Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Cutest Sasquatch Website Ever

International mascot for the 2010 Winter Olympics, Quatchi, has his own website. This is no surprise since Olympic mascots are becoming a stronger part of the promotional arm of modern Olympics.

What is unique, is how much care and effort is made to infuse character and cuteness to Quatchi and his friends, Sumi and Miga. If you check out their site, as it begins to load Quatchi peaks around the corner, shy and blushing, and brave Miga has to convince him to step out and greet us.

Quatchi is getting great press too. Today in the compares Quatchi to Brad Pitt

The main mascot is Quatchi. He does not wear a hat, but rather a fetching set of baby-blue earmuffs. He is a young Sasquatch or Bigfoot, brown and fuzzy with that hairy unkempt look of Brad Pitt's beard.

All I know of the scruffy little guy (Quatchi, not Brad) is what I have learned on the official mascot Web site, It seems he comes from the mysterious forests of Canada, and he is "shy, but loves to explore new places and meet new friends," a good thing in an international ambassador. His co-mascots are Miga, a snowboarding sea bear, and Sumi (the one with the hat), an animal spirit who lives in the mountains. Plus there's a tag-along marmot named Mukmuk, who is super cute but not an official part of the mascot team. Kind of like Cousin Oliver on "The Brady Bunch."

The Web site is adorable. When you run your cursor over the characters' cartoon images, they wave a friendly hello and say their respective names out loud. If you have access to the Internet, you simply must do this. Do it now. It's hilarious. Especially if you listen to Sumi and Miga with the cute high-pitched voices one might expect of talking stuffed animals, and then you move back to Quatchi, who has a deep, throaty, chain-smoking-sex-offender voice a la Moe Szyslak or a male Brenda Vaccaro. "Hi. I'm Quatchi. What are you wearing?" (OK, all he says is "Quatchi," but that's enough.)

Granted, it must have been tough to come up with a voice for Quatchi. I can image the Canadian mascot development committee sitting around conscientiously objecting to each other's opinions and saying things like, "Well, he's mythical, full of mystery and wonder. But also rugged and outdoorsy and a wee little hoser, eh?"

In other news it seems there are still openings for local Brittish Columbians to play the role of Quatchi at the torch relay. The job description reads.

Who Wants to be Quatchie?
Successful applicants would play the parts of Olympic mascots Quatchi, the earmuff-wearing sasquatch-like figure, and Miga, the petite black-and-white sea bear.

The ideal candidate for Quatchi would be between 5'10" and 6'2" tall, while someone posing as Miga should be between 5'1" and 5'4". Both must be 18 years or older.

Mascot performers should be reasonably fit and able to withstand the heat, weight and and other physical limitations of the costumes.

Definitely a guy in a suit.

Cutest Sasquatch Website Ever
Mercury Article "Give 'em Hill"
Who wants to be a Quatchi?
The largest Quatchi on the East Coast

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Maybe, Thom Pace Tribute

Deep inside this website is a tribute page to Thom Pace's song "Maybe." It is also known as the theme song to Grizzly Adams.

Thom Pace (born Thomas M. Pace 1949 Boise, Idaho Idaho) wrote the song "Maybe", which began as a medley titled "Have the sun in the heart / Maybe" This song became the theme song of Sunn Classic Pictures and Television Film and TV series The Life and times of Grizzly Adams program'm Dan Haggerty as James Capena Adams, who had fled from false murder charges in the mountains and woods nearby The made for TV movie The Capture of Grizzly Adams, who played Haggerty and also featured "Maybe" as a theme Adams was finally able to clear his name 
Pace had originally conceived the song "Maybe" for a movie called The Snow Tigers, but in the end, the producers do not use it in this movie, it later was used as the last song of Grizzly Adams movie, and then used som theme song of television series 
Another version of the theme from an album that Pace in and was released in the 1970s was released as a single in Europe, "Maybe" went to number one in Germany and stayed there for nine weeks Pace was "Goldene Europe 'Award Europe's version of the Grammy Award for best song of 1979 he also wrote and composed often in collaboration with Maria Hegsted songs for other movies including the NBC "Movies of the Week" songs of honor and Night Of The Comet 
Read More About Thom Pace Biography...

Thom Pace's Original 1979 Performance

Thom Pace's 2008 Performance (almost 30yrs later)

Declan Galbraith a huge singer from Brittain

Okay and now we get to the amateurs that probably love this song as much as I do.

The Chronicle Respects Squatching and the BFRO

An article that is not dismissive or tongue-in-cheek. A nice refreshing look at squatching, or Bigfooting as we prefer here at BLC. The great thing about The Chronicle, a newspaper serving Lewis County Washington, is it a great introduction for those not familiar with Bigfooting, while remaining fair and balanced.

Here's an exerpt below.

ELBE — He stands 9 feet tall with stringy brown fur all over his body and glowing red eyes, and if he truly does exist, he probably lives in a forest near you.
The ape-like beast known as Sasquatch is mere legend to skeptics, but to members of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, he is a legitimate scientific conundrum. The group regularly scours areas in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and other wooded parts of the state in search of “squatches” — that’s right — plural Sasquatch.
Based on sightings reported by BFRO’s Web site, Washington state is effectively Bigfoot central, more specifically the densely covered Cascade foothills of Southwest Washington. The group believes Sasquatches live in complex communities with advanced social norms and complex forms of communication, including their own language.

“These people who live here, if you could get them to talk to you, they would tell you, ‘We hear them all the time,’” said Scott Taylor, a particularly active member of BFRO who led a group of eight people on a research trip near Mount Rainier National Park last Saturday. “We try to come out to places like this to meet the witnesses and sit and talk and let them get it off their chest, because many of them have been bottling it up for years.”

The group’s claim to fame is the “Skookum Cast,” a body impression of an ape-like figure found in the Skookum Meadow, in the southern portion of the Gifford Pinchot. It was unveiled in 2000 and studied by the late Washington State University anthropologist Grover Krantz, who dedicated much of his career to studying Bigfoot, along with the Kennewick Man — skeletal remains of a prehistoric man found on the Columbia River in 1996.

The article even touches on the subject of Ray Wallace, although it may be an oversimplification.

Wallace died in 2002, but is survived by family still in the area. Bigfoot believers generally don’t buy the Wallace hoax because its announcement came after his death when family members found the foot pressings after sorting through his old junk. The Bigfoot faithful also take particular umbrage with what they say are fabricated quotes in a 2002 article by the New York Times calling Wallace’s passing “the death of Bigfoot.”

Overall we appreciate the tone of the article, it even highlights The Chronicles past coverage of Bigfoot and has a list of sightings in the Lewis County Area. to us that means theres enough information there that some reader will get the "bug" and be the one that helps us find Bigfoot.

The Chronicle Article: In Search of ’Squatch
NY Times Article at
Bigfoot Did Not Die by John Green

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bigfoot Cards in Time for Valentine's Day

Nothing says, "I love you!" to a Bigfooter than a Bigfoot Burlesque. Yes these set of three illustrated stationery cards are available for purchase and we tracked down the artist for a quick interview.

BLC: Why Bigfoot? Have you had an encounter or are you more interested in the pop-culture aspect of Bigfoot?
Katie Vernon: I have not had a bigfoot encounter, though I have been backpacking all over the US and firmly believe that Bigfoot probably lives in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. I am more interested in how bigfoot is portrayed in pop-culture (i LOVE graham roumieu's books).

BLC: We admit Bigfoot and Sexy are an ironic mix, but somehow you make it work. Where did this inspiration come from?
Katie Vernon: The original illustrations for these cards were created for an art show that was put up in conjunction with a burlesque show. So, I tried to give this bigfoot a little smirk that shows he's confident even if he is still a bit awkward. Oh, and cute panties and pasties don't hurt either .

BLC:Are you thinking of doing other Bigfoot themed cards?
Katie Vernon: I am not sure yet about other bigfoot cards...I have a few different projects on the horizon (anatomical hearts in sweaters, more flower/animal combos). But I am not ruling out more of bigfoots. I do commissioned work as well and people can email me ( You can stay most up to date via my blog ( or website (

Thank you Katie! We love your cards and Bigfoot Lunch Club salutes you!

Pack of three or six 4.25" x 5.5" cards
-includes 3 or 6 100% recycled envelopes
-cards fold at the top
-blank inside

Cards will be shipped in a bend-proof fiberboard mailer.

Buy Katie's Cards at her Blog
Check out Katie's Portfolio at her website!
Find out why Katie thinks Graham Roumieu is funny

Thursday, January 28, 2010

WA History Museum's Sasquatch Exhibit Pictures and Video

The pics below are screen captures off a video Seattle's KOMO News station. Your welcome to watch the following video too, unfortunately only 30 seconds is about the Museum and the other minute-and-a-half is about a Crook.

You can click on any one of them for a larger view.

What: Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch
When: Jan. 23-June 27
Where: Washington State History Museum, 1911 Pacific Ave., Tacoma
Museum hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. On the third Thursday of each month, the museum is open until 8 p.m. with free admission from 2-8 p.m.
Admission: Adult (18 and over), $8; Senior (60 and older) $7; student (6-17 years old) and military, $6; family (two adults and up to four children), $25; child (5 and under) and Historical Society members, free.
Information: 253-272-3500,

Washington State Historical Society's Press Release's article about some Bothel man
Cryptomundo's post about the Bothel man

Bigfoot Web Search Index: BLC Labs' Toys for Geeks

At Bigfoot Lunch Club Labs™ we are tirelessly trying to keep our finger on the pulse of the Bigfoot community. We want to know what's happening in real-time 24/7. While we can't share all of our proprietary technological tricks we CAN share the results.

Today we share the Bigfoot search trends over the last 30 days, go ahead play and mouse-over the gadgets below. This will be a regular feature at the end of each week and at the end of each month.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Profiling Hoaxers: The Psychology of Fame

Money and power are handy, but millions of ambitious people are after something other than the corner office or the beach house on St. Bart’s. They want to swivel necks, to light a flare in others’ eyes, to walk into a crowded room and feel the conversation stop. --Benedict Carey, New York Times

The News Tribune of Tacoma Washington, ran a story today about Cliff Cook. For those unfamiliar with Cliff Crook he is responsible for the photo in Benjamin Radford presentation below. The photo has been revealed as a hoax and has become a trophy to skeptics, along with the Frozen Georgia Bigfoot. They will probably be followed soon by the Sylvanic Bigfoot video footage.

What motivates hoaxers? I always get the sense that they believe in Bigfoot, despite the hoax. There has to be a more complete answer to their motivations. I wanted to know the psychology behind it. Oddly enough, there is not a lot of studies on hoaxing, but that's because hoaxing is really a polite term for what these "hoaxes" really are. These "hoaxes" are really lies, fraudulent lies. Y'see a real hoax is like what you see on Candid Camera, April Fools, etc. Proven hoaxes are lies. I'm not trying to be harsh, but if we are honest we might be able to understand motives better.

So why lie? Some have speculated greed as the motivation. After all, there is money to be made in the Bigfoot/CryptoZ industry. The only issue is, any proven "hoax" has never been profitable in the long-run. Although you can argue "hoaxers" are short-sighted and gambling on the bet they will not be caught, I think there is something that is a far stronger motivator. Fame.

Before you say, "Duh!" Give me a chance to be more specific. Fame is much more than "getting attention," it is deeper than that, its fulfilling a "need." Understanding a hoaxer's desire to attain fame can provide a few clues to overall psychological make-up of Bigfoot hoaxers. Let me quote Benedict Carey of New York Times.

For most of its existence, the field of psychology has ignored fame as a primary motivator of human behavior: it was considered too shallow, too culturally variable, too often mingled with other motives to be taken seriously. But in recent years, a small number of social scientists have begun to study and think about fame in a different way, ranking it with other goals, measuring its psychological effects, characterizing its devoted seekers.

People with an overriding desire to be widely known to strangers are different from those who primarily covet wealth and influence. Their fame-seeking behavior appears rooted in a desire for social acceptance, a longing for the existential reassurance promised by wide renown.

In a 1996 study, Richard M. Ryan of the University of Rochester and Dr. Kasser, then at Rochester, conducted in-depth surveys of 100 adults, asking about their aspirations, guiding principles, and values, as well as administering standard measures of psychological well-being.

The participants in the study who focused on goals tied to others’ approval, like fame, reported significantly higher levels of distress than those interested primarily in self-acceptance and friendship.

Surveys done since then, in communities around the world, suggest the same thing: aiming for a target as elusive as fame, and so dependent on the judgments of others, is psychologically treacherous.

We think there is a lot more to to this, and although we can't assume whether a "hoaxer" is really interested in finding Bigfoot, we can assume finding Bigfoot is not their first priority. Don't get us wrong, we are extremely inclusive here at BLC, good research and theories can come from anywhere. As far as "hoaxers" go? We feel a "hoaxers" are repeat offenders. And we should always be leery when they appear back in the news.

Dislamer: I don't want anybody to think I am a "hater." I already have my claim to fame. My fame peaked in 2008 and I'm okay with that.

Cliff Cook Article at The News Tribune
The Fame Motive at The New York Times
Loren Coleman Weighs-in

Gimlin AND Meldrum to speak at Tacoma Museum June 5th

Okay we got a date, the time is still to be determined. Here is a statement direct from the Washington State History Museum:

Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Discovery Channel expert and professor, and Robert Gimlin, of the infamous Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film (frame 352-seen here), will be presenting and discussing evidence they've collected about this elusive creature deeply rooted in the Pacific Northwest, on June 5, time TBD, at the Washington State History Museum. May be a good opportunity to talk to those who have collected evidence, ask questions, and then draw your conclusion!

What: Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch
When: Jan. 23-June 27
Where: Washington State History Museum, 1911 Pacific Ave., Tacoma
Museum hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. On the third Thursday of each month, the museum is open until 8 p.m. with free admission from 2-8 p.m.
Admission: Adult (18 and over), $8; Senior (60 and older) $7; student (6-17 years old) and military, $6; family (two adults and up to four children), $25; child (5 and under) and Historical Society members, free.
Information: 253-272-3500,

The Tacoma News Tribune Article
Washington State Historical Society's Press Release

Our post about the exhibit

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010 Games: Squamish Sasquatch "Legend" Kiosk

In an article at The Vancouver Sun they are highlighting the different kiosks being built for the 2010 Olympics as a greeting from the Squamish First Nation. Every kiosk will have panels containing a welcoming message from the Squamish Nation as well as a map showing 18 important places for the first nations people in the area. One kiosk particular, will showcase the Sasquatch "Legend." the Britannia Beach kiosk there’s an explanation of why sightings of Sasquatch have occurred in the area.

In recounting the mythology, Campbell noted that across from Britannia Beach there’s a prominent rock face. Legend has it this is the location where a chief’s daughter and her slave were ostracized.

“The young maiden had become pregnant by her slave and this brought great shame on her family. They abandoned the daughter and her slave here on the rocks. They went back into the mountains and established themselves and turned into wild and strong people who are very elusive,” said Campbell.

“They still hide themselves out of shame. This is why there are all these sightings of Sasquatch in the area.”

Although we couldn't find pics of the Sasquacth panel itself we were able to find some concept art for the kiosk.

Pictured below is the rock face mentioned in the legend (traveling south, at the end of the coastal road, you pass the town of Squamish, dominated by a large granite dome. It has a near vertical rock face of 600 m, a rock climbers paradise.)

Vancouver Sun Article
Squamish First Nation Wiki
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games

Bigfoot: Champion of the Environment

This is a trend we can get behind! There are multiple organizations that are embracing Bigfoot as the mascot for environmentalism. In the past we have mentioned the Corolina Pad Company

Today there is another organization embracing Bigfoot as a the pinnacle for environment ethics, Leave No Trace. Their Mission Statement is as follows:

The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics is an educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to the responsible enjoyment and active stewardship of the outdoors by all people, worldwide.

They have a page that poses a Bigfoot challenge:

The elusive Bigfoot leaves no trace of his passing through the wild. Bigfoot’s back and wants you to take his challenge. From teaching a kid the importance of not feeding wildlife to picking up trash on the trail, Bigfoot is asking you to complete and report a single Leave No Trace challenge from the list below.

It’s easy. Just choose from the challenges below which rotate every month and you’ll have the opportunity to win great outdoor gear prizes every time you participate. Double your chances of winning by capturing your Bigfoot Challenge in a photo or story and sending it to:

The Bigfoot Challenge’s goal is to encourage simple acts of environmental activism and teach Leave No Trace principles. By taking the challenge, you are not only joining a nationwide conservation movement, you are also Leaving No Trace where it matters most — the places you play.

Please get involved by volunteering to do one of the following:

1.Get Muddy! Commit to walking through the mud in the middle of the trail or stay on deep snow to avoid widening trails which are vulnerable in wet conditions.

2.Coffee Addict? Don't turn into a paper junkie, too. Commit to using a travel mug, avoid paper-cups entirely, for one full month.

3.Lend a hand. Contact the agency that manages your favorite park or trail to volunteer to help them with their Leave No Trace efforts.

4.Challenge an outdoor group you volunteer with or a company you work for to incorporate Leave No Trace into their programs. Learn how and help them do it..

We all know the impression of Bigfoot can go both ways, from monster of the week to elusive environmentalist. We prefer the latter, because we are kind of fond of the big guy/gal.

Below are some pics of the painted Leave No Trace car.

Leave No Trace Bigfoot

Find Sasquatch at Carolina Pad Company

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bill Munns; Creature Creator and Bigfoot Analyst

Last night you may have caught the NatGeo special American paranormal: Bigfoot. It was a pleasant surprise to see Bill Munns.

In case the name sounds familiar, you may also remember Bill Munns for the life-size Gigantopithicas he designed and built. A veteran movie "creature guy" who got started in 1967, studied under Mike Westmore, joined Universal's makeup staff in 1969, designed the suits for Swamp Thing (and wore the villian suit for the last half of the climactic fight and death scene in the swamps.) Below is a montage of things Bill has worked on.

Bill Munn's has gone from "creature guy" to computer graphic specialist. He has honed his multiple skills to analyze the Patterson/Gimlin film from multiple angles. Literally. If you want the Patterson/Gimlin film analyzed in almost every detail and with continual updates, go no further than the Munns Report.

In one of the opening paragraphs of one version of the report, Bill Munns goes over the phillosophy behind his report.

The Munns Report is an analysis by Bill Munns of the Patterson Gimlin Film of 1967. It will be released in sections as they are completed. The first report section is focused on the camera lens and a digital site model replicating Bluff Creek, where the film was originally taken. Additional report sections will further substantiate the Lens Analysis, will document the Subject Height Analysis, will study the Trackway Path of the film's subject, and expand on a prior study of Anatomical Proportion for the film subject.

The Munns Report, as a research document and a website, has been online since May of 2009, but I have been actively researching this film now for two years. In my personal evaluation of this effort, I took a look back at the time spent and made a form of inventory of what was accomplished, what needs to be done, where this research is going, what issues need further study, what issues can be retired as of no consequence, etc. And I felt that putting this personal evaluation into the form of a Report Update was an appropriate step to share with the research/analysis community.

We insist you check out the the it is like going down the rabbit hole and exploring the Patterson/Gimlin film from so many angles with such rich detail. You will ask your self questions you never thought of.

Bill Munns we salute you!

The Munns Report
Bill Munns Creature Gallery

Bigfoot Bumperstickers, Mugs and Onesies

If you guy's are fans of the big blue bullseye that is then there is only place to get your next coffee mug, bumper sticker or onesie. Its never too soon to indoctrinate the small ones for field research.

We have already praised for its high utility as a resource for aggregating Bigfoot stuff on the web, from Bigfoot Forums news feeds, to latest sightings, to the best collection of you-tube videos. Today we want to bring your attention to merchandise.

Below is a preview of the some of the items offered at, but make sure you go to BigfootHub's store just to see what other goodies they have.

EXTERNAL LINKS main page Store
Bigfoot Hub's review of BLC

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gimlin is Scheduled to Speak at Washington State History Museum

According to an article at the News tribune of Tacoma, Robert Gimlin will be speaking at the Washington State History Museum in June. This is the same exhibit we mentioned earlier titled "Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch." The exhibit examines how scientists attempt to explain and investigate the Sasquatch phenomenon. It also looks at hoaxes and popular cultural interpretations of this unidentified being. A look at tribal legends and masks provide yet another insight into this elusive creature.

Robert Gimlin is the other half of the duo that filmed the most famous footage of Bigfoot ever. Gimlin, has always denied being involved in any part of a possible hoax and claims that he and his partner had encountered a real bigfoot. However, Gimlin avoided publicly discussing the subject from at least the early 1970s until about the year 2000 when he began giving interviews and making appearances at Bigfoot conferences.

The article is a great read and also mentions Bob Gimlin's previous visits to the museum.

Then there was the day Meldrum and Bob Gimlin spoke at the museum. Gimlin is famous for being part of the group that filmed what they claim was a Bigfoot in Northern California in 1967.

“We held two programs that day, but we still must have turned away 200 people,” Rohrer said.

“I never had an exhibit when I had to stand between a speaker and the public so the speaker could go get dinner,” she added. “Meldrum was on the floor of the museum for 12 hours that day, people just wanted to speak to him, show him evidence.”

Gimlin is scheduled to speak at the Tacoma museum in June.

“It’s an exhibit that has a really focused interest group,” Rohrer said. “There are scientists, naturalists, pop culturists, ethnographers, the hobbyists, people who enjoy the unknown. It’s kind of one of the last unknowns, kind of like UFOs.”

“We understand this is a topic that is very strongly under debate. We’re trying to portray a very balanced view,” Perkins said. “In a sense, whether the creature actually exists isn’t as important as the impact it has had on the people who live out here.

“If you come here looking for an exhibit poking fun at people or mocking the story, this is not your exhibit. This is too important to many people, like the tribal communities, the people out there researching sasquatch. We want to present those sides of the story as well as the side about people who are making money off of this.”
What: Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch
When: Jan. 23-June 27
Where: Washington State History Museum, 1911 Pacific Ave., Tacoma
Museum hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. On the third Thursday of each month, the museum is open until 8 p.m. with free admission from 2-8 p.m.
Admission: Adult (18 and over), $8; Senior (60 and older) $7; student (6-17 years old) and military, $6; family (two adults and up to four children), $25; child (5 and under) and Historical Society members, free.
Information: 253-272-3500,

The Tacoma News Tribune Article
Washington State Historical Society's Press Release

Our post about the exhibit

Loren Coleman: Orang Pendek May be Documented in Foreseeable Future

There are so many Cryptozoological pearls of wisdom that are never harvested by the mainstream media. We can't blame them, most people, us included, ask the same basic questions when first bitten by the cryptozoological bug. However, and unfortunately, the consequence of the same fundamental question being asked over and over again is the same answer being told over and over again.

Loren Coleman seems to transcend this hurdle. He knows better than us, that he gets the same questions over and over, and yet his answers are always novel and topical to current crypto happenings. Due to his thoughtfulness, he is able to provide much more than a canned answer--every time.

Today's's article is a perfect case-in-point. While the article is about the rash recent sightings in Pennsylvania, Loren Coleman seems to squeeze in some gems. Coleman's response includes an opinion about vocalizations, news about the Orang Pendak, and alternate theories to the Pennsylvania sightings.

...Loren Coleman, one of the world's most published cryptozoologists (researchers in the study of hidden species), said, "I'm very cautious of sound sightings." He noted that even the white-tailed deer is capable of producing vocalizations that most people do not recognize.

However, he believes there is something real causing some of the bigfoot reports. In the past month, he said, he's heard of at least 10 legitimate reports, in the northwestern U.S., not in Pennsylvania.

And, Coleman expects a bigfoot-type hominid - the orang pendek - to be documented in Indonesia in the foreseeable future by a well-funded, scientific team that has been searching for the species more than 20 years.

In Pennsylvania, he believes it's more likely that some unknown species of "mystery cat" will be documented, and even more likely that some smaller cryptid (hidden species) will be found...

BFRO.NET list of PA Sightings
More about the Orang Pendek

Rick Jacobs of PA and his Bushnell Trail Scout Picture
Fayette, PA Sighting

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dont Forget NatGeo's Bigfoot

Dont forget to watch NatGeo's first episode in a new series called American Paranormal on Sunday, January 24, 2010, at 8pm EST/7pm CST.

We've got some new video we found at bigfoothuntingblog

This first one is an exclusive teaser found on the British version of NatGeo's website.

And here is the ad running on National Geographic Channel

Friday, January 22, 2010

Paleoanthropology Meets Primatology

According to recent anthropological findings in eastern Africa, our ancestors had feet like our own today, verified by a 1.5 million-year-old set of footprints discovered in a sandy plain within two sedimentary rock layers.

According to John Harris, an anthropologist with the Koobi Fora Field School of Rutgers University, ” This discovery is the earliest proof of upright walking. Now we have the solid evidence for modern foot anatomy. In a sense it’s like putting flesh on the bones.”

Harris and his colleagues, have identified the footprints to possibly belonging to a member of Homo erectus, with familiarities to our own feet showing rounded heel, arch and the positioning of the big toe being parrallel to the other toes.

At a speaking engagement Dr. Jack Harris, professor of anthropology, Rutgers University will be highlighting insights into Bipedalism, Tools and Foraging in the Early Stages of Human Evolution.

He is one of the world’s foremost Paleoanthropologists studying the earliest stages of human origins. In particular, he studies the time interval 2.5 million to 1.5 million that sees the earliest evidence for stone tool manufacture and use, the incorporation of meat into the diet, the emergence of the genus Homo and the ranging patterns of our earliest ancestors to Eurasia.

John Harris will be speaking at The Rutgers Institute for Advanced Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology on May 3, 2010 - 3:30pm

Rutgers University outline of John Harris's Talk
Koobi Fora Field School of Rutgers University
Our Review of the PBS Documentary "Becoming Human"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lively Bigfoot Conversation at The

Some things are too good not to share. The screen names are real, the icons are made-up to protect the anonymous commentors at the history channel.

MR FLABBY: I just had to point this out.The bigfoot phenomenom is a complicated one.There are alot of things you believers don't understand.You keep hollering about bigfoot couldn't be paranormal because there is evidence that it a real animal,such as footprints,blood,and so-called hair.You don't realize that a demon can leave tracks,make noises,etc.I've never heard of blood supposedly being bigfoot's.If they found any blood I guarantee you that it will turn out belonging to some other animal.

Read the following information and keep it in mind because it's the truth.

"Spiritual creatures(demons)can leave physical traces of hairs from living known and even extinct animals,and they can leave hairs from genetically altered species.There will never be found a true bigfoot hair,or bone,since they are not truly flesh and blood creatures.They are spiritual beings,and do not even conform to the laws of physics.'

JJJONES: Where is this from? Oh, and it doesn't say anything about footprints.

RaZr Blayde: flabby the idea that a demon carries around hairs that he must have made himself is absurd.

King Ramses II: Oh look, a demon left me a Velociraptor feather...

Gandaf12: I have seen bigfoot in washington state and trust me its no demon its just huge id say bout 8ft tall 500-700 pounds easily with dark brown hair and is really shy cause when i got near it and i was bout say 20ft away it looks at me gets up and just walk away

In case you wanted us to weigh in, at BLC, we like the idea that there is evidence to discover, evaluate, and consider when it comes to Bigfoot. We find Mr Flabby's version of Bigfoot similar to what Lucy was to Charlie Brown. How disappointing it would be for Lucy/Bigfoot to plant evidence for us to find, only to take it away because it was never "real".

The above conversation at The History Channel

Tiger Woods Elusiveness Compared to Bigfoot

Oh brother! Every paper in the nation is running this photo below. How did they know we like red circles? The caption with the photo reads, "Sightings of the elusive golfer all over the world have become so commonplace he might as well be Bigfoot..."

Oddly enough this is not the first time Tiger has been photographed with a Sasquatch.

Insert Rim shot here (ba-dum-bum!) For the record, while we wont comment on Tiger Woods, we do enjoy the fact that Bigfoot is so much a part of pop-culture that it can be used as common vernacular in a newspaper headlines.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ask Bigfoot Elsie: Eye Shine

We are always experimenting with new ways to entertain and inform Bigfooters, while remaining fresh and topical. Today we are happy to announce "Ask Bigfoot Elsie." We have two reasons for this new feature.

Reason one: Since we have added, believe it or not, people are feeding back--or is the proper term "feed backing"? Either way, we are starting to get Bigfoot questions.

Reason two:Last year we created a mascot and we've been trying to figure out how to use her.

Without further ado here is our first email question.

B. Elsie,
Almost everyone agrees that Bigfoot must be a nocturnal animal to remain undetected and not yet proven to exist by man. As such you would assume that they have to be able to see in the dark and every animal that I am familiar with that roams the woods in the dark has reflective eye shine.

What am I missing here? Or are those scientific people not doing their homework?

Thanks in Advance,
Reflecting on Bigfoot


Thanks for your question. Let's go to the chalkboard to explain what eye shine is. As you can see below most nocturnal animals are equipped with a feature designed to amplify the amount of light that reaches the retina. Called the tapetum lucidum (pronounced ta-pee-tum and colored yellow) this mirror-like membrane reflects light that has already passed through the retina back through the retina a second time. Whatever light is not absorbed on this return trip passes out of the eye the same way it came in—through the pupil, causing eye-shine.

In most nocturnal mammals the tapetum is yellow. This yellow color produces the often seen yellow eye-shine. Interestingly, different animals have different color tapetum, a fact that can aid in nighttime animal identification; white in many fish; blue in horses; and red occurs in rodents, opossums and birds. We shouldn't confuse this with "red eye" in photos. Red eye is a reflection of the red blood vessels on the retina.

Wrapping this up and connecting this to Bigfoot? There are no known great apes with the night vision enhancing tapetum, although some smaller primates do have this membrane. Bigfoot encounters with eye shine would either support that Bigfoot has tapetum in her eyes, or in some cases she is being misidentified. If Bigfoot could produce eye shine, it would most likely be yellow. Black bears are known to produce red eye shine.

BigfootEncounters has a great article on Eye-shine
Wikipedia page on Tapetum lucidum

Sneak Peak for Washington State History Museum Sasquatch

As we reported earlier, the Washington State Historical Society has an upcoming exhibit, "Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch" January 23 through June 27.

This exploration of the Sasquatch story here in the Pacific Northwest focuses on why the geography and heritage found in this area of the globe feeds into the Bigfoot legend. The exhibit studies all aspects of the legend and draws no conclusions.

It opens Saturday, Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. A special "sneak peek" at the exhibit will happen during Third Thursday ArtWalk. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., co-curators Gwen Perkins and Susan Rohrer will lead a tour through the hairy show.

[Washington State History Museum, Thursday, Jan. 21, 6:30 p.m., free, 1911 Pacific Ave., Tacoma 1.888.238.4373]

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Washington State Historical Society's Bigfoot Exhibit

Washington State Historical Society has an upcoming exhibit January 23 through June 27. The exhibit is titled "Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch"

The Washington State History Museum is where fascination and FUN come together! People of all ages can explore and be entertained in an environment where characters from Washington's past speak about their lives. Through interactive exhibits, theatrical storytelling, high-tech displays and dramatic artifacts, learn about our state's unique people and places, as well as their impact on the country and the world.

Explore the Sasquatch mystery, set in the Pacific Northwest region said to be home to these ape-like creatures. The exhibit examines how scientists attempt to explain and investigate the Sasquatch phenomenon. It also looks at hoaxes and popular cultural interpretations of Bigfoot. A look at tribal legends and masks provide yet another insight into this elusive being.

This exploration of Sasquatch stories looks at the Pacific Northwest environment, which provides a rich setting for the folklore surrounding these unexplained creatures.

Physical evidence collected by anthropologist and famed Bigfoot researcher, Dr. Grover Krantz, and Discovery Channel expert and professor Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum of Idaho State University, will be on display.

Organized by the Washington State History Museum.
1911 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 272-3500
1-888-BE THERE
(253) 272-9518 Fax

Washington State History Museum Home Page
Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch

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