Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bill Munns, Creature FX Expert, Weighs in on Game Cam Bigfoot Picture

Photoshop illustration of Bill Munns looking at the Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Picture
"If it is fake, it does represent a fair amount of both skill and expense on the part of the fabricator." --Bill Munns

Professional creature effects artist and 3D digital expert, Bill Munns, weighs in on the game cam bigfoot picture released by Melissa Hovey at her Search for Bigfoot blog. You can read Bill Munns' opinion following the picture in question.

Possible Sasquatch Picture Taken from a Game Cam (click to enlarge)
My immediate concern was that the photo, if a game cam type, is cropped, since such photos usually have some time/date material included. So I must assume this photo was cropped. I have been told that the cropping was because something in the wider landscape would identify the location, and there was concern to keep the location secret. I find this explanation lacking, because the full image could be shown with minimal Photoshop re-touching of any landscape element which might identify the location, while still allowing more of this subject's body. So that issue immediately raised suspicion in my mind.
The subject, as we see it, is just hair and the hint of skin through sparse sections of hair, in the shape of a head, shoulders, torso and one upper arm. This can be so easily fabricated that it would be impossible to falsify the alternative, which means it would be impossible to validate this as being real.
The hair is curious for its length and sparseness, with a pale flesh tone through the hair. This is not standard cheap fake fur. Such is occasionally seen with custom hair made by National Fibre Technology (NFT) for movie creatures, but it's not cheap. The mixture of greys and black hair colors is also something NFT can produce on order.
The disheveled lay of the hair reminds me of fake fur that's been mussed up rubbing against things and not brushed out. The fact that the hair tends to be consistent in density, length, and color tones, also is a characteristic common to use of artificial fur. Real mammals tend to have more variance of the hair (length, density, tone, or combinations of these traits) from the head into the torso and arm, but this does not.
So my conclusion is that the figure is suspicious, and while it cannot be called an outright fake, I know it could easily be faked, and as such, I would not put any confidence in its being real.
If it is fake, it does represent a fair amount of both skill and expense on the part of the fabricator.
Bill Munns Feb. 18, 2012
Bill Munns has created a great replica of Gigantopithicus Blacki. he has also done extensive research on the Patterson/Gimlin film. Click to read our Bill Munns biography. Bill will be speaking at the 2012 Oregon Sasquatch Symposium on October 13th, with Bob Gimlin. They are presenting together and will share new information regarding what happened at the Bluff Creek location.

Below, you can see examples of Bill's creature work and a video he has done using 3D graphics to describe Patterson path with the camera, as well as the path Patti took. For you newbies, Patti is the name given to the Sasquatch in the infamous film.

Want more Bill Munns stuff? Check out his websites!!!

Melissa Hovey Releases Detailed Bigfoot Picture

Possible Sasquatch Picture Taken from a Game Cam (click to enlarge)
"This witness asked for my help in seeking protection for what he/she claimed was a Bigfoot that had been coming onto his/her property." --Melissa Hovey

On the Search for Bigfoot blog. Melissa Hovey has released the above picture of a Sasquatch. She has taken thorough measures to preserve the use of the photo. Out of respect for her and the American Bigfoot Society we have re-posted their requested use of the photo below.
In early 2008 I was contacted via email by a person claiming to have photographed a Bigfoot. The photo is posted above.
The American Bigfoot Society holds the copyright for this image for any and all purposes. As stated in the last article, if and when the true owner of this photo steps up, we will turn the copyright over to them, and they can cover this.
Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is strictly prohibited.
This image and its use on the various websites, discussion forums blogs and any other form of social media, for purposes of discussion/evaluation/research by the general public, Bigfoot Researchers and/or the media, BE ON NOTICE: the copyright MUST be maintained and placed on any images taken from this photo for any purpose and/or distributed or displayed in any manner.
This will be strictly enforced. Any questions about the use of this image should be emailed to the American Bigfoot Society at:
All website, forum, blog or any other form of social media owners, Bigfoot Researchers/enthusiasts/media and the general public, PLEASE be mindful, of potential hoaxers by maintaining the copyright on the image above. The use of this photo for hoaxing is our primary concern.
The ABS is not releasing this photo to help any potential hoaxer.

We recommend reading the rest of the story at the Search for Bigfoot Blog as well as read Melissa Hovey 's  letter to the witness.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

London Trackway: Over 120 Sequential Sasquatch Prints Found

One of the first measurements taken by Toby Johnson 15-16 inch print
South of Eugene, over 120 footprint tracks were found in a clay-mixed substrate that was a perfect material to capture and record footprints. We believe the tracks were made as recently as Saturday February 11th, although the first few prints were not discovered until Sunday the 12th.

Quick run down of events.
  • (SUN Feb 12th) Max is a retired man who once worked in the auto industry and now spends his retirement restoring cars, he happened to be looking for cars in the London, Oregon when he is approached by a man walking his dog. 
  • (SUN Feb 12th) The man walking his dog mentions to Max there are three Bigfoot prints near the tree line. Max checks it out and is surprised to see the three good tracks
  • (MON Feb 13th)  Max can't sleep, has to go back to  site to take pictures.
  • (TUE Feb 14th)  Max remembers Toby Johnson's Sasquatch-mobile, it had been decorated with large Bigfoot stickers resembling footprints. He had also recalled reading an newspaper article of the first Oregon Sasquatch Symposium Toby had held in 2010 at Lane Community College in Eugene. The Sasquatch-mobile is now owned by Toby's ex-wife, sans stickers, but Max, the car afficianado that he is, recognizes the vehicle non-the-less. So when Max went share the Bigfoot prints he contacted Toby's ex-wife first. Max gives his contact info to Toby's Ex
  • (TUE Feb 14th)  Toby calls Max and max sends the pics of the three prints via phone.
  • (WED Feb 14th 8:00pm ~ THURS  Feb 15th 7:00am) Toby goes to the site with his friend, an avid hunter and a local. Since Toby's friend wishes to remain anonymous, we will call him Tracker. Both Toby and Tracker see the original three and few others that were not photographed, these other tracks were in heavy vegetation.
  • (THURS  Feb 15th afternoon) Toby goes home and Tracker ges home. Toby tries to return to site later in afternoon, due to obligations he can not stay long, as he leaves Tracker returns. Tracker is with his daughter's boyfriend, and continues to follow the tracks on his own time. Tracker follows the tracks out of the vegetation into a clay-like substrate and realizes there are at least a hundred prints. He calls Toby.
  • (THURS  Feb 15th 3pm-ish) Toby calls Cliff Barackman, co-host of Finding Bigfoot and a self-described "track/cast-nerd". Cliff drives 2 hours to investigate the scene. Cliff also contacts Chris Minniear who picked up most of the casting material, did about half of the 65 cast made. Chris also documented the evenings events on video.
  • (FRI Feb 16th 6pm) I am able to get a ride with Thom Powell, we meet Beth Heikkinen and Toby Johsnson and see the tracks ourselves. 
  • (SAT Feb 17th 6am) Our original count was around 118 sequential prints. Cliff Barackman was able to count 122, we will confirm if his count are the sequential set or total prints in the area.We made two set of measurements recording step length stride length.
Step length is the distance between the point of initial contact of one foot and the point of initial contact of the opposite foot. In normal gait, right and left step lengths are similar.
Stride length is the distance between successive points of initial contact of the same foot. Right and left stride lengths are normally equal.
Below is a rough illustrated diagram of the the general path and the measurements we took. Knowing how difficult it is to get exact measurements, I added a third column titled Calculated Stride Length to compare against the Measured Stride Lengths. The numbers in the calculated column are based on the recorded step length. the numbers I am interested in are the average and means. 
The mean is the usual average,
so in Series A: Step Length average is 47.29:
(45 + 48 + 46 + 45 + 46 + 54+ 47) ÷7 = 47.29
The median is the middle value, so I'll have to rewrite the list in order
so in Series A: Step Length median is 46:
45, 45, 46, 46, 47, 48, 54
As you can see in the two sets, Series A and Series B, there average numbers and the means for the step and stride are relatively close.

Click to Enlarge
Below is a chronological slideshow of London Footprints (possible sequence of 120+ Sasquatch tracks). Photo compilation from Max Roy & Toby Johnson (initial discoverers), and Cliff Barackman & Thom Powell (first seasoned researchers on the scene) and yours truly, Guy Edwards (Bigfoot fanboy).

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