at Toby Johnson's (no relation) Sasquatch Symposium. Paranormal researcher Thom Powell was also in attendance as another guest speaker. A conversation between the two of them would reveal a huge detail missing from Dr. Johnson's retelling of his Oregon Cave encounter. The missing detail? The Bigfoot in Matthew Johnson's encounter had the ability to cloak.

PHASE 3: The Portal | June 2014After years of keeping his Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) to himself, Dr. Matthew Johnson began to invite hand-picked researchers to his bigfoot habituation site. In June of 2014, Adam Davies and John Carlson were among the exclusive researchers allowed to camp at SOHA and what they encountered still defies explanation, although Dr. Matthew Johnson tried at his conference. At the conference Dr. Johnson talked about visible portals to other dimensions and half-sized bigfoots with glowing eyes.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thom Powell and the "Edges of Science" at HopsSquatch

the Last time you saw Thom Powell was on TV


“I understand that I’m working on the fringe, if not outside the boundaries, of science.” --Thom Powell; Author

The above quote is from a recent Portland Tribune article titled "Exploring the Edges of Science". 

Thom Powell has been on several TV shows regarding Bigfoot and the unexplained. Most recently you saw him yakking it up with Joe Rogan as Joe Rogan questions everything.

For over a decade Thom Powell has been ahead of the curve. You can read our entire coverage of Thom Powell at Bigfoot Lunch Club dating back to 2011. he has made many predictions that were once though to be scoff-worthy, but the eventually the community caught up to him. His next book is no exception. Edges of Science debuted as a #1 New release, and covers fringe bigfoot topics we will be sure to be talking about in years to come. Get a previe of our Future at the next hopSquatch.

Don't miss a chance to hear the latest from our most dynamic speaker of the year!


Thom continues to be in high demand as a speaker for Bigfoot conferences, lately he has added the UFO-types to his audience. Thom is the perfect ambassador for these two world and world we may not be familiar with. Come to the NW Lucky Lab on October 18th and brings a new paradigm to Bigfoot.
DATE: Sunday, October 18th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Author Thom Powell

Thursday, October 8, 2015

"Killing Bigfoot" Cast Members Shouted at During Honobia Bigfoot Conference

"Killing Bigfoot" Cast Members got verbal tomatoes thrown at them 
“I know a lot of people hear ‘Killing Bigfoot,’ it’s bad, and everybody hates us and we get a lot of hate mail.” --Barry Schockemoehl; Killing Bigfoot cast member

The Effington Daily News (EDN) is reporting on some hostility towards the cast members of Killing Bigfoot. The TV show airs on the Destination America network with the tagline, "The Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization is determined to hunt and kill a Bigfoot to prove to Science and the world- that the creatures are real." 

To kill or not to kill is an ongoing debate that, we feel, is putting the cart before the horse. Don't we need to find bigfoot first? Although some would argue that bigfoot gets shot or killed about every 4 years. The biggest argument against trying to kill one to prevent mis-identification. In other words you better be sure it is not an upright walking human when you pull the trigger. Even the Chewbacca actor needed protection from hunters.

EDN reports on the hostility between the Killing Bigfoot cast and the Honobia Bigfoot Conference attendees:

Michael Humphreys, a "Killing Bigfoot" cast member from rural Talihina, Oklahoma, said, “These things can get extremely aggressive. I don’t like them scaring the kids.” He said his daughter, his niece and nephews were terrorized.

Producers from “Killing Bigfoot” videotaped while the cast took questions.

Some audience members agreed Lancaster could defend against an aggressive Bigfoot. Others peppered him with questions about why killing is necessary with a rare, elusive species, and why they hunt with bullets instead of cameras, or tranquilizer darts. Some asked questions about illegal animal abuse and killing a part-human.

“Who made you God, to kill an animal like that?” shouted one man in the audience. “You’re not God.”

When asked how close he’d come to killing a Bigfoot, Lancaster replied, “Close.”

“Just fear based on nothing is not a reason to kill,” one audience member called. “You have to have a basis.”
Some verbal fireworks may have been for the television cameras, but the hostility level became intense as audience questions continued
Click the following link to read the article titled "Killing Bigfoot' discussion gets hairy at annual festival".

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Man Becomes Famous after Finding Bigfoot in his Cheetos

Andy's cheesy 'Sasquatch' Photo: CheeseCurlsOfInstagram

“One night I snacked on some Cheetos… I found Sasquatch and other interesting shapes – at least a couple in each bag,” --Andy Huot; Cheese Curl Photographer

Although the 34 year old Andy Huot lives and creates his art in Kentucky, it took an Australian news outlet to recognize his greatness.

In an article dated October 7th, Australia's Yahoo 7 News showcases some of Andy's most provocative work. He is not limited to single pieces, in fact, some of his photos use several cheese curls to tell a story in the form of a diorama.

Evolution of man... in cheese curls. Photo: Andy Huot
The Article titled, "The man who makes the cheesiest art in the world" continues to talk about his process:

“I also started using multiple Cheetos to create dioramas such as ‘The Execution-Style Killing of a Man for Being Different,’ which is my favourite,” he said.

“All Cheetos are saved and sorted in a special container”.
Even his photo captions have become part of the work of art.

“I often do research and create several drafts before I am satisfied. The captions are the most important and most challenging part of the art,” he said.
You Can Find his latest photos at the Following Places
Instagram: @CheeseCurlsofInstagram

And you can buy prints at Etsy:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Unique Bigfoot Audio to be Shared at HopsSquatch on September 27th

Photo of Tillamook Forest Research Group
DATE: Sunday, September 27th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Tillamook Forest Research Group

Bigfoot research groups come and go. They are usually dissolve for several reasons and rarely are the lead by the same individuals that initially founded them. Some splinter and others just dissolve slowly. In the end, instead of getting a record of research you get a record of squabbling and rumors. I'm very pleased to announce is that HopsSquatch will be hosting a research group that has overcome all those issues; The Tillamook Forest Research group. 

Even better, Gunnar Monson promises to bring some interesting audio evidence to hopsSquatch. Reserve your ticket now and get the first chance to hear some evidence with full context. 

Members of the Tillamook group includes a who's who of prominent Northwest Bigfoot Researchers. Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson host the popular weekly Bigfoot Radio show, Monster X, Barbara Olvera and Cindy Caddel both have led several BFRO expeditions, Larry Turner has been collecting audio and consulted with the best in the field regarding analysis. Below is a full roster of the group : 

Gunnar Monson, Entrepreneur, Lead Investigator
Larry Turner, Metrologist, Field Investigator, Audio Analysis
Shane Corson, Retail Manager, Field Investigator
Cindy Caddell, Professional Photographer, Degree in Archeology, Field Investigator
Jerod Caddell, Police Officer, Field Investigator
Marc Jasco, Manager of a Calibration Lab, Field Investigator, Wilderness Survival Expert
Jes Sothern, Nurse, Field Investigator
Barbara Olvera, Biology Student, Field Investigator
Greg Rasar, Police Officer, Field Investigator
John Hammer, Nurse, Field Investigator

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