Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bigfooters can pick a Booger when we see one.

The Newnan Herald was Georgia’s first newspaper after Civil War. Eventually the title of the newspaper became The Times-Herald

Started as a sideline by two Newnan lawyers in the days after the Civil War ended, The Times-Herald has become an institution in the intervening 143 years.

For decades, Coweta County residents have turned to The Times-Herald for news about local government. Mothers of the bride have brought write-ups about their daughters’ weddings, and sports fans have checked out the results of the latest local games.

Recently one of the journalist, Jeff Bishop, has been writing about a local legend known as the "Belt Road Booger" also known as The Happy valley Horror

In short; it's a 30 yr legend with multiple sightings and several descriptions similar to Bigfoot.

A few descriptions from the Times-Herald article:

"It was dark. It stands about five feet tall. It's big across the chest. Its eyes look like diamonds at night when you shine a light on them," was how one local woman described the "monster."

The creature was reported to have "a face like a monkey and a long bushy tail."

Read the two articles below to learn what local residents have been saying for 30+ years.

Legend of the Belt Road Booger

Bigfoot researchers pick up on 'Booger'

To get the lowdown and perhaps a very astute prediction regarding these news stories and what's fueling them, we have the wisdom of Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo

Friday, November 27, 2009

Big-Tent Politics of Bigfoot

If you have followed us within the last few years, you would know when it comes to bigfooting, we are an inclusive bunch. Oh sure, we think the best modern tools are field research, anthropology and primatology, but we also have a philosophy that a good theory can come from anywhere.

In the past, we have shared the Mormon Bigfoot/Cain theory, and the Lloyd Pye Bigfoot/alien theory, theres also the Bigfoot/Inter-dimensional-traveler theory, and Bigfoot/ghost-spirit theory.

These multiple theories say a lot about the theorist behind them, today we want to share two theories from one guy, who happens to be a Creationist. He goes by the moniker Sirius Knott and he has a blog titled the most fascinating part of his theory, to us anyway, is his premise. He begins his argument for Bigfoot by denouncing one of the oldest Bigfoot theories; the theory that Bigfoot IS the missing link. I suppose from a creationist standpoint you could guess why.

In his own words he gives us his own theories:

We could go further down the list of proposed ape-men candidates, but in the end we still find that apes are apes. Men are men. If Bigfoot is ever found, it will be one or the other. Christian author, Frank Peretti has suggested such a solution in his fiction work, Monster, which I highly reccomend.

But to clarify, if Bigfoot is ever found, it will certainly be found to be one of the following two possibilities:

1. A species of relict or unknown primate. Gigantopithecus has been suggested by some cryptozoologists, though the fragmentary nature of these fossils [essentially jawbones and teeth] makes this purest speculation. Nevertheless, some large species of unidentified relict ape or orangutan remains a viable possibility. The cryptid ape option Frank Peretti explored in Monster. [Gripping. Read it if you get the chance.] Incidentally, Bigfoot [technically being indigenous only to North America, though the term is often used generically to include Yeti, Yowie and other primate cryptids] is sometimes refered to as a Nape ["North American Ape"]].

2. They could be degenerated wild men, but fully human. Neandertal comes to mind. Neandertal is usually pictured as a knuckle-dragging missing link, but as mentioned already even evolutionary scientists have recanted this and now admit that Neandertal stood upright and was a man and no ape or missing link. In fact, Neandertal was every bit as smart as we are, if their skull size is any indication.

You can read what Sirius has to say about Bigfoot and many other subjects here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Bigfoot Thanksgiving honoring Harvey Pratt

During Thanksgiving, most of us are reminded of the contributions made by Native Americans on this historical day; specifically the Wampanoag but perhaps this appreciation extends to all Indian tribes and nations in general. At BLC, we are reminded all year long the contributions Native Americans have made to Bigfooting.

1840, Walker, a Protestant missionary, recorded stories of giants among the Native Americans living in Spokane, Washington. In 1847, Paul Kane reported stories by the native people about skoocooms, a race of wild men living on the peak of Mount St. Helens. J. W. Burns in a series of Canadian newspaper articles in the 1920s. Burns coined the term Sasquatch, which is from the Halkomelem sásq’ets. Even The late Great Ivan Sanderson relied on the oral traditions of native Americans to inform his research in his book the Abominable Snowmen, Legend Come to Life.

Just as Native Americans continue to enrich our lives, reminding us of our connection to nature and the wisdom of sustainability, they also continue to inform us more about Bigfoot. Today we showcase one of the greatest contributors, Native American artist Harvey Pratt.

Considered one of the leading forensic artists in the United States, Harvey has spent over 42 years in law enforcement, completing thousands of witness description drawings and hundreds of soft tissue reconstructions. Harvey is the only full-time police forensic artist in Oklahoma. With this background, he was the perfect candidate to team-up with former police investigator and author David Paulides.

Together they have produced one of the most popular Bigfoot must-have books, The Hoopa Project. A description from the website follows:

"The Hoopa Project is the first book by the Executive Director of North America Bigfoot Search (NABS), David Paulides. Paulides has spent the last three years researching and working in an area centered on the Hoopa Reservation in Northern California. This first book endeavor chronicles his research on Bigfoot.

Paulides, a former police investigator, wanted to hold witnesses accountable for their statements. To this end, he documented over 45 witnesses who swore on affidavits to witnessing Bigfoot and Bigfoot activity. Interviews and research also brought much insight to related aspects of the hominid, such as topography, weather, elevation and rainfall.

Desiring an expert forensic sketch artist with an intimate knowledge of the Native American culture, Paulides commissioned Harvey Pratt for the Hoopa Project. Harvey met with the witnesses who had Bigfoot sightings and completed forensic sketches based on his interview with them."

We also want to showcase other inspirational art Harvey Pratt has beautifully created. Below you will see more Bigfoot art, a Pendleton Woolen Mill blanket and collectable plate. You can purchase all of these great works of art at Harvey Pratt's Site All of the art below has been posted with permission from Mr. Pratt himself.

During our correspondence with him, he could not be more kind or generous, and we can also claim he is a fan of our site. Harvey Pratt, I can speak for everybody here, we are truly thankful for your contributions and we salute you.

"New Territory" by Harvey Pratt

"Private Bigfoot" and "The Gift" by Harvey Pratt

"Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow" by Harvey Pratt

"Oklahoma Centennial Pendleton Blanket" by Harvey Pratt

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving and the Pukwudgie Connection

"The First Thanksgiving" by Jennie A. Brownscombe, 1914
Alternate version of "The First Thanksgiving"
Tall, black hats with big, silver buckles? Check! The smell of turkey roasting in the oven? Check! Cornbread stuffing and pumpkin pie? Check! Mysterious cryptids lurking in the background? Double Check! It’s the end of November and that can only mean one thing. It’s time for Thanksgiving and Bigfoot! And maybe something more!

Though Bigfoot didn’t exactly set down for the first Thanksgiving celebration, the area near Plymouth, Massachusetts where the Pilgrims started the Thanksgiving Dinner tradition with the help of the friendly Wampanoag Indians has a long tradition of unexplained sightings of tall, hairy monsters (Bigfoot?), ghosts, UFOs, and other incredible creatures. These encounters are especially thick in the nearby area known as the Bridgewater Triangle which includes a 5000-acre swamp known as the Hockomock Swamp and an 8,000 year old Indian burial ground.

Central to the mythology of the Wampanoag Indian is the Pukwudgie, or Pukwudgee, which is their version of the Irish leprechaun. This two-foot tall, light-skinned “little man of the woods” is a dangerous and tricky forest inhabitant. A Pukwudgie is just as likely to help forest travelers find their way home as lead them off a cliff to their death. If you meet one, it’s best to ignore them so they ignore you. Otherwise watch out for their malicious tricks! Even today there are many unexplained suicides at a cliff on the Wampanoag reservation that is credited to the dangerous Pukwudgies. When it came to the Wampanoag Indians sharing their knowledge of how to grow corn and getting along in the new world, you can be sure they warned the Pilgrims about the Pukwudgies, too!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Panda discovered in 1927 was once as elusive as Bigfoot

The Giant Panda was once as mythical and elusive as Bigfoot. Once captured, we were able to identify fossil records that concluded the existence of the Giant Panda for several million years, and yet it was only discovered within the last century. The first Giant Panda was not captured until November 9, 1927.

The story of the Giant Panda is significant, because even after it was spotted; it took another 60 years and hundreds of highly skilled trackers to finally capture one. So elusive in its natural habitat, the Giant Panda had never been photographed in the wild until 1982 by Franz Camenzind for ABC.

Bigfooters like to include many animals that symbolize the search for Bigfoot is not over. Many of these undocumented, were only discovered within the last century. These animals include the Lowland Gorilla (1860), Komodo Dragon (1910), Platypus (1799), Okapi (1901), and the Coelacanth (1938).

There are hundreds of of these once undiscovered creatures, literally check them out at cryptomundo here

New Handshake for BLC

Click picture to see larger version

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Top 10 Tues: Bigfoot T-Shirts

For this weeks Top Ten Tuesday we scoured the web for only the best Bigfoot T-Shirts. From cornball funny to retro-pop to street-smart graffiti we got the best designs that reflect the increasing value Bigfoot has in popular culture. Next week we will delve deeper into the pop-culture effect Bigfoot has, but for now enjoy these T-shirt designs and buy them for you favorite Bigfooter.

Oh and to make it easier for you to buy these t-shirts for your favorite Bigfooter we have provided a link below each T-shirt picture. The link points to the site that sells the corresponding T-Shirt.

On the top of the list is Skamania County t-shirt commemorating the first law to recognize and protect Bigfoot. These are only limited amount every year and sell out every time.

Skamania County had the first law in the U.S. to recognize and protect Sasquatch

A closer look at the design (click to enlarge)
Perfect gift for your fellow Bigfooter. Buy the shirt now! Only $19.99 + $5.00 shipping

Monday, November 16, 2009

South African Sasquatch

*** UPDATE ***
There has been a correction made to this post. Originally we had spelled Waterbobbejaan with a single "a". Thank you to Brian for the correction. He also alerts us to the book written by Ben Venter titles Waterbobbejann.

We celebrate two things in this post.
1. Our AKA Bigfoot World Map has been up for only six months and we have broken the 1000+ hits mark.
2. We have added our 46th pin to the AKA Bigfoot World Map, the Waterbobbejaan AKA the African Bigfoot.

I guarantee you this was not an easy find. Most sightings and myths of giant undiscovered primates are outside the continent of Africa. This is an irony, that has not escaped us here at Bigfoot Lunch Club. Did this mean there are no stories or even tribal myths in Africa? The short answer is no; enter the Waterbobbejaan.

The name Waterbobbejaan literally means "water baboon," and it has been described as everything from pygmy sized to seven feet tall. Its fur is sometimes red, sometimes as black as scorched earth. There are numerous eyewitness sightings of the beast from the deep woods to the rural outskirts of African cities.

Unlike it's herbivorous American cousin, the "Waterbobbejaan," as it's come to be know in South Africa has been accused of terrorizing people (even killing a few), as well as all kinds of livestock terror -- Ripping cattle, goats, chicken, and anything else it could catch.

Native South African Roland Jaffe, 35, is the primary researcher for the Waterbobbejaan. He is quoted in an interview:

This creature is all over the country in some form. The best known ones are reported in Guinea, Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast, and the Congo Basin. I've heard stories in Namibia, Kenya, and as far north as Egypt.

We at Bigfoot Lunch Club are only slightly concerned Mr.Jaffe refers to Africa as a country, especially since he is a native. You can read the rest of his interview here.

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who is Autumn Williams?

Autumn Williams is a Bigfooter. She has a Website, a Blog and a YouTube Channel. She has been researching Bigfoot all her life, ever since an encounter at the age of two-and-a-half. An encounter shared with her mother.

On her sight she has one of the best (and oldest) sightings database on the web. She collects sightings from several sources; BFRO, International Bigfoot Society, various publications and even reports submitted directly to her through her website. She even includes hyper-links to the source websites when possible.

She has recently been posting some real gems on her blog ( Her writing is light and casual and filled with detail and insight you could only gain from a veteran with seasoned experience.

She was recently interviewed on Night Callers web radio. Its the best dose of Autumn Willams a person can get, she divulges several pearls of Bigfoot wisdom.

On her Youtube channel ( you get to actually meet her, she has trailer to her DVD, and a several video blog clips. You can watch the trailer at the end of this post.

Finally everybody here at Bigfoot Lunch Club are big fans of Autumn, we appreciate her novel approach to Bigfoot Research. We love her main philosophy; try to gain a rapport, a relationship with the Sasquatch. An interaction with Bigfoot must on the creatures' own terms. genius.

We salute you Autumn Williams.

Amomongo: Phillipine's Bigfoot

Today, November 15, 1935,The United States formalized the establishment of the self-governing Philippine Commonwealth, with Manuel L. Quezon as its president.

Franklin D. Roosevelt (November 14, 1935), Proclamation 2148 on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, The American Presidency Project, University of California at Santa Barbara (specifying, "This Proclamation shall be effective upon its promulgation at Manila, Philippine Islands, on November 15, 1935, by the Secretary of War of the United States of America, who is hereby designated as my representative for that purpose.")

More importantly this is a great segue to exploit U.S./Pilipino history in order to bring up the Pilipino Bigfoot, also known as Amongo

The Amomongo is a creature of Philippine mythology described as hairy, man-sized and ape-like with long nails.[1] The term may have its roots in the Hiligaynon word amó, which means "ape" or "monkey". Residents of La Castellana in Negros Occidental refer to the creature as a "wild monkey" that lives in caves near the foot of Mt. Kanlaon. The creature is said to have attacked two residents of the settlement and disemboweled goats and chickens in the area, for the purpose of eating the entrails. Source Wikipedia.

Wait! I know what your next question is, is the Amomongo on the Bigfoot Lunch Club’s AKA Bigfoot World Map? Of course fans, of course. Check it out on the map below, or click on the larger full-screen map here.

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bigfoot: This is all the "Proof" you need

If you are interested in Bigfoot and cryptozoology—and if you’re reading this, you probably are—I recently ran across a comic book series that some of you might want to check out. It’s called Proof and is published by Images Comics, and Proof could best be described as The X-Files meets Men in Black by way of Hellboy. It concerns a shadowy government agency called The Lodge that acts as a protective buffer between people and cryptids. According to the premise of the series and Proof writer Alexander Grecian, “A cryptid is a creature that’s never been captured or officially documented despite multiple eye-witness accounts and unsubstantiated evidence (like footprints and fuzzy photographs).” The main point of interest in Proof is the main character, John “Proof” Prufrock. Proof is a talking Bigfoot. In a suit. With a size 29 shoe. Working as a government agent. How cool is that?

Proof works with an ex-FBI agent as his partner, Ginger Brown, and together they encounter a Chupacabra, various fairies and gnomes, Thunderbirds, the Dover Demon, and dinosaurs in the ongoing series. The Lodge also keeps a wildlife habitat for endangered or dangerous cryptids. Sometimes they have to capture and relocate cryptids for their own protection, and for ours. But sometimes the monsters they encounter are human and not the cryptids, and those have to be dealt with as well.

Alexander Grecian's writing in Proof is sharp, clever and frequently darkly funny, and Riley Rossmo's artwork is a first-rate mix of loose lines, brush-like strokes, ink splatters, detailed precision, and rich atmosphere. Proof reads like a really good TV show. It is also available as three graphic novels that collect the series so far. And please note, Proof is intended for “mature audiences,” due to graphic violence and subject matter; not for kids. Though I would have liked it as a kid, but that’s another story. While it doesn’t exactly add to Bigfoot lore and knowledge, Proof is highly entertaining and worth picking up; especially if you, like me, are still missing The X-Files.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bigfoot Lunch Club Salutes Veterans

In honor of Veterans Day, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today announced it will waive day-use fees for veterans...and their families at the more than 2,400 Corps-operated recreation areas nationwide on Veterans Day, November 11.

In 1975 the US Army Corps of Engineers published "Environmental Atlas for Washington" Originally titled "Provisional U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Reconnaissance Inventory of the State of Washington". This monstrous book dedicates a very big and very serious full page to Bigfoot. In fact, the Sasquatch is listed as one of Washington's native species.

An excerpt from page gives a little more detail to the description of Sasquatch:
Though conceding that his existence is "hotly disputed," the Army Corps of Engineers has officially recognized Sasquatch, the elusive and supposed legendary creature of the Pacific Northwest mountains. Also known as Big Foot, Sasquatch is described in the just-published "Environmental Atlas for Washington" as standing as tall as 12 feet and weighing as much as half a ton, covered with long hair except for face and hands, and having "a distinctive human-like form." The atlas, which cost $200,000 to put out, offers a map pin pointing all known reports of Sasquatch sightings, and notes that a sample of reputed Sasquatch hair was analyzed by the FBI and found to belong to no known animal.

There is a 2nd edition copy (1975) of the Atlas, in the Clark College, Vancouver, WA, library. Above is an actual page from that edition.

You can read more details about the Veterans Day fee Waiver at the Corp of Engineers site here.

TOP 10 TUES: Bigfoot Quotes

1. “I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault.” Source: Stand-up comedian Mitch Hedburg

2. “I saw Bigfoot once. 1951, back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe.” Source: Movie: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

3. “Yo' momma's so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of her.” Source: The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy

4. "Your rhymes are fake like a Canal Street watch, You’re hearing me and you're like `Oh my god it's Sasquatch!`" Source: Beastie Boys

5. Mulder: (explaining cryptozoology) Animals that aren't supposed to exist like Sasquatch and the Ogopogo and the Abominable Snowman and-
Scully: (interrupting) Don't mind him. He'll go on forever”. Source: X-Files

6. "Given the scientific evidence that I have examined, I'm convinced there's a creature out there that is yet to be identified," Source: Jeff Meldrum in National Geographic

7. “…you're talking about a yeti or bigfoot or sasquatch. Well now, you'll be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure that they exist.” Jane Goodall on NPR

8. Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth: Bunk! Bunk, I say! Bring me a bag full of Bigfoot's droppings or shut up!
Ranger Park: I have the droppings of someone who saw Bigfoot. Source: Futurama

9. Your wife's a Bigfoot, isn't she, Gus? Your wife is a Bigfoot, isn't she? Source: Edie Murphy, Delirious

10. “It smells like Bigfoot's d*ck!” Source: Movie Anchorman: Ron Burgundy

Monday, November 9, 2009

Issue #17 of Yeti Researcher Available!

What a treat! 49 Pages of great Yeti Research! Yeti Researcher is a fictional publication with real research.

Its hard to to describe without chasing your tail. I think the first thing you need to understand is this was an intellectual undertaking, that spans far beyond Yeti Research. How do we know this? Let's meet one of the contributers, Joshuah Bearman. his bio on his webpage TheRumpus.Net is as follows:

Joshuah Bearman has written about CIA missions, aspiring Fabios, and the world's greatest Pac Man player. Yes, it was he who blew the lid off the story of the great rodent disaster of 2003, when giant gerbils invaded inland China. Joshuah has written for Harpers, McSweeneys, Wired, Rolling Stone, and contributes to This American Life.

'Nuff said? Then you read what he presents as the intention for Yeti Researcher:

“[T]he idea was to make something that McSweeney’s readers would think is amusingly, fascinatingly compelling and that bigfoot researchers would be able to read with satisfaction” (Bearman, e-mail). Thus, though their intention was fictional, every step of the research and writing process was subject to rigorous fact-checking in accordance with the pseudo-scientific field they were working within: the information in “Flores Man and Sumatra’s Orang pendek” could “have survived the fact-checking process at a real magazine.” They did not make-up any of the information, insofar as, according to common-sense it was not already made up. “[T]he information in the articles is real. By which I mean we didn’t make up any bigfoot sightings, records, theories, etc. It was all researched and cited.”

The bottom line is you just have to download the PDF version of issue #17 here to really appreciate what these guys did.

One thing for sure!Bigfoot Lunch Club Salutes all the contributers to Yeti Researcher and especially you Joshuah Bearman for giving us this treat for free.

You can read Joshuah's full post here.

Dauphin County Bigfoot Photos Enhanced

Don't be too excited about the video below. The newsclip does not reveal more than the still frame below. At the end of the clip the news people said they had moving video of the blobsquatch but the camera was moving too fast to make anything of it, so they only provided the still frame below.

It doesn't take much to reveal the blurry blob is really hanging moss from the branch in the foreground. By filtering the colors and highlights of the photo much is revealed.

This is the original photo

This is the photo with just the contrast adjusted, you can already see, what looked like highlights were really just the background foliage showing through, and you can even see how the moss is "tied" around the branch.

Finally this is extremely enhanced to show the outline of the moss itself.

I would love to see a new photo of Bigfoot, but this aint one.

Another Biscardi Backed Bigfoot

The photo above looks like a piece of moss to me. Despite my opinion WHTM-TV News deemed it necessary to give Tom Biscardi a mention on their web page:
Dauphin County, Pa. - A Dauphin County man, who wishes to remain anonymous, says he may have caught images of Bigfoot with his flip-cam.

He says he was hiking the Appalachian Trail with his wife back in October when he came across what looked like a fort. He started filming, and says that's when he started hearing strange noises.

"I panicked. There's something up in these woods."

When he got home, he saw a strange image on the video. "My wife said, 'What is that?' The video has captured the attention of Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi. Tom is the CEO and Founder of the company "Hunting For Bigfoot."

Tom says he's passionate about Bigfoot, because he has had sightings himself. Tom and his crew searched the area where the video was shot Sunday afternoon. Tom says he plans on proving Bigfoot exists by capturing one.

It never bodes well when Tom Biscardi backs a Bigfoot sighting. How this guy still manages to get in the news is amazing to us Bigfooters. The above picture is from the press conference of the Georgian Gorilla Hoax of August 2008. He also is responsible for a hoax in 2005. A quick Wikipedia lookup will expose Biscardi for who he is:

2005 hoax

On July 14, 2005, Biscardi appeared on the radio program Coast to Coast AM and claimed he was "98% sure" his group would be able to capture a Bigfoot near Happy Camp, California. On August 19, he returned to say he knew of the location of a captured Bigfoot specimen, and that he would air footage of the creature through a $14 web-cam service. However, on the day the footage was to be distributed, Biscardi claimed he was "hoodwinked" by a woman in Stagecoach, Nevada, and that the specimen did not exist. Coast to Coast AM host George Noory demanded that Biscardi refund the money to people who had paid for the web-cam subscription. Biscardi then offered a refund on his website to those who had subscribed for the service after August 19.

2008 hoax

In summer 2008, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer of Georgia announced that they had discovered the carcass of a 7-foot-7-inch, 500-pound Bigfoot-like creature while hiking through the northern mountains of their state. They said they had placed the body in a freezer in an undisclosed location. They also claimed to have seen three similar creatures when they found the body.Tom Biscardi teamed up with Whitton and Dyer to promote the claim that they had a Bigfoot corpse, and promised the media DNA evidence. The three held a press conference in California, where they showed photographs of the alleged creature. Whitton boasted, “Everyone who has talked down to us is going to eat their words." Biscardi also tried to reassure the media of the corpse's authenticity, saying, "Last weekend, I touched it, I measured its feet, I felt its intestines."

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer have since admitted that it was a rubber costume.

Matthew Whitton, a police officer in Clayton County, Georgia, put his career into jeopardy after participating in the hoax. Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner said, "Once he perpetrated a fraud, that goes into his credibility and integrity. He has violated the duty of a police officer." Biscardi claimed that he was deceived, and that he was seeking justice.

Source: Tom Biscardi. (2009, November 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:03, November 9, 2009, from

You can read the full WHTM-TV article yourself here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Green Man of Portland is Bigfoot

New artwork adorns the northwest streets of downtown Portland. These sculptures are creations of local artist Daniel Duford and they all feature an image or reference to the Green Man. The Green Man is a subject near and dear to Bigfoot, but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.

In a nutshell, the Green Man of Portland is really the pagan Woodosa or Woodwose, which translates to the Wildman of the Woods, which is where we got the Jolly Green Giant, who is really a Bigfoot played by Kevin Bacon. Okay, Kevin Bacon is excessive, but today’s post on Bigfoot Lore really feels like the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon. So you will have to forgive us for being a little “footloose” with the associations in this post.

Without Further Ado Here we go.

Let’s start with the Wildman of the Woods, AKA the Woodosa. The Woodosa is a mythological figure that appears in the artwork and literature of medieval Europe. The wild man can be described as a long-haired bearded man covered with hair from the neck down, he is often armed with a club, he considered the spirit that watches over the well being of the woods.

View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

The Green Man is often seen alongside the Woodosa, although he watches over agricultural concerns. Almost identical to the Woodosa, the Green Man has a face surrounded leaves, branches, and vines that often seem to sprout his mouth and nostrils.

The Woodosa and Green Man remained mostly just as decorated sculptures for centuries until they reemerged as advertising trademarks for modern American agriculture. One incarnation was the California Giant Lettuce company and the other is a more famous icon known as the Jolly Green Giant.

This story of these two advertising icons is neatly summarized in Loren Coleman’s Book “Bigfoot! : The True Story of Apes in America”

“However, one image, familiar to most of us, parallels the California Giant, which we must not ignore. This would be the Jolly Green Giant…
…in 1903, Green Giant was founded in Le Suer, Minnesota, as the Minnesota Valley Canning Company. In 1925, a pale, boy-like figure with a leafy bit of clothing was introduced to market the company’s new line of giant, sweet, early green peas. The name Green Giant for this marketing image soon followed, with the giants figure’s skin then turning green. Eventually the Green Giant came to symbolize not only the peas, but the company as well. In 1950, Minnesota Valley canning Company disappeared and became officially the Green Giant Company. Today the Jolly Green Giant is the name of the giant figure, having evolved from the youthful figure of 1925.”

Okay, so these are all versions of the Wildman, what about Bigfoot? The Wildman myth permeates all cultures and histories. Where do these memories come from? A time when we were closer to other bipedal apes that lived among us? Sightings of the Wildman are almost non-existent; in fact they seem to disappear sometime after Charles Darwin published his theory. Perhaps sightings of the Wildman have not disappeared, but merely replaced by a better model. Replaced by a yet undiscovered hairy hominid we call Bigfoot.

For your entertainment we have provided Jolly Green Giant Commercials from three different decades; the 1950’s, 60’s, and 80’s.

Green Man of Portland

In downtown Portland, Oregon, on the corner of NW Couch and 5th there
is a sculpture of the green man of Portland. Reminds me of the Jolly
green giant myth. More pics to come!
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