Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Russians Spot UFO While Digging "Sasquatch" Bones

Go figure. No sooner had we played on the pun of space, Russians spot a UFO while digging up Bigfoot remains.

The news source,, mostly a UFO site files this post today:
In Russia a UFO was found while searching for Bigfoot, video

Masha Dimitriov

A story is making headlines in Russia regarding students that went looking for Bigfoot but found an alien UFO instead (see video below).

On July 13 a group of Archaeological students went on an expedition to find evidence of the legendary Yeti or Bigfoot that is believed to reside on Shoria Mountain in the Kuzbass region of Kemerovo Province in Russia.

Witness accounts of this mysterious 'cryptiod' hominid in this area span over centuries although no scientist has ever found conclusive proof of its existence.

While digging for possible bone remains the students noticed a UFO hovering over them. At the time they saw the UFO, luckily, one of the team was filming anyway. The bizarre craft manoeuvred back and forth before vanishing.

the students now refer to the encounter as a 'miracle'.

Expert on UFO activity internationally and All News Web editor, Mr Michael Cohen, notes that the film 'might be computer generated and needs further study. Alternatively many have suggested a connection between Bigfoot and aliens, some suggesting Bigfoot is indeed an ET'.

In the map below we could locate the Kemerovo Province in Russia mentioned in the article, but could not find Shoria Mountain.

View Larger Map

The video below is pretty weak and the transition from ground to sky is suspect but for what its worth here it is below.

The original post at

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is Space Responsible for Bigfoot

NO! We dont mean outer space (not in this post anyway). We are referring to the new scientific term, Living Space - more formally known as the "ecological niche concept" by biologists - refers to the particular requirements of an organism to thrive. It includes factors like the availability of food and a favorable habitat.

In a new report that seems to challenge the driving engine for evolution. PhD student Sarda Sahney claims it was the available Living Space (or lack of competition) that created and drove biodiversity and not necessarily competition itself, as Darwin suggested.

One of his examples is the evolution of birds, when dinosaurs learned to fly, the sky was literally the limit and without any predators in the sky, there was no competition, and birds thrived.

How does Bigfoot fall into all of this? Well, in an earlier post about Ecological Niche (Living Space) Modeling of Bigfoot, we shared a scientific paper illustrating the parallels of Bigfoot and the Black Bear sharing the same habitat, diet, migration etc.

The Black Bear and Bigfoot's generalist behavior allowed it to exploit a wider variety of foods and has been given as a reason why, it alone survived climate and vegetative changes through and last ice age, while the other more specialized North American predators went extinct. The other likely competitor for the same resources, The Brown bear, did not come into North America recently, "The species entered Alaska 100,000 years ago, though they did not move south until 13,000 years ago." (Bruce McLellan and David C. Reiner (1994). A Review of bear evolution Int. Conf. Bear Res. and Manage. 9(1):85–96)

Our best candidates for Bigfoot in the fossil record are either Gigantopithecus blacki or Paranthropus aethiopicus. Either of these species existed a million years before Black Bears or any other likely competitors in North america.

If either of these two species are the early ancestors of Bigfoot, then this new study about living spaces could support how and why a Sasquatch would thrive in North America. It simply had a million years to do so.

Ecological Niche Modeling Paper
Darwin is Wrong Huffington Post Article
BBC Article covering the same Living Space paper

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bigfoot Author Thom Powell to Speak NOV 3rd 2010

The University of Oregon/Oregon Sasquatch Symposium has an evening with Thom Powell coming to a campus near you. The event will be completely free and most likely take place in Eugene.

Just as exciting, rumor has it Thom Powell might have his newest book available at that time. The working title of his newest book is "Shady Neighbors"

you remember Thom Powell from his presentation the 1st annual Oregon Sasquatch Symposium

Mr. Powell is also famous for his 2003 book titled The Locals. Craig Woolheater partially describes the 271 page book as:
"...The report concerned a Bigfoot that was found during a firefighting mission on Battle Mountain, NV on August 6, 1999. A letter dated the next day was received by the BFRO from an anonymous federal agency worker who was at the scene with approximately 20 firefighters.

The letter stated that the author had observed a quadrapedal animal that was captured by firefighters. A local vet and MD were called to the scene. The animal was tranquilized and moved to an undisclosed location...."

An editorial review on
Bigfoots ARE The Locals. They live here. They were here before we humans showed up on the continent and they will likely outlast us. This is a 'bigfoot book' yet it probes much deeper than a simple treatment of the hackneyed question of 'Does Bigfoot exist?'. This book delves into such questions as why bigfoots exist, why they behave as they do, and why they have not yet been, and may never be dragged into the spotlight of science and the media. And don't look to 'science' for answers, because science is currently unequipped to shed any light on this profound anthropological mystery.

This should be an exciting event and as more details come our way we will keep you updated!

Thom almost makes top 20 list
Cryptomundo's Book review of The Locals
The Locals book on Amazon
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