Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tracks Found near San Antonio Bigfoot Site

If you have not read our previous post regarding the San Antonio Bigfoot start here

Now News 4 WOAI is reporting Tracks found at the San Antonio Bigfoot site. Rick Tullos, who is a member of the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization is the Bigfoot researcher on scene. He was the one who discovered the tracks, he said he will have to analyze the tracks and, hopefully, find more evidence of what may have been in the woods.

You can click to expand the full post below to read the News 4 WOAI report or visit the site yourself here.

SAN ANTONIO -- Experts are now investigating reported sightings of a large, hairy, 'Bigfoot-type' creature on the West Side.

Police said the 'Bigfoot-type' creature was spotted in the area around Highway 151 and Loop 1604. A caller told police a large, tall, hairy creature dragged a deer carcass into the woods. Officers searched the area, but said they did not find anything.

"If one sighting is real, then that means something is out there," said Rick Tullos, who is a member of the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization.

Tullos has traveled around the country to investigate sightings and is now checking out the latest report in the San Antonio area.

"We look for an area where the fence has been bent down," Tullos explained. "Or maybe evidence of some hairs caught in some of the barbs of the fence."

News 4 WOAI's crew looked around the area with Tullos and didn't find anything at first. But a short time later, a set of tracks was spotted that Tullos said did not look like those that would be made by a human.

Tullos said he will have to analyze the tracks and, hopefully, find more evidence of what may have been in the woods.

Tullos told News WOAI there have been a handful of sightings on the Far West Side, including out near Lackland Air Force Base and in other wooded areas near Highway 151 several years back.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

San Antonio Police respond to Bigfoot call.

!! UPDATE !! News 4 WOAI is now claiming: Tracks found! Read our report here.

We got a second news source regarding the San Antonio Sasquatch.Today (Dec 2) News Station WAOI Channel 4 news reports the following:
SAN ANTONIO -- Police and News 4 WOAI have been getting calls about bizarre sightings.

The callers told News 4 WOAI they saw a large, hairy, Bigfoot-type creature at Highway 151 and Loop 1604 on the West Side Monday. Police got a similar call Monday night at the same location.

Two weeks ago, News 4 WOAI reported that a monkey or ape of some sort was spotted on Southwest Loop 410.

The technicians at J.D.'s Paint and Body Shop showed News 4 WOAI crews footprints on their dumpster, proof of what one described as a "baboon."

Below is a direct quote from the second news source, Fox 29 San Antonio's website. It is an anti-climatic ending as nothing consequential comes of the police investigation. However it is news:

He's portrayed as a hairy beast, but some question if big foot is even real. He was though, to a San Antonio woman Monday night. At least that's her story. Just before midnight a woman called police claiming she saw a Sasquatch or big foot like figure... six foot three inches tall, covered in fur carrying a deer into the woods near 1604 and Highway 151. The caller told dispatch she lives in a tent in those woods. According to a police spokesperson, she sounded surprisingly sober. But what is really running in these woods we may never know. Nearby, SeaWorld says they've had no reports of missing animals and over at the San Antonio Zoo it's the same story.

Posted by: Grace White

Below is the a partial of the newscast that broadcasted on Dec 1st. You can get the full video at the Fox 29 SanAntonio

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bigfooters can pick a Booger when we see one.

The Newnan Herald was Georgia’s first newspaper after Civil War. Eventually the title of the newspaper became The Times-Herald

Started as a sideline by two Newnan lawyers in the days after the Civil War ended, The Times-Herald has become an institution in the intervening 143 years.

For decades, Coweta County residents have turned to The Times-Herald for news about local government. Mothers of the bride have brought write-ups about their daughters’ weddings, and sports fans have checked out the results of the latest local games.

Recently one of the journalist, Jeff Bishop, has been writing about a local legend known as the "Belt Road Booger" also known as The Happy valley Horror

In short; it's a 30 yr legend with multiple sightings and several descriptions similar to Bigfoot.

A few descriptions from the Times-Herald article:

"It was dark. It stands about five feet tall. It's big across the chest. Its eyes look like diamonds at night when you shine a light on them," was how one local woman described the "monster."

The creature was reported to have "a face like a monkey and a long bushy tail."

Read the two articles below to learn what local residents have been saying for 30+ years.

Legend of the Belt Road Booger

Bigfoot researchers pick up on 'Booger'

To get the lowdown and perhaps a very astute prediction regarding these news stories and what's fueling them, we have the wisdom of Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo

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