Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bigfoots Don't Stink--At Least Not Always

Cryptozoology News suggests Sasquatch mat have a defense system similar to skunks

"In British Columbia and Alberta strong smells are mentioned in only 4. 5% of reports". --John Green, Spring 1995

A foul smell is often associated with Bigfoot, popular culture has reinforced this stereo type. In the first Anchorman Bigfoot's anatomy is used to describe the most foul cologne. Cryptozoology News (CN), although poorly sourced, reminds us that John Green's data points to a small percentage of odor being associated with Bigfoot encounters. CN continues to suggest that Sasquatch similar to skunks may have a defense mechanism citing examples from Dr. W. Fahrenbach, a retired biologist from the Oregon Primate Center, and Dian Fosey a renowned Gorilla researcher.

Before we send you Cryptozoology News, we wanted to share John Green's data regarding the odor associated with Bigfoot encounters.

It is common knowledge that sasquatches are reported to have a strong and unpleasant smell--in Florida they are commonly called "skunk apes". It is probably also well known, at least to the readers of newsletters, that strong smells are not always reported; but is this just because the witnesses were not in a position to smell anything, or because sasquatches do not always smell bad?

To contribute some information for anyone interested in this question, here are the results of an analysis of reports from the western part of North America that I have entered in my computer.

In 923 descriptions of supposed sasquatches, only 72 mention a strong smell. Nine mention a mild smell and eight state specifically that the animals had no smell. Strong smells were mentioned in less than eight percent of reports. This percentage is fairly consistent throughout the American states, percentages being: Washington, 9%; Oregon, 11%; California, 8%, and the average for eight other western states, 8.5%.

The percentage in Canada is lower. In British Columbia and Alberta strong smells are mentioned in only 4. 5% of reports. The number of descriptions involved, 217, would appear to be large enough so that the different percentage may have some significance, but it is hard to imagine what it could be.

Absence of a report of a strong smell obviously has no significance if the witness was a good distance away or was inside a building or vehicle. Restricting the survey to reports where it would seem that the witness should have noticed a strong smell if one was present gives the following results.

    In contact with the animal:     strong smell    5,     mild     0;      no smell,     5.

    Less than 5 feet away, in same air:                0,        2,            3.

    Estimated 5 feet away, in same air:                4        1            4.
    Estimated 10 feet away, in same air:              5,        1,            14.

Up to 5 feet the percentage of strong smells, in 24 reports, is 37.5%.

At 10 feet, in 20 reports, the percentage drops to 25%.

With some animals strong smells are associated only with the adult males. Most sasquatch reports do not involve any identification of sex, but it is usually assumed that most are males. My files contain only one report in which a sasquatch is identified as a female and said to have a strong smell.

    * A single report, that of Albert Ostman, has a disproportionate effect on the statistics. He claims to have been carried home by an adult male and then to have been close to a young male and a young female. In conversation, although not in his written account, he said that the adult male had a strong smell, the two juveniles mild smells. If his account is left out the number of reports of mild smells drops to seven, and the percentage of strong smells reported" in British Columbia drops to 4%.

John Green

Spring 1995
You can read the skunk gland theory at Cryptozology News  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Adam Davies at the Olympic Project Bigfoot Expedition

The next Olympic Project Bigfoot Expedition is June 5th through the 8th
UPDATE: The image above was meant as an homage to the original Olympic Project logo designed by Paul Graves. I thought I would have fun and create one specifically for the Bigfoot Expeditions. On Paul's request I would like to credit the small portion of the altered mountain illustration in the background to Russ Hepler, an eyewitness Paul commissioned for the illustration.

The next Olympic Project Bigfoot Expedition (June 5th ~ 8th) will include prominent Sasquatch researchers; the roster includes Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Adam Davies and as always Derek Randles' Olympic Project Team.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a scientist with impeccable academic credentials. With his appearance on the Discovery Channel special and the release of his companion book, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, he elevated the Sasquatch public discussion. A conversation that was too often dismissed as paranormal or disreputable. During the Olympic Project Bigfoot Expeditions, Dr. Jeff Meldrum is approachable and quick to share new frontiers in the academic progress of Bigfoot research.

Although Adam Davies is best known by bigfooters for his pioneering research on the Orang Pendek, he has traveled the world in search of several cryptids. In his book, Extreme Expeditions, he documents his Indiana Jones-esque adventures of being shot at in the Congo, arrested and interrogated by the Mongolian army, and filmed the Norwegian Nessie. 

Don't miss the opportunity to spend four days with these individuals. 

Email Derek at ridgewalkers@ymail.com to get details on the next expedition!

Beyond the opportunity to pick the brain of the biggest researchers out there, Derek Randles promises, "These are educational, hands on expeditions with ample field time, on and off trail hiking and tracking, and several classes targeting more productive, more effective research techniques and evidence documentation. If you attend one of these trips, you will not be disappointed."

We have attended over a half of dozen of these expeditions and learned something new each time, met serious like-minded Bigfoot researches, and built relationships that will last forever.

Email Derek at ridgewalkers@ymail.com to get details on the next expedition!

A Master Class in Bigfooting

As we said earlier, with knowledgeable researchers like Derek Randles, Adam Davies and Dr. Jeff Meldrum, it is like a master class on the best techniques and newest ideas in Bigfoot research. These experts are approachable all weekend and are happy to field questions. If you have your own theories you want to share this is the best place to get feedback. Read one of our first reviews at, "Olympic Project as a Masterclass in Bigfooting".

Monday, April 7, 2014

Renewed Method in Bigfoot Research: Ultra Depth Hypnosis

Doug Meacham is a certified hypnosis and these are actual sketches from the hypnosis recall
Doug is only 1 of 11 Hypnotist trained in the United States for Ultra Depth Hypnosis and the only one certified and registered to practice Ultra Depth in Washington and Oregon.

This will be a genuine historic event. This will be the very first live memory regression done on a qualified Bigfoot witness. Do not miss the chance to be there. Do not miss the chance to "see" every Bigfoot detail through an hypnotized witness. reserve you seat below.

DATE: Sunday, April 13th
TIME: 12:30-3:00
WHERE: NW Quimby Lucky Lab  | 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209
WHO: Doug Meacham and Guy Edwards

Our witness Glenn saw a Bigfoot twice in his life. Once in New York and another in Eugene, Oregon. We will go back into his subconscious and grab details his conscious has long forgotten. You will be able to watch live the research that Guy Edwards and Doug Meacham are conducting on multiple witnesses.

Below is a history of the type of hypnosis and protocol used to do memory regression.

In the late 1950’s hypnosis was considered one of the most valuable tools for recalling memories regarding UFO experiences, more specifically, recall with abduction experience. 
Memory is a very plastic thing.  Even with all our advancements in brain mapping and imaging we still don’t know how or where memories are stored.  We do know most everything we have experienced is stored in what we call long term memory.
Initially, there was no set protocol for regression work.  Consequently it was not uncommon to have the hypnotist ask questions which lead the subject in creative directions.
The initial protocol was established to minimize false memories and confabulation.  A strict set of questions was created and focused on having the subject recall the event with little or no interruptions from the facilitator. Some clarification could be interjected but only in the form of an open ended question such as; “And what’s happening now”.
Fast forward to the early 1980’s where several UCLA  researchers developed the Cognitive Interview, a tool used to establish accuracy in eyewitness accounts, mostly in law enforcement investigations. 
Along with hypnosis, the cognitive interview gives us a more defined structure and minimizes the possibility of leading questions and conjecture.  Hypnosis focuses the mind which provides access to memories and the interview structure verifies the content.
To get true memory recall, the subject must be in a somnambulistic (sleep walking) state.  Doug Meacham achieves this through the use of the Ultra Depth process.  Ultra Depth allows us to stage the subject in deep trance and bypass the conscious mind.  The subject is not asleep, only deeply relaxed and focused.  they are able to communicate, even open their eyes and remain in trance.  Doug is one of eleven individuals trained in this process in the United States and the only hypnotist certified and registered to practice Ultra Depth in Washington and Oregon.
Doug Meacham has a clinical practice in Gresham.  He is also a certified trainer offering classes in techniques to assist in the hypnotic experience. 
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