Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | MAR 12, 1996 | UPN Snow Walker Video

Still frame of snow walking Bigfoot from UPN TV Show Paranormal Borderlands
"We had some suspicions qualifying our speculations, which were selectively edited out of the documentary interviews." --Dr. Jeff Meldrum

Today, March 12th, in 1996, The United Paramount Network (UPN) needed a huge premier for its new TV show The Paranormal Borderline. They had the perfect video, a Sasquatch regaining it's balance and walking up a snow bank.

Unfortunately the segment producer for The Paranormal Borderline was also behind Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?). Both films were admitted hoaxes. You can see the footage from the TV show in the two videos below.

It is often reported that Dr. Jeff Meldrum was quoted on the show as saying, "We're talking about an individual somewhere between 8 to 10 feet tall in height..." This may not be the entire story. You Tube user Spiko7 reached out to Dr. Jeff Meldrum, who claims his suspicion of the video were edited out:

"They traveled to Mammoth Ski resort in California and edited in stock footage of the Himalayan panoramas. I was the one who initially analyzed it. We had some suspicions qualifying our speculations, which were selectively edited out of the documentary interviews. In follow up research, the videographer came forward and admitted the prank. The producers needed a hook for the premier episode of Paranormal Borderline and hired the guy to fabricate something. It's a hoax, plain and simple."

Monday, March 11, 2013

You Can Help Finish a Bigfoot Movie

John Bobek andTarah DeSpain in Bigfoot Movie, "Stomping Ground"
"Everyone, regardless of how much of a skeptic you claim to be, has a little bit of love for the Squatch inside them." --Stomping ground Kickstarter page.

Fans, you know when Hollywood wants to promote a Bigfoot movie and spread the message to the greater public, they come to Bigfoot Lunch Club. The truth is, we don't always say yes. It has to be a well-crafted story and a novel approach to Bigfoot. Stomping Ground is exactly the type of movie we say yes to, and they need your help to polish this fine film. Watch the video below from the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page.

While we appreciate that you are still  reading this post, by all means, go to the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page and make a pledge you can afford.

The director, Dan Riesser, is a fan of Bigfoot Lunch Club and a producer on E!'s The Soup. Oh sure you know him from some of The Soup's funniest skits  like the parody trailer for Dolphin Tale. You may have even seen his short film NightOfThePunks.com.

Tara DeSpain, the leading actress in Stomping Ground

Folks, this is a great time to get Stomping Ground on your radar, they have just recently finished shooting all the scenes and just need to finish up in post-productions. These guys know how to use social media, unlike previous independent films we coveredStomping Ground has website, a Twitter page, A Facebook Page and even a Tumblr Page.

They shot scenes in the same area Michael Green got his thermal video. Dan Riesser cares a great deal about the research community, and after several emails we can vouch for the respect he intends towards Bigfoot research in the film.

Please visit the Stomping Ground KickStarter Page and make a pledge.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Author Kirk Sigurdson on Radio Show Inspired by Bigfoot

Acclaimed author Kirk Sigurdson is currently working on publishing a new Bigfoot  book
"I don't really care for the term conspiracy theory, I prefer something more descriptive like selective history or bernysian-style propaganda" --Kirk Sigurdson

At 5pm/8pm PST/EST Bill Baum of Inspired by Bigfoot Radio show will interview one of the most thought provoking voices in Bigfooting.

Kirk has been involved in two Bigfoot documentaries. One is a 20 minute short about a squatchy area he has coined as Kultus (see video below). The other documentary is available as a bonus feature to the true-to-life Bigfoot movie Letters From The Big Man.

Kirk Sigurdson is also known for his highly acclaimed book, Cowslip, and his much anticipated Bigfoot book titled, Kultus. His writings have also appeared in The Portland Review and Lovecraft Studies. he lives in Portland, Or, where he teaches writing. To top it all off Kirk holds a Master's degree in English literature from NYU.

Listening to Kirk is like chasing the white rabbit in Wonderland. And like Alice, even though you may have never heard or seen what you meet in Wonderland, you will not be able to deny what is revealed in front of your face. Most would consider the topics Kirk speaks to as "conspiracy theories," but as he prefers, a more accurate label would be hidden histories. What will Kirk Sigurdson reveal on Bill Baum's show, you'll have to tune in to find out. Click the following link to listen to Kirk on "Inspired by Bigfoot Radio"

Watch the Kultus documentary below.

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