Saturday, June 19, 2010

OSS Silverstar close up

Below is the Photo Cliff Barachman used to determine size of
Silverstar sasquatch. Upon doing some math he derived the VISIBLE
hightower to be just above 5 ft. Using Patty as a guide he determine
the Sasquatch to be 7'8" in total.

OSS Cliff Barackman talks about Silverstar Photographs

Randee Chase on Nov 17 2005 saw what he thought was a rock, once the
rock moved he thought it was a man.

It was not until friends pursuaded Randee that it may be a Bigfoot.

Images of the silverstar photos to follow.

OSS David Rodriguez AKA Multiple Encounters

D.Rodriguez AKA Multiple Encounters, has had three major encounters
with Bigfoot. He has been face to face and engaged by Sasquatch.
His topic is Tree Breaks, considered a common tell-tale sign by
bigfooters. A thought-provoking presentation that cautions us to know
how snow loading can also look like tree breaks.
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