Photo "proof" of the Sylvanic Bigfoot provided by Todd Standing, below is an embedded video of which this still is from.
Jump The Shark (jŭmp thē shärk) idiom,
1.) A moment in the evolution of a television show, characterized by absurdity, when a particular show abandons its core premises and begins a decline in quality that is beyond recovery.
2.)Used to describe the moment of downturn for a previously successful enterprise.
The phrase jump the shark comes from the climactic scene an episode opening the fifth season of the American TV series Happy Days in September 1977. In this story, the central characters visit Los Angeles, where a water-skiing Fonzie (Henry Winkler), wearing swimming trunks and his leather jacket, jumps over a confined shark, answering a challenge to demonstrate his bravery.
"It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now's all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it 'Jumping the Shark.' From that moment on, the program will simply never be the same." -- Jon Hein, creator of the now defunct website '' which popularised the term.
We think the term is most apropos when it come to Sylvanic. As you can see from the 4th Sylvanic expedition below, Todd Standing creates a Blair Witch style video, where he is actually attacked by Sasquatch. According to the video, ultimately the "attack" causes his crew to call in a Search and Rescue team to, uh, search and rescue Todd Standing. Enjoy the video below we have no idea how long it will be up.
BLC's Sylvanic Coverage