Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty Viewership Increases

More people watched the 2nd episode of 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty 
Ratings are looking good for the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. Overall they increased it's viewership by 13% or 86,000 viewers (from 643k to 729k). They also jumped from 37th place in prime-time to 35th. Normally viewership drops off after the premiere episode. We wont know if this is a trend until we get a third data point (one more week of results), but an increase is an increase.

More importantly, as we have mentioned before, it is the 18-49 year old demographic that advertisers and networks care about. Which brings more good news for the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. In the 18-49 demographic they increased viewership by 5% or 15,000 viewers.

We arrived our numbers looking at last week's prime time ratings and the previous week's prime time ratings listed on TheFutonCritic.com.

You'll notice the last time we talked about the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty ratings, we also used the numbers from the top 100 shows all day. This hasn't changed, Full House still beat them in the same time slot. Who the heck is watching Full House at 10pm?  The fact that 1.4 million Nielsen families are watching Full House says more about America than the quality of Bigfoot Bounty.

We will continue to live-tweet during the TV show and champion our 5 Favorites on Bigfoot Bounty. By the way, they tweet too! Here are our five favorites (in alphabetical order) and their respective twitter handles. Click on any of the twitter handles to go to each persons twitter page. 

Stacy Brown Jr. (@BigfootStacy)
Michael Merchant (@MerchantBigfoot )
Rictor Riolo (@Rictor_Riolo )
Dax Rushlow (@daxmaul )
Ro Sahebi (@rocknrolljihad )

And if you want to connect with the judges. Who also tweet during the show.
Dean Cain (@RealDeanCain) he also has a Twitter account for his FB fan page (@AllDeanCain)
Natalia Reagan (@natalia13reagan)
Dr. Todd Disotell (@ToddDisotell)

Of course you can catch Bigfoot Lunch Club's Twitter feed @BigfootLC . See you on Twitter this Friday while you're watching the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty 10/9pm central. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

USA Today Investigates Colorado Bigfoot Sighting

Measurements of the Bailey Colorado Sighting
On May 29th, 2012, around 7:30 at night, Kate Murphy and her friend Diane saw an extremely large figure running through the woods. this all happened after they had decided to take an impromptu hike in Bailey Colorado. During the Hike they heard the snap of a large tree branch. When they turned their heads towards the noise, they claim it was a huge creature with hairy long legs running with very long strides.

This encounter was investigated by the team at UFONUT.com. They have interviews with the Bailey Bigfoot witnesses and a follow up investigation to the Bailey Bigfoot encounters.

Watch the USA Today video below followed by the video of the investigation done by UFONUT.com

And, as promised, The UFONUT investigation.

Matt Moneymaker Stirs Up the Twittersphere with His Bigfoot Bioluminescence

Matt Moneymaker with my nephew
Before I begin, I think it is important that I cover all the caveats. I like Matt Moneymaker, my nephew really wanted to meet him while he was at the filming site of a Finding Bigfoot episode. During all the chaos of producers, lighting checks, sound checks and other fans, Matt Moneymaker gave his undivided attention and time to my nephew. He didn't jump back in to the fray of TV making until he had a good chat with him. I also think it easy to take for granted the contributions Matt Moneymaker has made to Sasquatch field research.

This doesn't change that his larger than life personality makes for an easy target in the twitterverse. And, of course it doesn't mean I have to agree with every theory he has. Cue the video.

Read some of the choice twitter reactions, including ones from Cliff Barackman, Ranae Holland and James Bobo Fay below.

Most of us know eye-shine and bioluminescence are two different things. We have a great explanation for bigfoot eye-shine, or at least how eye-shine works for most mammals (spoiler alert: Its caused by the tapetum lucidum). Bioluminescence, as Animal Planet clearly pointed out in the above tweet is usually reserved for deep water creatures and some fungi.

What do you think about Bigfoot eyeshine? Or Matt's theory? Please leave some comments below. 
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