Monday, January 30, 2012

Squatch! Independent Bigfoot Horror Film out in 2012

A brief glimpse of the Bigfoot from Squatch!

YNN (Your News Now) recently did a report on an indie Bigfoot film shot in Manor, Texas. manor is a stand-in for a fictional town called Quality, Oregon.

Lone Star Scene: Bigfoot hunting indie film sprouts in Manor

By: Victor Diaz
The fictional town of Quality, Oregon might look familiar to residents of Manor, where City Hall sets the scene for a contentious town meeting. The conflict between Bigfoot research experts and concerned citizens plays out in a key scene for "Squatch!" It's debut feature film from Austin-based Look Now Productions.
Manor is also the old home town of director Carlos Samudio. He plans to shoot about 75 percent of the film in Texas with the rest on location at Timothy Lake in Oregon.
Principal photography continues trough the summer as the local cast and crew give their take on a long running supernatural debate.
YNN's Victor Diaz has more in the video below.
SRC:  Lone Star Scene: Bigfoot hunting indie film sprouts in Manor

Below is the sneak trailer for Squatch, produced by Look Now Productions

Sunday, January 29, 2012

3 Dates Set for Sasquatch and Suds Meetings in Portland, Oregon

Official poster for the first 3 Sasquatch and Suds events (click to see larger poster)
New details regarding the monthly Sasquatch and Suds events at the Sasquatch Brewery. Save the dates: FEB 21st, Cliff Barackman; MAR 20th, Thom Powell; APR 17th, Beth Heikkenin. These dates have been confirmed by Toby Johnson of the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium. Below you can read a brief Bio of the scheduled speakers .

Cliff's interest in physical evidence led him to take a keen interest in footprint casts. Over the years, what started out as the gathering of a few Bigfoot souvenirs has eventually led him to holding one of the largest cast collections in the country.
A former member of the BFRO, Cliff's expert opinion, level-headed approach and analytical mind are essential. When numbers need to be extracted for the sake of data analysis, or when a footprint needs to be permanently recorded, he is there to offer his unique skills.
Visit the official website and read his blog 
Thom authored a book about Sasquatch research entitled "The Locals" which was described by reviewer Lisa Kearns as, "a brilliant combination of science and storytelling". His was the first book to suggest many fairly radical ideas that have since been endorsed by many contemporary researchers, such as habituation, infrasound, paranormal elements, human levels of intelligence in the Sasquatch, awareness of cameras, and much more.
Thom's newest book "Shady Neighbors" continues his unique ability to craft great narration, while revealing Bigfoot truths. 
Check out the official Shady Neighbors website and read Thom's Blog.
Beth Heikkinen is an independent researcher living in the Pacific NW. Beth's first daytime sighting happened 50 miles from her home. Since that time, and with the help of wonderful people, her background now includes tacking, backpacking and hiking.
Of course we will be there as well, keep up-to-date with the upcoming 2012 Oregon Sasquatch Symposium and OSS sponsored events at the facebook page

Larry the Cable Guy Filmed with Alleged Bigfoot in Background

Larry the Cable Guy host of "Only in America"

Larry the Cable Guy can't seem to escape Bigfoot. This year we have had some coverage Larry Bigfooting  in Kentucky. Add Alaska to the list of states Larry may have encountered Bigfoot.

Below is a video sent to us by YouTube user BigfootInvestigation. The description of the video by the user is:
I found a possible Bigfoot that was inadvertently filmed on a Larry the cable guy show while he was shooting a scene in Alaska. He was quartering a Moose with (Palmer Alaska) football team members. It was a long hike to get into the area and the creature appears to have similarities that we have seen in the Patterson Gimlin film subject.
Charlie Raymond of notes, "... the dead moose had been laying there in the woods for some time before they arrived. Was the bigfoot on his way to lunch?"

Watch the video below and decide for yourself.

Robert Lindsay Comments on the Bigfoot Ape vs. Human Argument.

Robert Lindsay of

Robert Lindsay has never hid from controversy. Since early May, with our post, "Humans shoot and kill Bigfoot on Average of Once Every Four Years," we have been quoting him. Long before it was fashionable by other blogs.

While there are some disagreements we have had with his opinions, for instance, we think he gives Biscardi too much credit, we do appreciate the "outsider" perspective Lindsay has on the community. Right or wrong, we always welcome a new perspective, even if it's one we can respectfully disagree with.

With all that said, we enjoy Robert Lindsay's comments on the community in general, not the individual personalities necessarily, but the trends he sees from a far. The excerpt below is from his latest post where he touches upon the ape vs. human argument.
The war between the Ape Theory Gang versus the Human Theory Collective.
There is a war in Bigfootery between the Bigfoots are Human folks and the Bigfoots are Apes theorists. The Ape Theory Gang is led by Field Marshall Meldrum and includes Bindernagel, Moneymaker, Bart Cutino, Mionczynski, Tim Fasano, Rick Noll and many others.
On the other side are the Bigfoots as Human Theory Collective. This line includes Bobbie Short, David Paulides, Richard Stubstad, and others, including us. The Human Theory folks have complained for years that they have been marginalized by the Ape Theory Gang. In fact, they say that Meldrum’s stranglehold over Bigfootery is the biggest thing that is holding the field back. I am inclined to agree. I am starting to think that Lord Meldrum is a problem – the despotic associate professor of Bigfootery.
This is excellent story, but unfortunately, we am not allowed to report on the juicier bits at this time. Hopefully we can dig up some more with time.
SRC: RobertLindsay: Bigfoot News January 29, 2012 

We hope Robert continues stories along this line, but that's because we have always been more interested in the healthy debates we can have. The personality conflicts are a no-win situation. Visit to get more DNA updates.

Ohio's Tim Stover Jr., On Finding Bigfoot

Tim Stover Jr. from a WKYC-TV newsclip 

Tonight's Finding Bigfoot episode is titled "Buckeye Bigfoot" and takes place, as you might guess, Ohio. The episode description: The team travels to Ohio to investigate an alleged close encounter with a bigfoot caught on tape. They assemble a group of volunteers to search a notorious forest for evidence, in hopes of proving bigfoots exist in Ohio.

One of the people we will meet in Ohio, will be Tim Stover Jr. Who has been searching for Bigfoot for nearly 20 years.

Kent man still chasing Bigfoot
Show tonight recaps 20-year pursuit
By  Paula Schleis 
Tim Stover Jr. holds a 17-inch-long plaster cast of a strange impression he found in November in the woods at West Branch State Park in northeastern Ohio.
It was one of seven imprints that led from a creek bed up a hill. A friend spotted it several yards from where Stover discovered a deer that was untouched except for a snapped neck.
There was a time that the lifelong Kent resident would have been embarrassed to utter the name of the beast he thinks could have made those prints and killed the deer. But experience and the support of fellow believers has erased any trepidation.
Bigfoot, Stover says.
“You can sort of see the toes here,” he said, pointing to details in a mold made rough by forest-floor debris.
Stover, 45, has been stalking Bigfoot for 20 years.
The moment that set him off on his quest will be explored in the Animal Planet television series Finding Bigfoot, airing at 10 tonight.
Stover was asked to re-enact the events of Oct. 6, 1992, in the spot where he was deer hunting at Salt Fork State Park near Cambridge.
He said when he awoke that day, Bigfoot was no more real to him than the Loch Ness monster or aliens from Mars.
All Stover wanted to see was a deer. But after sitting in a tree stand for six hours, he was ready to call it a day.
As he was leaving the tree stand, he heard rustling coming from a ravine. Then he caught his breath at the sight before him.
“It was a whitish, silvery-gray color, and as weird as it sounds, my first thought was it looked like a hairy old naked man of the woods,” Stover said.
The thing looked in Stover’s direction, took a step or two toward him, then turned and walked away. That’s when he decided he had seen Bigfoot.
The creature appeared to be more than 7 feet tall. Hair 2 to 3 inches long covered its body. The head was attached to broad shoulders by a thick neck.
Since then, Stover has searched the woods around Portage County, closer to his home, hoping for another sighting.
He has invested $8,000 in high-tech camera equipment, and when he’s not at his job as a remodeling contractor, he spends 30 to 40 hours a week exploring.
He has no hard feelings for anyone who doesn’t believe in Bigfoot.
“You can’t force anyone to believe something they’ve never seen,” Stover said.
“You have to see it for yourself.”

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ohio's Sasquatch Triangle, Tim Stover, and the Failure of Local TV News to get it right

Tim Stover Jr and the map of the Bigfoot Triangle
In central Ohio there is the Sasquatch Triangle. This triangle, including sections of Tuscarawas, Guernsey, Muskingum and Coshocton counties, is home to the most frequent Bigfoot sightings in the state. They also have a more specific name for their Bigfoot called the Ohio Grassman.

Recently WKYC, an NBC-affiliated television station located in Cleveland, Ohio did a terrible job promoting next episode of Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot by calling the show Bigfoot Hunters.
If you'd also like to go on your own adventure and need gear, you can use this Patagonia Coupon Code

You can read their blurb below, view a few videos with Tim Stiver Jr., and a interactive map of the Bigfoot Triangle  in Ohio.
Bigfoot spotted in Portage County?
Written and fact-checked poorly by Carl Bachtel
RAVENNA --  A local "Bigfoot" researcher says he's seen one in Ohio.
Twenty years ago, deer hunter Tim Stover Jr. saw something in the woods that changed his life. 
"This thing was white, gray, silver-colored and hairy looking. It was a bipedal subject staring right at me," he recounts. He believes it was Bigfoot.
Since then, Stover spends his free time in the woods searching for evidence of the hairy beast. He says he has found footprints in Northeast Ohio at West Branch State Park, located in Portage County.  
Stover says he and his son, plus a few like-minded friends, hike the woods near the state park's campground. During camping season, they even do seminars on Bigfoot and lead night hikes for Bigfoot researchers of all ages. The walks get people outside and generate real interesting stories around the campfire.
Tim's story will be featured on the Animal Planet show "Bigfoot Hunters" [Fail!] this Sunday night.


View AKA Bigfoot World Map in a larger map

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bigfoot Hunters Dallas and Wayne are back

A screen shot of the old Dallas & Wayne website

"Despite setbacks over the past year, Dallas and Wayne continue their research, and we've continued to film their adventures." -- Series Creator/Producer Andrew Dodson 

You can read about the previous adventures of Dallas and Wayne. They gained notoriety mostly from the award winning documentary, Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie. You may have even watched the movie with us, as we were at the Portland screening of the movie. The movie is decribed below:
Dallas Gilbert and Wayne Burton, two real-life Bigfoot researchers starring as themselves in a semi-fictional story providing a look into the trials and triumphs of life in the Apalacian foot hiils. Through these two amateur BF researchers from southern Ohio, we see how the power of a dream can define a friendship and provide hope and a meaning that transcends the harsh realities of life in a dying steel town.
After several failed attempts to attract national attention and convince the world Bigfoot exist, Dallas catches a lucky break. He pursuades a high-profile Bigfoot researcher [Tom Biscardi] to stop in Portsmouth and see check out the research accumulated by Dallas and Wayne. As the movie accelerates ever closer towards the realization of their mutual dream, we are reminded how fragile this shared hope truly is.
The movie turned into a TV series titled Dallas & Wayne: The Bigfoot Hunters. You can watch video of the season two premier episode below.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bigfoot Lunch Club Stars in Cliff Barackman's Finding Bigfoot Video Debrief

Cliff Barackman answering questions about Todd Standing
At Cliff Barackman's Official Blog, he has posted the newest video debrief from the Canadian episode. Click the following link to read his Cliff's Field Notes from the episode.

As you long-time fans know, we have an unhealthy obsession with Todd Standing, and since his "evidence" was showcased in the Canadian episode we begged to be in on the Video Debrief. Cliff and Craig were nice enough to oblige. As usual Cliff does a terrific job breaking down the pragmatic approach to Bigfooting, and Craig Flipy does a terrific job as a Videographer/Editor.

Enjoy the video below, while you are at it, catch up with the previous Video Debriefs and the Field Notes on Cliff Barackman's Official Blog


Time Magazine: Should We Declare Open Season on Bigfoot?

In our earlier post Skeptic Benjamin Radford posed the question, "If You Spot Bigfoot, Should You Shoot Him?" This is a debate that continuies among Bigfooters to this day. It has been said that the late Grover Krantz was  in favor of killing a Bigfoot for science (read the Grover Krantz Obituary by Loren Coleman) .

You can read an interview of a man who would kill Bigfoot and an article documenting Bigfoot has been shot or killed, on average, once every four years.

To see the kill/no kill debate reach mainstream media status makes us hopeful that the rhetoric has gone beyond , "Is Bigfoot real?". True, this is only two articles that take on the debate, but two points makes a line. 

Below is the Time Magazine piece on the debate:

Every year, believers and enthusiasts provide heaps of secondary proof that Bigfoot exists: low-quality video, out-of-focus snapshots and the occasional fossilized “footprint.” But it’s not the quantity but the quality of proof that’s lacking, MSNBC reports. These days the public will accept nothing less than concrete physical proof.
Animal Planet’s show, Finding Bigfoot, does its part to increase the amount of evidence that the “creature” really does roam the wild. Now in its second season, each week the show features a team of four explorers traveling the globe and adding more shaky hand-cam fuel to the fire.
Gonzo Bigfoot hunters aren’t the only people trying to move the creature from myth to reality. Last October, more than a dozen “experts” traveled 2,000 miles east of Moscow to the Kemerovo region of Russia for a daylong conference. There, the existence of Yeti (Bigfoot’s Russian cousin) was confirmed with 95% certainty.
But that rate is just not good enough. The other 5%  must be proven in blood, or at least a high-resolution, tranquilizer-dart-induced photo. This has stirred a debate among the Bigfoot community as to whether it’s ethical to shoot and kill the creature.
The real question NewsFeed is pondering: does anyone really want to find Bigfoot? Proving Bigfoot’s existence puts an end to all of the fun, and in the case of Animal Planet, some serious ratings. The season-two premiere of Finding Bigfoot had 1.6 million viewers, making it the most watched episode of the program and the second-best season debut of any show on the network.
Four episodes into season two, Finding Bigfoot is still going strong. The show averages more than 1.4 million viewers a week, beating out other reality-TV favorites like TLC’s Hoarding: Buried Alive and HGTV’s “Holmes Inspection.” Not Kardashian numbers, but pretty respectable for basic cable.
Hunting Bigfoot poses potential ethical, legal and permitting issues, not to mention putting an end to profitable TV franchises. “Finding Bigfoot” has six more episodes before it’s season finale.
Read more:

WierdAustralia: Bigfoot hunting’s not so new … Meet Australia’s 19th century Yowie Hunters

Early illustration of a man chased by a Yowie covers all that’s weird in Oz. UFOs, yowies, ghosts strange disappearances, out of place artefacts & everything paranormal in Australia. Follow on twitter @weirdaustralia

With the current atmosphere of digital trailcams, night vision goggles, thermal cameras, parabolic microphones, and high-tech recording devices, its nice to turn back the clock and see how they searched for Bigfoot (or Yowie in this case) back in the 19th century. WierdAustrailia does a terrific job taking us back to a place and time before these high tech gadgets. 

Bigfoot hunting’s not so new … Meet Australia’s 19th century Yowie Hunters
Posted on January 12, 2012 
Reputable witnesses swearing by their sightings, tantalising but ultimately inconclusive evidence, enthusiastic search teams out scouring the wilderness, outlandish claims by dubious characters of creatures captured or killed, and a scientific community stubbornly unwilling to take seriously the possibility that some hairy hominid may just be living within our midst … sounds like the search for Bigfoot in 2011, right?
Well, think again. This is Yowie hunting 19th century style.
From the time those early colonials first headed out from the relative safety of the expanding settlement by the banks of Sydney Harbour into the unknown wilds of the Australian bush, stories quickly spread of terrifying encounters with a huge hairy, and often smelly, ape-like animal.
Many of those first encounters occurred in the rugged Blue Mountains that lay to the west of what is today the ever-expanding metropolis of Sydney. Check them out in The wild hairy man of the Blue Mountains.
Claims that a Yowie was shot
One of those earliest reports, from around 1820, is of the intriguing, yet unfortunately unsubstantiated, account of a colonial soldier startled by such an ape-like creature while out hunting for food. Apparently, the creature approached the unsuspecting soldier from out of the trees and began making “threatening gestures”. Obviously in fear of his life, it is said he shot the creature dead.
No convincing photo or video, no body, no DNA. But who knows? With the remoteness and ruggedness of the area, it’s unlikely the soldier could’ve dragged such a huge body back to civilisation. He would’ve had little choice but to leave the carcass to quickly rot in the bush and return to camp with his more appetising bounty.
As more colonists moved into the mountains, more encounters were reported. The creature was now well known to those hardy residents of the mountains. They often referred to him as the wild hairy man or the Yahoo. Today, we affectionately know him as the Yowie. He was said to like chickens, and was blamed for raiding many a local’s coop.
Opportunities for moneymaking
It didn’t take long before some of the more enterprising chaps of the colony began thinking of the entrepreneurial opportunities. One such chap was Mr Cummins of the Royal Hotel in Springwood. He offered 50 pounds for the capture of a live Yahoo so that he might “fasten him up in a hen coop and exhibit him to an admiring public, or sell him as an advertisement to a hair-restorative company”.
The Australian Town and Country Journal, in August 1885 also saw the merit in Yowie hunting.
“The rising generation in and around Tarago have been almost frightened by the appearance of an orangutan, or hairy man. Some short time ago one of these certainly very peculiar animals for this country was reported as having been seen near Parker’s Gap.
“Here is a chance for curiosity hunters,” the paper stated.
Yowie Hunters go bush
It was the good townspeople of Bredbo and Jingera who soon took up the challenge.
In An Esoteric Guide to Australia’s Capital, weirdaustralia reported the case of the Jingera Yahoo, spotted by a young man looking after stock on a Bredbo station and later also observed by several other reputable locals. The Yahoo was described as “walking with an unsteady, swinging, and fast step, his arms being bent forward and nearly reaching the ground, whilst the colour was described as bay, between a red and chestnut”.
Perhaps it was that same entrepreneurial spirit demonstrated by Mr Cummins of the Royal Hotel, perhaps it was for the advancement of science, or perhaps it was the fact that they did not fancy a huge, hairy apeman wandering the district terrorising farmers and their stock. Whatever the reason, the Queanbeyan Age reported: “It is the intention of Bredbo and Jingera residents to scour the bush in a strong body and capture the monster alive or dead. For this purpose they will meet at Mr. Kelly’s hotel … on Monday next to organise their forces and obtain a supply of ammunition.”
Unlike the high tech recording equipment and cable TV contracts of today’s Bigfoot Hunters, this party of 19th century Yowie Hunters would go in search of the creature with nothing more than their guns, lots and lots of ammo, a swig or three of liquor from Mr Kelly’s hotel … and quite possibly a few flaming torches and pitchforks for effect.
This early Yowie hunting party did share one similarity with their modern counterparts, however. They returned home empty-handed and extremely disappointed.
A Tom Biscardi moment?
This was not the first time that disappointment had been experienced in relation to such cryptozoological wonders. Back in October 1871, The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser, announced to the world, (well to the inhabitants of the Hunter Valley at least) an astonishing revelation. A mysterious creature had been captured in the Lower Hawkesbury, said to be a Bunyip or Yahoo and that “it was determined to forward the wonderful animal to Sydney, and there exhibit it to a wondering and gratified public”.
Sound familiar?
But, yes, like so many similar promising breakthroughs since, this exciting news soon proved a huge letdown for the wondering and gratification-seeking public. The article concluded with the following heartbreaking bombshell: “An inspection proved the animal to be a large wombat … peculiar to New South Wales. The brute weighs about 100 pounds, and gave his captors a tough job to secure him”.
A captured Yowie … for real this time?
And then, a few years later, in 1912, hopes were again raised with the headline: A Queer Capture. Enormous Creature Resembling A Man.
“There is considerable excitement in the Bombala district over the reported discovery of a hairy man on Creewah station,” the article announced.
The owner of the station, Mr Sydney Jephcott, came across some peculiar tracks while out mustering stock. He described them as “like a human footprint, nearly 20 inches in length and 8 inches across”. Mr Jephcott, realising he had stumbled upon some remarkable evidence, or wanting to prove he was not a stark, raving lunatic “sent to a Bombala storekeeper for a quantity of plaster of paris with which to take an impression of the tracks”.
A neighbouring landowner, Mr Summerill, then claimed to have also seen the Yowie. “In a thick bush yesterday he saw an enormous creature resembling a man, covered with long hair. The animal was carrying a big stick and with long leaps made off through the bush.”
The article ended with the startling statement that: “A report was received later to the effect that the creature was captured today.”
And of course, that’s where the story ends. At least Mr Jephcott took some plaster casts!
The scientific debate rages
Like today, the scientific establishment seemed unwilling to accept the possibility that the Yowie or similar creature may actually exist, as the following correspondence to Australian Town and Country Journal from Mr H J McCooey of Mandurama Survey Camp illustrates.
In the journal’s The Naturalist in 20 October 1883 Mr McCooey wrote:
“A telegram from your Blayney correspondent appeared in the Evening News … announcing the fact that ‘a strange animal, like an ape has again been frightening the residents on the road from Orange to Bathurst, at a place called The Rocks. Several ineffectual attempts have been made to capture it’.
“Now, it is probable that you and many of your country constituents may remember that in your issue of December 9, 1882, I gave a somewhat lengthy description of a large ape, (or Yahoo, as the animal is called by bushmen) I had seen a few days previously in a rugged mountainous locality on the coast between Ulladulla and Bateman’s Bay …
“But strange to say, Mr. Ramsay, curator of the Australian Museum, disbelieves in their presence. Not because it is not possible for apes to be in the country up to date without being captured, but because of the deficiency of food plants for them to exist upon.”
McCooey goes on to argue that these Yahoos “have been frequently seen throughout the colony and that they were known to the aborigines of this colony, and were dreaded by them, long before a museum was ever founded in Australia”.
He then makes the tantalising, but sadly unproven, claim that “one was actually captured and killed near Braidwood within the memory of persons still living”.
But again, no photo, no video, no body and no DNA.
Mr McCooey, however, remained optimistic about obtaining suitable evidence with which to convince the stubborn curator that the Yahoo did indeed exist.
“The curator of the Museum, last December, offered me a bonus of £100 if I brought him either alive or dead an indigenous ape, and I think it is highly probable, that before many months elapse, I shall be in a position to claim his bonus.”
Unfortunately, that proved wishful thinking on Mr McCooey’s part. However, that did not stop him continuing his debate with the curator. In a second letter published in the journal in November of 1883, McCooey made the following valid point:
“The position taken by the curator of the Museum in regard to the presence of indigenous apes in this colony is wholly untenable. His argument is this. That as there are no fruits or food plants in Australia there can be no indigenous apes. Now, I readily admit that this argument would be of some weight if no ape had ever been seen in the colony, or if it were satisfactorily proved that without fruits or food plants it was impossible for the Australian ape to exist, but when it is notorious that apes have been seen in all parts of the colony at different times and by different persons, and when it is not shown that fruits or food plants are absolutely necessary for their existence, the curator’s argument becomes illogical.”
Well, it seems not much has really changed over the past 150-odd years.

Robert Lindsay: Bigfoot DNA News Updates

Robert Lindsay continues to be the go-to guy for updates on Bigfoot DNA news. In particular, he takes a pulse on the current status of Melba Ketchum Study/Erickson Project. Below is an excerpt from his post, "Bigfoot News January 25, 2012"
Apparent photos of a real Bigfoot examining and then licking a trail cam revealed. First DNA proven photo of a Bigfoot ever revealed! In the summer of 2009, a Bigfoot apparently approached an Olympic Project trailcam, examined it, and then licked the camera, leaving a large amount of saliva. The OP retrieved the saliva, stored it and sent it in Ketchum’s DNA project. A source has just informed us that this saliva sample from a Bigfoot licking a camera tested presumptive for Bigfoot by Ketchum.
We then went back to the Olympic Project and searched for photos of a Bigfoot examining a camera. We found this set of photos that we believe represents photos of the Bigfoot that licked the camera and left the Bigfoot-positive DNA on the camera. So the photo above is apparently of a Bigfoot 100% proven by DNA. This would be possibly the second photo of a proven Bigfoot. The Matilda the Sleeping Bigfoot photo is from a site where positive Bigfoot DNA evidence was obtained, but we do not know if that evidence included Matilda or not.

A photo of a Bigfoot looking at a camera on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. This is apparently the first photo of a DNA-proven Bigfoot ever released.

A photo of a Bigfoot looking at a camera on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. This is apparently the first photo of a DNA-proven Bigfoot ever released.
The photo above was taken by the Olympic Project. A few Bigfoot footprints had been found in the area before the camera trap was set. Apparently the Bigfoot started licking the camera soon after the photo above was taken. Photo taken July 25, 2009 at 4:23-07-23 AM on the east slope of the Olympic Mountains. The Bigfoot apparently approached and then licked the camera for 16 seconds. The camera was a Reconyx RC60 trailcam.
When the team returned to the site to retrieve the film on August 22, 2009, they found that the camera had been moved about four inches, apparently by the Bigfoot.
In the photo above, the Bigfoot’s left arm is up near the face as if it is scratching its head wondering what the camera is.
An artist's rendering of a the photo of the Bigfoot looking into the camera above. Drawing by Chris Gunter.
Robert Lindsay continues to Revised Ketchum study tally, Ketchum DNA paper has definitely passed peer review. Justin Smeja Bigfoot steak is 90% human, and Adrian Erickson Bigfoot documentary project apparently being worked on in Hollywood. Read all these updates at Robert Lindsay's post, "Bigfoot News January 25, 2012"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maps of Sasquatch Sightings Between 1800 and 2010

Thanks to (FB/FB) we were alerted to these really cool maps that are available through Arcturus Consulting. These maps were created by cartographer Andreas N. Korsos. A short bio below captures his passion for cartography.
Raised in south central British Columbia, I now reside in Alberta. As a professional Cartographer and Geographic Information Analyst, combining my career with my lifelong interest in mapping and the exploration of western Canada has led to the creation of numerous thematic maps built around the life experiences of such historic figures as Simon Fraser, Peter Fidler, Charlotte Small and David Thompson.
These maps along with the years of research behind them have found their way into a variety of publications, newsletters, magazines and books including the long-awaited ‘The Writings of David Thompson’ (ed.) William Moreau, by the Champlain Society. I have also the good fortune to act as a consultant on many interesting writing projects such as the National Geographic publication, Crown of the Continent.

Unexpected Encounters - Sasquatch Sightings in Western North America

Dimensions: 98.5 x 63.5 cm (38.75 x 25 in)  
ISBN 978-0-9783708-0-0

(click map to enlarge)
According to the journal entries of explorers, accounts of citizens, and legends of the first nations peoples, something is wandering the forests and mountains of western North America. Hundreds of eyewitness reports of giant bipedal animals have originated from the mountains and forests of the western United States and Canada.  Commonly referred to as Sasquatch or Bigfoot, these encounters include actual sightings, the finding of tracks, vocal sounds, or a combination of all three. Within this map are colour coded encounters that demonstrate the age of each encounter and highlight each encounter’s approximate location. Statistical charts are also within the map and provide stattistics with respect to the number of each specific encounter and the months that the encounters occur in. THe statistics used for the creation of this thematic map cover the period between 1800 to 2010.


Unexpected Encounters - Sasquatch Sightings in California

Dimensions: 65.5 x 62.0 cm (25.75 x 24.5 in)
ISBN 978-0-9783708-2-4 0

(click map to enlarge)
According to many eyewitness accounts, something is wandering the forests and mountains of California. Hundreds of eyewitness reports of giant bipedal animals have originated from the mountains and forests of the the state.

Commonly referred to as Sasquatch or Bigfoot, these encounters include actual sightings, the finding of tracks, vocal sounds, or a combination of all three. Within this map are colour coded encounters that demonstrate the age of each encounter and highlight each encounter’s approximate location. Statistical charts are also within the map and provide stattistics with respect to the number of each specific encounter and the months that the encounters occur in. THe statistics used for the creation of this thematic map cover the period between 1800 to 2010.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Oregon Sasquatch Symposium Starts "Sasquatch & Suds" at Sasquatch Brewing Company

The start of a great monthly tradition: Sasquatch & Suds  

The Sasquatch and Suds are monthly events open to the public, anybody and everybody are encouraged to join us. Toby Johnson, the man behind these events couldn't have picked a better place than the Sasquatch Brewery.  (Thom Powell gets a little credit too).

The Portland Monthly has already written an article about it. Below you can read about the Sasquatch Brewery and at the very end of the article they mention the monthly event.:

First Impression: Sasquatch Brewing Company
A new home for brews, bites, and babies
Posted by: Sarah Moore on Jan 23, 2012 at 04:00PM
If your weird uncle polished up his floors to a high sheen, bought a bumload of brewing equipment and a whole bunch of classy wooden furniture, and started cranking out gourmet popcorn and toothsome cheese platters, his place would probably look a lot like Sasquatch Brewing Company, a spanking new gastro-pub located out on Capitol Highway. Sporting Southwestern wall hangings, a mounted buck head and a variety of eclectic art—not to mention the requisite ginormous beer-selection-bedecked chalkboard—the place maintains a fun garage-sale charm with none of the spiderwebs. It’s family-friendly vibe, far from detracting, adds to the allure of this refurbished Portland rambler.
Prospective visitors should be advised that, while cozy and cheerful, the bar area has limited seating. Groups should plan to gather around tables, and while doing so, enjoy some of the wonderful food on offer, such as beet fritters with chevre, or buttermilk fried chicken. During happy hour, peckish patrons can munch on excellent fries or house-made herbed popcorn for $2, warm olives or a honeyed pretzel for $3, and the house burger for $6. With its comfy chairs, broad rain-spattered windows, evening candles, and able serving crew, Sasquatch is as good a place to duck in and grab some chow as it is to stay and chill for an hour, two, three…up to you, really.
Live music is in the works and on February 21, giant ape enthusiasts can come meet notables from Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot and learn more about the pub’s elusive namesake. In the meantime you can partake of a wide selection of worthy craft beers (e.g., Oakshire’s Overcast Espresso Stout or the venerable Fred Ale from Hair of the Dog) while anticipating the arrival of Sasquatch’s own house beers; among those planned are a few IPAs, a brown ale, red ale, and a light session ale, all made with Northwest ingredients.
SRC:  Portland Monthly Mag

White Mountain Apache Nation: Bigfoot Sightings Have Increased

White Mountain Apache Police Officer Recalls an Encounter
Although these two videos have been around since 2007, they are new to us. These news segments are quick to acknowledge how unprecedented, and perhaps controversial, it is for Native Americans to share information about the Hairy Man AKA Sasquatch.

Already there have been a few episodes of Finding Bigfoot where they have had to ask the indigenous people for permission to film or interview regarding the subject of Sasquatch. Even more interesting, is what they are saying. According to multiple Native Americans, Sasquatch have become more visible in modern times. Oh and Tom Biscardi makes a guest appearance too, this is the pre-frozen-bigfoot-in-a-freezer Tom Biscardi.

PART 1: Bigfoot: Legend of the Apaches

PART 2: Hunting for the Apache Bigfoot

360 Degree Interactive Panoramic View from Roof of Bigfoot Trap

What is believed to be the world's only Bigfoot trap is located in the Siskiyou National Forest
Below is a cool 360 degree panoramic view from the top of the Bigfoot Trap. You can read about the history of this federally funded Bigfoot trap at our previous post aptly named, "FEDS FUND BIGFOOT TRAP."


sasquatch in USA

trapb in USA

View BFRLC Lunch Locations in a larger map

Todd Standing: Finding Bigfoot Team and Producers are Morons

We recommended Todd Standing for an Oscar back in 2010
Thanks to the folks at we were able to get Todd Standings reaction to the Finding Bigfoot Canadian episode he starred in. As the cast of Finding Bigfoot were less than impressed with Todd's evidence, research and over all account of his experience, it seems Todd wasn't impressed with them either.

We are proud to say we probably have the most comprehensive coverage of Todd Standing. Some of our most popular are: Todd Standing Jumps the Shark with Expedition 4, The Original Todd Standing "Sylvanic" Website, and Why don't Journalist Just Google Todd Standing?.

Read Todd's reaction to the Finding Bigfoot below and watch what Todd considers "Good TV show" coverage of his adventures.

"Well congrats to the "Finding Bigfoot' team and producers. After being on hundreds of newspaper, radio and tv interviews and shows, the finding bigfoot production is the worst I have EVER seen. Their production company is Called"Snake oil productions" for a reason. They have no intention of finding bigfoot and they couldn't possiblly be stupid enough to believe they could. They literally filme...d me in a spot they choose where cows are grazing all around. And they couldn't even sneek up on the cows! That is what the morons are hearing "in the Candian wilds" that they cannot identify. They are right when they say it is not coyotes making that sound. Its cows they are hearing. That is what happens when you go bigfoot hunting by a ranch you idiots. I could right a list of 500 reasons these people will never film a deaf three legged moose in live action. Never mind Bigfoot."

"Here is a link to a good tv show that did a real piece on my bigfoot work."

Cliff Barackman Publishes Field Notes for Finding Bigfoot Canadian Episode

Todd Standing and Cliff Barackman (Photo Credit:
"Questioning Todd further, we found that he was unaware of the elevation of the Sylvanic location. He said that he never paid attention. This, if true, would be a very dangerous thing to ignore..." -- Cliff Barackman
Cliff Barackman has published another detailed-rich  Finding Bigfoot Field Notes. His latest post is based on the recent Canadian episode which originally aired on January 23rd, 2012. Below is a short excerpt covering the Todd Standing portion of Cliff's notes we recommend reading the whole thing At Cliff Barackman's Official Blog.
Excerpt from Cliff Barackman's post "Finding Bigfoot - Alberta, Canada Field Notes"
"Todd is a very polite and well-spoken man. I genuinely liked the guy, as well as his message regarding sasquatches: protect them, and let them be. He has taken great strides to increase the public's awareness of bigfoots through his actions. While these actions are labeled as self-serving by his critics, the fact that attention was brought to sasquatches is undeniable.
Todd currently lives in Calgary, but he lived several hundred miles away when he obtained his videos at Sylvanic. He told us that he could not take us to the actual spot because it is a three-day hike back to this secluded valley, and the last day would be spent belly crawling up a river bed in a specially designed gillie suit made by Todd himself. He went on to say that nobody wants to be back there because of the problem grizzly bears that inhabit that area. He claimed that the rangers say there is a 10% chance of being killed by a bear while in the area, and it was too dangerous to go. It seemed to me that a bunch of hurdles were put in the way of anyone wanting to see the location for themselves. Todd did offer to take anyone there who wanted to go at a later time, but it would take a week or two for the trek.
Questioning Todd, I soon learned that at this time he had five videos that had bigfoots in them. The first video is apparently only a sound recording with no images of sasquatches (I didn't get to hear the recording). We investigated video number two, with the creature quickly bending over out of sight while above Todd on a hill. His third video shows what is either a bigfoot or a man in suit running on a hillside. This creature is the same brownish orange color as the creature in video number two. Video number four is a close up of what appears to me to be a bigfoot puppet behind some branches. Its dark eyes stare unblinking off to frame right, and there is very little movement visible. The skin appears very much like felt, and its fur lacks the flow pattern that one would expect from a living creature. Video number five is a similar shot, but with a much more convincing bigfoot head. It slightly resembles Patty from the Patterson/Gimlin film, but with a rounder face and more dog-like nose. Over the last month or so, there seems to have been another still released showing this same head, but possibly from another film.
I asked Todd what was up with video number four, the one that looked like a Muppet head. He said that he does not know why it looked so bad. He suggested that the lighting might have made it appear that way.
We were to be investigating his second video, the one with a brief glimpse of a creature bending down facing away from the camera. The video is very brief, but it seemed that it showed something bipedal and hairy. An arm and even possible buttox muscles can be seen, or are at least suggested. We were to rely solely on Todd's measurements since we were unable to go to the actual film site. This would be problematic for our reconstruction, as going to the actual film site is very important for a sense of scale.  Trusting someone's measurements when you're trying to find out if their film was hoaxed makes little sense anyways, but it's all we had to go on.  
Todd claimed to have not even believed in bigfoots at the time he obtained his second video. It was his film flip that convinced him they were real. This was very peculiar to me because he claimed to have made approximately a dozen trips to the location trying to film a bigfoot by the time he got his video. He chose Sylvanic as likely bigfoot habitat, and he even developed an intricate theory of sasquatch social/family structure, all before he believed in bigfoots. I personally don't believe that griffons exist, and I don't plan expeditions based on how they would live (if they were real) to see if I'm wrong...
Questioning Todd further, we found that he was unaware of the elevation of the Sylvanic location. He said that he never paid attention. This, if true, would be a very dangerous thing to ignore, as we would soon find out during that night's investigation (it snowed on us in August). How could Todd have chosen a location, planned his hikes in (most likely using topographic maps), visited a dozen times, and not noticed the elevation? This seems very unlikely.
When investigating a film, I sometimes think of the late Rene Dahinden and his comments on the Patterson/Gimlin Film.  He said that what you need to know is in the film.  Certainly, Rene would think that the context of a film is very important, too, but I like to examine films starting with what is actually seen.  Good films stand on their own, and their context only serves to reinforce or put in doubt a clip's authenticity. 
With so little to go on for video number two, I am left with not knowing what is in it. The film looks like either a bigfoot or a guy in a suit bending over. Since there is very little information to be gleaned from the actual video, I have to rely on the context. Todd was unable or unwilling to go to the actual spot, there were inconsistencies in his story surrounding the clip, and there's that Muppet face staring, unblinking in film number four... These leave me with serious doubts about what is shown in any of his videos.
Expressing my concerns to Todd, he correctly stated that video will never be enough for proof. How true. Todd goes on to say that only a body will ever suffice. As much as I hope this isn't the case, it could very well be the grizzly truth at the end of the bigfoot mystery."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Skeptic Benjamin Radford: If You Spot Bigfoot, Should You Shoot Him?

Benjamin Radford Arguing against the possibility of Bigfoot
"Ethics and the lethal-or-nonlethal debate aside, there's a good reason aiming your gun at a Bigfoot could be a bad idea: It might be illegal." -- Benjamin Radford
In a previous post titled, "Skeptic gives Top 10 why Bigfoot does not exist," we share Benjamin Bradford's top ten arguments against the existence of Bigfoot. As a contributor to, Mr. Bradford argues against shooting Bigfoot. Probably good advice, but on average, people ignore it once out of every four years. Read our article titled "Humans shoot and kill Bigfoot on average of once every four years" to see the list of Bigfoot shootings.

If You Spot Bigfoot, Should You Shoot Him?
Benjamin Radford, Life's Little Mysteries Contributor
Date: 20 January 2012 Time: 10:20 AM ET
Ben Radford lectures at CFI West
In the new Animal Planet reality TV show optimistically titled "Finding Bigfoot," a team of experts examines video of an alleged Sasquatch spotted in the Canadian Rockies. The video, shot by a man named Todd Standing, shows something large and dark, standing atop a wooded ridge and then ducking back behind a bush. It could pretty much be anything, and when the experts concluded that the subject was probably not a Bigfoot, Standing expressed his frustration: "No video is ever going to be evidence, ever. It's never going to be good enough…"
Standing, like many Bigfoot researchers, misses the problem: It's not so much that any Bigfoot video is inherently worthless, it's that his video, like all that have come before it, is of such poor quality that there's no way to know what we're seeing. It could have been anything – a guy in a dark jacket (or gorilla costume), a bear or even Bigfoot. The fatal flaw in Bigfoot photos and videos is the image quality, not the image subject. If Standing, the "Finding Bigfoot" team, or anyone else shot well-lit, clear video of what was obviously a 12-foot-tall, hairy bipedal creature in the woods, that would be compelling.
But even the highest-quality photograph or video can't be considered definitive proof of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or any other mythical beast. Similarly, if the goal is to simply make scientists and the general public take Bigfoot seriously, then some verified remains of the creature – be they hair, teeth, blood, bones or something else – would do the trick. [Infamous 'Yeti Finger' Flunks DNA Test]
But definitive proof is a very high standard. Most Bigfoot enthusiasts — and the general public — would be satisfied with nothing less than the rock-solid definitive proof offered by a living or dead specimen.
 This issue brings up a longstanding debate within the Bigfoot community: Would be ethical to shoot and kill a Bigfoot? Some say yes, because that's the only way to prove they exist, and once proof is found, funds could be made available to protect them as an endangered species. Others say no -- that because Bigfoot sightings are so rare, they must have very small populations and killing one might drive the animals to extinction. Shooting a suspected Bigfoot with tranquilizer darts is an option that has gained some steam.
Ethics and the lethal-or-nonlethal debate aside, there's a good reason aiming your gun at a Bigfoot could be a bad idea: It might be illegal. A Texas teen shot what he believed to be a Chupacabra earlier this year, and while charges were not brought against him, if the creature turned out to be someone's dog or a mangy coyote, he could potentially have faced a felony charge.
The point is, you simply can't know for sure if the mysterious, burly figure you have lined up in your sights is the real beast, or a bear or someone's pet – or, even worse, just a person in a gorilla suit.
Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and author of Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries. His website is

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Weekend Bigfoot Hunter

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will star as a Weekend Bigfoot Hunter in upcoming movie The Monster Hunter's Survival Guide

Guide to Bigfoot from issue  #2
(Click to enlarge)
The Monsters Hunter's Survival Guide is a live action adventure film based on the comic book miniseries by John Paul Russ that was published by Zenescope Entertainment. The film will be produced by Simon Kinberg through his Genre Films shingle. The movie is tentatively scheduled for a 2013 release.

The release date seems pretty impossible according to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnsons's schedule. Johnson is currently filming G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, where he plays Roadblock. He’ll follow G.I. Joe 2 with the action thriller Snitch, where he stars opposite Susan Sarandon and Michael K. Williams. He’s also attached to play Goliath in a retelling of the David and Goliath story in Goliath, but that film is currently lacking a David. Johnson will next be seen in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, which opens February 10th, 2012.

Based on the premise of the comic book, we would like them to take enough time to do this right. The comic book series has covered how to survive against all sorts of monsters. The first five issues have covered the undead, cryptids, giant monsters, unnatural beasts, and fantasy creatures. It's a good bet they will definitely include Bigfoot in the movie, as all the initial buzz has The Rock as a Bigfoot Hunter. The best description of the comic book is found at CS Moore studios where they are creating an action figure for the Monster Hunter:

Action figure design of Monster Hunter
“The Monster Hunter’s Survival Guide is the comprehensive guide every Monster Hunter must have! The guide covers the strengths and weakness of every known and unknown monster on earth or otherwise. Monster hunters will find it packed with tips on how to take down these creatures, or if they should steer clear of the beasts. Whether they are a weekend Bigfoot hunter or a hardcore Vampire slayer, this guide will help keep even a novice hunter alive.”

If the action figure design is any indication of what we are in for, it seems to be something sort of of a modern day Van Helsing. 

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