Showing posts with label David Paulides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Paulides. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013

David Paulides Explains the Complexity of Bigfoot DNA

David Paulides tries to add context to the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Project
"[Dr. Melba Ketchum] has caught much flack from other groups who have no idea of the complexity or the internal protocol develop(ed) by researchers." -- David Paulides

Below is a snippet of Jeffery Pritchett's Interview with David Paulides. Jeffery Pritchett is the host of the radio show The Church Of Mabus at He has a Bachelors in Science Communications. The radio show has often been described as Heavy Metal meets Paranormal. 

Mr. Pritchett does a great job interviewing Paulides asking ten questions ranging from the Hoopa Project to Dr. Melba Ketchum. It is the answer to the tenth question that is interesting to us, where Mr. Paulides explains the complexity of Bigfoot DNA.

[Jeffery Pritchett:] DNA testing has been around for over a decade yet there has never been another bigfoot group to attempt classification, why?

[David Paulides:] When we started the bigfoot DNA project we collected dozens of samples and then solicited specimens from different groups and individuals across North America, eventually collecting over one hundred.

The bigfoot DNA is much more complex than anyone outside the project understands. Dr. Melba Ketchum has been the lead scientific researcher and has caught much flack from other groups who have no idea of the complexity or the internal protocol develops by researchers. There are some outsiders who believe they are entitled to more information then has been released.

Our intentions have always been to submit the results of the bigfoot DNA project to a scientific journal and to have our results peer reviewed. If other scientists of international notoriety give the paper their blessing, there is then no basis for refusing to accept the validity of the results. Protocol in this process is mandated, scientists (participants) can never release results of the testing until the paper is peer reviewed.

People need to understand that the results of the DNA are not Dr. Ketchum’s interpretation or the product of her independent work, they are the cumulative effort of many organizations and institutions who contributed their intellect to the results. Great discoveries sometimes take years of success and failure before enlightenment occurs. The results of this study will change the way the world views the biped.

North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) is a privately funded organization that had its start in Silicon Valley, California. A small group of technology executives had prior incidents in the woods of Northern California and dedicated resources for the research and investigation of the Biped.

One significant difference between NABS and every other Bigfoot organization is our dedication to stay on a regional project until every possible angle of every sighting has been researched, witnesses interviewed, locations and food sources understood, and an extensive list of variables answered. Our organization will stay in a community sometimes for months/Years and thereby develop the trust, integrity and contacts to make our research valuable and enlightening.

The organization is interested in all regions of North America and can have a researcher dispatched to a specific area in your state in hours. We do appreciate information on any Bigfoot sighting anywhere in the world.

Our researchers and investigators have extensive experience in their specific field and may have knowledge about your area that is unique. Our ability to keep a researcher on site to develop that “unique” knowledge has assisted our organization in developing advanced techniques in gathering information.

Our ability to communicate and align with all facets of government, business, academics and various levels of society make our field personnel an unusual commodity in Bigfoot circles. The researchers we field may be from any one of a variety of academic backgrounds, private industry and university adjunct positions. We pride ourselves in being professional, discrete and open to all ideas and feedback.

Jeffery Pritchett is the host of The Church Of Mabus radio show bringing you interviews on the paranormal and high strange and cryptozoology. Saturday nights at 11pm Eastern or come listen for free on our archives at your own leisure. you can read the full initerview at

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bigfoot in Gasquet: Peacocks, Honeydew and Hair

Honeydew melons and peacocks are on the menu for Bigfoot in a town called
Gasquet, California. Hair samples have been analyzed and determined to be of primate origin. Read the whole article below.

‘The smoking gun’

Written by Anthony Skeens
The Triplicate February 18, 2011 07:09 pm
Gasquet hair samples still being analyzed

Kirk Stewart displays a cast he made of a large footprint found on his French Hill Road property. The Daily Triplicate/Bryant Anderson
Take a 3-mile excursion up a winding mountain road near Gasquet, go down a driveway lined with heavy brush, and there’s a meadow.
In that meadow roam horses, cows, cats, and occasionally, the landowner believes, Bigfoot.

Kirk Stewart, the owner of a residence on French Hill Road, is still waiting on detailed analysis of hair samples he collected after a night three years ago when he thinks Bigfoot broke through a wire fence, plucked about seven of his peacocks and then made off with them.

The next morning, Stewart said he found a trampled fence and a piece of his peacock pen peeled off. He also noticed feathers on the ground and on a tree limb about 7 feet high.

“I was thinking it was a bear, up until I had seen how it opened the pen,” said Stewart.

As he assessed the damage, Stewart said he happened upon a clump of about 16 hairs attached to one of the barbs on his fence. They were about 7 inches long with a fine texture and a slight curl.

“The hairs are the smoking gun,” he said.

Stewart sent them to the North America Bigfoot Search. A preliminary analysis determined them to be from a primate, according to a book by the organization’s director.

A more detailed analysis is expected within six months, it said.

‘One of the hottest places’
NABS claims to use scientific methods to investigate possible incidents involving Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, a purportedly ape-like creature whose existence is discounted by a majority of scientists.

NABS was created about six years ago by a group of private donors who wanted to find answers to their childhood curiosities about whether Bigfoot exists, said David Paulides, director of the organization based in Los Gatos, Calif.

It has collected dozens of hair samples from around the country to genetically analyze them. Along with Stewart’s samples, NABS has received hair samples from Hoopa, northern Humboldt County near Bluff Creek, and Oregon.

“(Del Norte) has to be one of the hottest places in the world” for Bigfoot reports, said Paulides in a telephone interview with The Triplicate.

He’s especially interested in Stewart’s property, where the resident said several other things have happened that seem Bigfoot-related.

“I’ve been at his property several times,” said Paulides. “ What’s going on there is very strange.”

Stewart examines the spot on his fence where he found the hair samples. The Daily Triplicate/Bryant Anderson
Stewart said he made a cast of a giant footprint he found on his property on a different occasion than the 2008 peacock disappearance.
It’s about 7 inches wide and about 17 inches long.

In 2007, Stewart was throwing a birthday party for his son, when he heard a loud yell coming from near his melon patch.

When Stewart later went to the patch, he said he found a line of about 50 melons that had been pried open, he said.

There were circular holes in the melons with fingernail indentations, he said, adding there was also a big indentation in one of the large tires that housed the melons.

Perhaps Bigfoot used it as a resting place while gorging on melons, Stewart speculated.

“If I ever had him over for dinner, I’d cook peacocks and cut honeydew melons,” joked Stewart as he walked around his property recently.

“I believe it’s what they call a Bigfoot,” he said. “It’s not some long-haired hippie running around.”

Stewart said he has yet to sign a contract with NABS releasing his rights to the hair samples.

He said he makes his living farming his property. He also has a lawsuit pending against Del Norte County seeking the cash value of marijuana plants confiscated from his land even though he had a valid medical marijuana caregiver license.

The drug-related charges against Stewart were dismissed, but he’s currently on probation for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

‘In reality there’s thousands (of Bigfoots)’
Before it started collecting hair samples, NABS set out to gather anecdotal evidence from people who claimed to have encountered Bigfoot.

Through commonalities in the evidence gathered, Paulides said he was able to profile behavioral attributes of the creature.

“We named food sources,” said Paulides. “Bigfoot eats mushrooms. That’s a food source people didn’t really think about. Also, there’s a series of green shrubs and ferns and water plants.”

NABS has also hypothesized Bigfoot is not going to be far from water.

After gathering anecdotal information, NABS had a forensic artist draw sketches of Bigfoot that people who claimed to have seen it described.

The facial features of Bigfoot are more humanlike than previously suggested and its hair color runs the color spectrum similar to human hair, said Paulides.

“We flew right into the face of old-time researchers,” he said.

Paulides included anecdotal evidence and the forensic sketches in his book, “Tribal Bigfoot.”

Stewart was featured in the book, as were several other people from Del Norte and Humboldt counties.

While the book released in 2009 was being written, NABS was in the beginning stages of hair sample analysis.

A letter about a preliminary laboratory analysis of Stewart’s sample was published in the book.

The letter states that an expert examined the hair and found it to be from an animal of primate origin.

Since then, dozens more hair samples have been submitted for evaluation, and NABS hopes to have results soon, Paulides said.

The research has taken longer than expected due to the complexity of genetically tracing the hairs, Paulides said.

“That’s probably one of the reasons no one has tried to jump through the hurdles that we’re jumping through,” said Paulides. “It’s much more complicated than anyone thought.”

Paulides anticipates having the analysis completed within the next six months.

The work will be published in a report written by a group of scientists who will scrutinize the findings, Paulides said.

“I think if you have any scientific acumen to you and you’re an educated person then it’s hard to ignore science,” said Paulides. “In reality there’s thousands of (Bigfoots). They’re much more common than anyone realizes.”

“The forrest floor is so efficient at disposing of things,” said Paulides, adding that he’s spent thousands of hours in the woods, but has never seen a fully intact skeleton of a mountain lion.

“If we can prove theres a primate out there that’s bipedal and it has been ignored by science for eternity and we can now show it exists,” said Paulides, “I don’t care what kind of evolutionary belief system you have, I believe that will alter the course of science.”

Gasquet hair samples still being analyzed

David Paleidis on Coast to Coast Tonite
New Harvey Pratt Sketches and C2C Interview
A Bigfoot Thanksgiving honoring Harvey Pratt

Sunday, August 29, 2010

David Paleidis on Coast to Coast Tonite

Its no secret David Paulides is a controversial figure in the Bigfoot community. One post on Cryptomundo by Loren Coleman criticizes him for propagating the M.K.Davis fantasy.

David Paulides, in 2009, allegedly was the author of several communiques in which he extended some of the M.K. Davis fantasy theories about Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson killing Bigfoot at Bluff Creek in 1967, and John Green, Bob Titmus, and others being behind a coverup of this “massacre.” He caused some folks to think he had some new, correct answers. Those “answers” crumbed like a house of cards when John Green decided to call Paulides on some of his accusations, such as the fact that the “Titmus” photos were of a pilot, and the “red blood pools” were color-filtered rainwater images. --Loren Coleman

In the same post Sharon Lee, one of the best journalist in the community, says this about David:

...Finally, the most difficult presentation to sit through was that of David Paulides….I had no idea who this Paulides guy was, but I guess I should have! In his words, he is the best researcher. His organization is the best. He doesn’t consider individual people researchers. He insulted Michael Rugg, the host of the event, by telling Mike that he was not a researcher, but just a museum. He then went on to talk about what a bad rap he gets, and how no other organizations will step forward to work with him...--Sharon Lee

On Paulides' North America Bigfoot Search site, they announce tonight's interview on the upcoming events page.

David Paulides will be on "Coast to Coast AM" this Sunday morning [sic] (Really Monday morning from midnight-2am) discussing the latest research that NABS has been working on. The discussions will center on the research conducted in the past versus todays eforts and findings.

"...past versus today's efforts?" Will this be an attempt to hit the reset button and distance Paulides from his earlier, more controversial stands?

Are we reading to much into this single sentence? Either way, even if he isn't planning on resetting his public relations image, most of the crew at Bigfoot Lunch Club feel he should--if not for himself, for the community.

Regardless it should be interesting tune in to Coast to Coast for the last two hours to hear what the new research David Palides is up to.

Cryptomundo quotes
Sharon Lee The Bigfoot Field Reporter™
David Palides' North America Bigfoot Search
Coast to Coast AM

Sunday, August 8, 2010

OREGON DMV: We will no longer suspend Drivers Licenses for Reporting Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

I received a notice that my licence had UNJUSTLY BEEN SUSPENDED in 2004. Along with the notice I got a form to fill out on all cost to be paid back to me by DMV for the doctor and all filing fees. It said Oregon will no longer suspend beginning 2-6-2010 for reporting Bigfoot/Sasquatch.--Commentor on

Wha-What? Was this really an issue and we missed it? Apparently two websites did some serious research into this and came to two different conclusions. North America Bigfoot Search headed by controversial David Paulides actually got a response from the Oregon Department of Transportation (image below: click to see larger view)

Linda Perry of Bigfoot Ballyhoo has found evidence to the contrary and takes partial responsibility for ending this practice of suspending licenses of Bigfoot Witnesses.

The only problem we have with Linda Perry's coverage is how hard it is to find. We have provided the links in order for your convenience below.

Bigfoot Ballyhoos ODL Suspension Series on April 16th 2010
8:11am--Linda request reports of ODL Suspensions
9:12am--Commenter reports letter from DMV: ODL suspension in error
11:08am--Police Officers Wife Responds
On MAY 28th Guest Blogger gives his 2 cents regarding the debate

NA Bigfoot Research Full Disclosure project

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Harvey Pratt Sketches and C2C Interview

Filling in for George Knapp on February 28th, Ian Punnett was joined on Coast to Coast AM, for the latter half of the program, by Bigfoot researcher David Paulides and forensic artist Harvey Pratt for a discussion on the relationship between Native American cultures and Bigfoot as well as their work using eyewitness testimony to craft forensic sketches of the creature. Paulides revealed that they have uncovered a number of tales of Bigfoot abducting humans. He shared one story, from around the 1940's or 50's, of a girl from the city who was visiting her family in a rural part of California. She went off into the woods to pick berries and disappeared. A month later, she reemerged and claimed she'd been "kidnapped by the hairy man." Pratt concurred with the pervasiveness of these types of stories, saying that he's heard similar tales "even closer to our time frame."

Regarding their work turning sightings into sketches, Pratt stressed that he serves as a forensic artist as opposed to an illustrator and that all of his drawings are done with the witnesses present and are based solely on their testimony. "We go through a great deal of dialogue," Pratt said, with the goal of capturing the sighting from all angles, including the face as well as the back and shoulders. Despite the ongoing debate in the cryptozoology community over whether the creature is ape-like or human-like, Paulides marveled that "we have yet to draw anything close to an ape." Another trend that they have noticed is that the hair color of the Bigfoot seems to coincide with its age, similar to how a human's hair changes over time. For instance, all of the reported golden-colored Bigfoot are smaller and underdeveloped while the grey haired ones are older and frail-looking creatures.

Read the full story at C2C

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