Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kemerovo's Association with the Yeti Continues: Meet the Coal Miners Mascot

Competition-winning illustration of Shorya coal miners mascot 

"The scientific community has no trust in such studies and has not even bothered to take a look at the materials collected."  -- Igor Burtsev 

"According to Burtsev, Shorya, which is a part of the Altai coalmining system is where the snowman reproduces..." -- Voice of Russia

You can read about the Kemerovo region's association with the yeti in our previous Kemerovo Posts. We also have a few post on Igor Burtsev.

While we have speculated that the association to Yeti is due to an effort to increase tourism in the Kemerovo region, Igor Burtsev's is convinced the area is rich in evidence and continues his 40-year research. Burtsev even believes he has a good indication where the Yeti reproduce.

The article below begins with the mascot story and then continues with a few gems from Igor Burtsev. 

The Shorya coal pit in the Kemerovo region, which the locals say has the largest number of "Yeti"-the strange species known as“Big Foot” now has its own mascot, in the shape of a blue-eyed smiling yeti with a miner’s helmet on his head and a miner’s pick on his shoulders. A sketch depicting the image of a  snowman won the open  competition titled "Yeti Talisman". The entry of a 19-year old student, Roman Zhilian was chosen as the best among the more than 600  entries in  the  online contest. 
The imaginary creature, which has evoked heated debates and hypotheses in the world has variously been known as “Bigfoot, Snowman, Forest-Dweller and many more”. It is more correct to talk about a snowman who lives alongside us, says Igor Burtsev, Director of the Moscow International Center for the study of the snowman. 
"They live in squalid conditions, live like animals, don’t use work instruments, don’t wear clothes or use fire, and don’t compete with people. But they have sufficient intellect and rely on the paranormal ability They live in a different orbit, not in the other world, but nocturnal. They avoid contact with people and live in inaccessible places."
The scientific study of the yeti is still unrecognized in the world, but people of different professions are studying them on a voluntary basis, said Igor Burtsev.
"I have been studying the so-called snowman for  over 40 years now and  I have gathered enough material about their existence within that period of time. Enthusiasts have been studying the snowman for more than 50 years, but the scientific community has no trust in such studies and has not even bothered   to take a look at the materials collected.  There had been great scientists who spent a great deal of energy and time studying the snowman phenomenon. They included the French zoologist, Evelmans, founder of the crypto zoology, which in1968 studied the corpse of a creature found in the U.S. together with another zoologist, Ivan Sanderson. They concluded that it was the corpse of a Neanderthal who died from a gunshot. But the corpse disappeared as soon as the information was published in the press. The frozen corpse of a  real snowman, 2.60 meters tall was displayed in France in 1997. It also disappeared mysteriously after the news appeared in the press."
The Yeti is a tourist brand of the Shorya mines since February 2009, when the local hunters saw in the taiga a human like creature covered in furs, for the first  time. According to Burtsev, Shorya, which is a part of the Altai coalmining system is where the  snowman reproduces.. Every two years, the  Day of  the snowman is marked, there is  a yeti museum and  souvenirs showing their pictures can be  bought everywhere. An International Scientific  and Applied Conference, devoted to ther problems of the snowman was held in Kuzbass last October. After exchanging information, experts from the U.S. Canada, China, Mongolia, Sweden, Spain and  other countries visited the Azassky cave  in the clay field, where fresh footprints of the bigfoot can be found.
Source: Voice of Russia.

Author Thom Powell's London Tracks Presentation at Sasquatch Brewery

Nearly 30 cast made by  authorThom Powell from the London Footprint Sequence
with help from Toby Johnson, Beth Heikkinen and BigfootLunchClub editor, Guy Edwards
"Max was't looking for bigfoot, or even bigfoot evidence.  He was looking for an old car to buy.  He never found the car, but he did find some of the best bigfoot evidence ever dicovered. Talk about serendipity." --Thom Powell, author of The Locals and Shady Neighbors

Sasquatch & Suds is a monthly event presented
by the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium
Tonight, at the Sasquatch Brewery: 6440 SW Capitol Hwy, author Thom Powell and Toby Johnson will discuss the five days following the discovery of the London Trackway (Read complete coverage of the London Trackway).

The London Trackway  is the name of the 120-plus tracks, possible Bigfoot tracks, were discovered south of Eugene, Oregon in mid February 2012. These tracks were first discovered by Toby Johnson and his friend known as Tracker. You can read the brief timeline and the original report here or the extended one written by Toby himself. 

On March 14th, Toby Johnson was interviewed during the last hour of Alex MidnightWalker's BlogTalkRadio show. (Listen to interview) During the last half of the interview Toby recalls the some truly puzzling events that transpired the following Sunday after the tracks were discovered.

Both author Thom Powell and Toby Johnson will cover the London Trackway and expand on the following paranormal Sunday. Bring your questions and an open mind!

Tickets to the 2012 Oregon Sasquatch Symposium will be available, as well as copies of the London Trackway casts available for purchase (both $20).

Author Thom Powell will have signed copies of both of his books The Locals and Shady Neighbors. Shady Neighbor cover artist, Guy Edwards, will be available too.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Biscardi Bigfoot PR Machine is Back

I don't know if it ever left. 

DVD Cover for Bigfoot Lives 2
In a press release today, Tom Biscardi's SearchingForBigfoot.com announces the ONDEMAND availability of three Bigfoot movies.

03/18/2012 // NewMedia // Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax
For those believers that have had a Bigfoot sighting, or for those just interested in the undying legend of the mythical beast, Bigfoot is back in a big way and a series of Bigfoot films are now available ONDEMAND.
The movies “Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax,” “Bigfoot Lives 2,” and “In the Shadow of Bigfoot” can be watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by Bigfoot fans and skeptics.
“Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax” is a film about the true 2008 story of the frozen Bigfoot “body” that turned out to be a costume stuffed with the body parts of several kinds of dead animals. It is an amazing document of the hoax that shocked the world.
“Bigfoot Lives 2″ is about famed Bigfoot researcher Tom Biscardi’s recent investigations into Bigfoot sightings across America, including new, real, actual footage of the creature.
“In the Shadow of Bigfoot” features footage about Bigfoot-type creatures that many people have never seen before… footage you won’t find on the internet…footage that you will only see in this film.
All three Bigfoot films are now available on Verizon FiOs, Charter, AT&T U-Verse, Rogers (Canada), Mediacom, Cogeco(Canada), Suddenlink, RCN, Eastlink Communications (Canada), Bresnan, Frontier, Wave, Blue Ridge, Atlantic Broadband, Bend, Access Communication (CCSA), HTC, Click, Hargray, Cincinnati Bell, Source Cable (CCSA), NorthwsTel Cable (CCSA), Bluewater (CCSA), Seaside (CCSA), NTELOS, Burlington Telecom, James Valley, Enhanced Telecom, Morristown, Tullahoma Utilities and Valley Communications.
In addition to ONDEMAND, “Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax,” “Bigfoot Lives 2,” and “In the Shadow of Bigfoot” are also available on DVD through Searching For Bigfoot, Inc. at www.searchingforbigfoot.com.
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