Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bobcat Goldthwait Gets Bigfoot Tattoo Based on His Movie Poster

Bobcat's tattoo inspiration: Willow Creek poster; illustration by Alex Pardee
In a recent interview by OC Weekly. Bobcat talks about directing the critically acclaimed and bigfoot community approved Willow Creek. 

Fans, you know we have been hinting at Bobcat's Bigfoot movie for years. In our post "Bobcat Goldthwait Spends 3 Days Looking for Bigfoot" we combined snippet of interviews dating back to 2009 for clues. Then we posted, "Bobcat Goldthwait Completes His Faith, Religion, Bigfoot Movie" to alert you when it was complete.

In this new interview he talks about screening his Bigfoot comedy/suspense movie at different film festival, his belief in Bigfoot and the inspiration for his new tattoo. Below is the interview with just the Bigfoot parts:

So last time I saw you in Brea you were showing me a trailer for your new movie "Willow Creek" and it's out now right?

Yeah! I've been all around the world at all of those genre film festivals with it. Now it'll come out in the U.S. sometime in the spring.

I've been reading good things about it, how do you think it's doing?

It's been really fun. When I go to the more prestigious film festivals, I'm the dirt bag that got into Sundance. But when I go to other festivals, I'm prestigious. So I've been really living it up! [Laughs.]

OK so I know the movie is about Bigfoot but can you break it down a little?

It's a horror and suspense movie but there are laughs in the first half of it also. I follow this couple around who is making a real cheap kind of documentary on the town of Willow Creek, which is the town that had footage shot in back in 1967. A lot of the actual people from the town are in the movie too. The couple in the movie is Alexie Gilmore and Bryce Johnson. They've been in some of my other movies and they're really good actors. I think a lot of people think that they're a couple in real life and I think that'll separate it too. Often in a lot of "found footage" films, the actors aren't very good or you don't relate to them as people. I think in a horror movie, since it's a lot scarier, you actually care about the people more when terrible things are happening to them. [Laughs.] Usually in horror films they have people who are disgusting so that when they die, you don't feel too bad. I did it the other way around in hopes that people will care.

I saw on Instagram that you got a Bigfoot tattoo. I assume you are a believer?

Oh yeah, that's the poster for the movie done by Alex Pardee that I got. And I say I'm a believer, and then people have a problem with it because I'm an Atheist. But I always answer that with, I know people that have seen Bigfoot and that's a lot different than God! [Laughs.]

SRC: OC Weekly
These are the photos of the tattooing event. The clown in picture 2 seems to be a friend named Puddles, known as the sad clown with a golden voice.

Rule #1 Tattoo artist must have more tattoos than you (photo:

Rule #2 You must have a serious clown wearing a crown supervising the event (photo:

Rule #3 You must post the finished product on Instagram (photo:

By the way if your in the Los Angeles area the next few nights you can catch Bobcat (we are on a first name basis) performing at the Brea Improv January 3rd and 4th, 120 South Brea Blvd. 92821, (714) 482-0700. For tickets go to You can also follow Bobcat on Instagram @BobcatGoldthwait.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Watch New Stills and Videos From Upcoming Bigfoot Movie "Exists"!

Denise Williamson and Roger Edwards in the most anticipated Bigfoot trilogy, "Exists"

“The film is the first in a trilogy exploring and reinventing the Bigfoot myth,” Sanchez said. “We all remember the terror of watching such classics as ‘The Legend of Boggy Creek,’ and I look forward to making Bigfoot scary again.” -- Eduardo Sanchez, Director of Exists

We have been covering Exists since April 2012 with the post "Blair Witch' Director Reinvents Bigfoot in 'Exists'" we followed it up in May the same year with "'Blair Witch Director Talks About His New Bigfoot Trilogy" and finally had an update April 2013 with "WATCH: Blair Witch Director Opens up on New Bigfoot Trilogy, 'Exists'" We can't tell you how excited we are to share 5 new stills from the film and two production videos.

The five stills were first posted at Bloody Disgusting. We are making our best guess at the actors in the captions. Below that you will be able to watch two production videos that don't show much, but were posted to the Exists Facebook page.

Dora Madison Burge

Bloody Hand


Roger Edwards

Dora Madison Burge

Denise Williamson and Roger Edwards

The Exists Bigfoot?  Courtesy of Exists' Facebook Page 

Post by Exists.

Military Hospitals Treat Victims of Sasquatch Infrasound

Squatcher Toby Johnson once recalled being "zapped" by Sasquatch
If you're looking for an in-depth investigation on these claims you wont find it. We are sharing an interesting claim from a witness who was comfortable sharing his name.

In the community it is called getting "zapped". In most descriptions it is a simultaneous feeling of  awe, fear and even paralysis. When looking for explanations some have concluded it is similar to the same effects caused by infrasound--an infrasound created by Sasquatch.

In 2003 MSNBC reprinted an Associated Press article that reported, "British scientists have shown in a controlled experiment that the extreme bass sound known as infrasound produces a range of bizarre effects in people including anxiety, extreme sorrow and chills — supporting popular suggestions of a link between infrasound and strange sensations."

In a new post at, Kirk Sigurdson takes the phenomena a step further and mentions a conversation with a man who was aware of infrasound victims being treated by the military. Read a bit below:

Here I am (below) with Kevin Jones "The Colonel." I met Kevin for the first time about ten minutes before this picture was taken at Sasquatch Revealed, which took place at the Discovery Center in The Dallas, Oregon.
Kevin Jones and Kirk Sigurdson at The Discovery Center

Kevin told me about some very interesting accounts of people suffering from infrasound exposure that had been inflicted by sasquatches.

A few of these victims have been successfully treated by military hospitals that specialize in treating such injuries because doctors there have experience with side-effects from military-based infrasound activities.

Totem poles could symbolically depict sasquatch defensive and offensive infrasound "blasting," which is interpreted by most anthropologists as mere whistling.

Based upon the descriptions Kevin offered of such injuries, I'm fairly sure that I have suffered from similar symptoms that were caused by bigfooting. 
Read the rest of Kirk's newest post, "Sasquatches & Their Tactical Use of Long Range Acoustics" to read his conclusions which include how infrasound ties into his new novel Kultus. 
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