Our dynamite friend Robert Lindsay who continues to get the best scoops on leaks from the much anticipated Erickson Project. He broke the two dead Bigfoot news which was followed up at Cryptomundo's article (See Bigfoot DNA Project Using Two Dead Bigfoot Bodies for Samples)
there is a new update at RobertLindsey.wordpress.com titled Breathtaking News from the Erickson Project where he discusses the results of the DNA tests. Below is an excerpt of the meaty stuff.
The leaks from people close to the Erickson Project continue to come in fast and furious.
Surely, the most breathtaking news so far involves the sequencing of Bigfoot DNA. We already reported previously on the sequencing Bigfoot mitochondrial DNA, which is coming out 100% human. That means that the Bigfoot female line goes back to human females.
However, we can now report on the sequencing of the nuclear DNA from the male side. The report is that it is absolutely non-human! It is very far away from humans. In the chart below, various hominims are measured according to their distance away from humans.
Hominim spp. Distance in polymorphisms
Neandertal 3,300
Denisova 6,600
Bigfoot 12,375?
Chimpanzee 33,000
As you can see, Bigfoots are approximately 1/2 way between humans and chimps. More precisely, they are 37% of the way between humans and chimp. Also, Bigfoots are 4X further away from us than Neandertals are, and they are 2X further away from us than Denisova was.
We only have DNA from three hominids: Homo sapiens, Neandertal and Denisova. We have no DNA from Flores Man or Erectus or any of the rest. One reason for this is that DNA degrades, and it is impossible to get DNA from samples more than 50,000 years old.
Therefore, evidence indicates that Bigfoots are a hybrid species. Some “thing,” some “monster,” some “subhuman,” mated with human females somewhere in Europe possibly ~20-50,000 YBP. Shades of King Kong! What this thing is is completely unknown. It must be a hominid. It quite possibly was Homo erectus. Therefore, Bigfoots may be Erectus-sapiens hybrids.
Thank you Robert Lindsay for sharing with Bigfoot Lunch Club your new findings. Please visit his site for some of the most fascinating reads about Bigfoot and beyond Bigfoot.
Cryptomundo Update: Bigfoot DNA Project Using Two Dead Bigfoot Bodies for Samples
Bigfoot DNA Project Using Two Dead Bigfoot Bodies for Samples
Breathtaking News from the Erickson Project